honest question,
do you think it could win the title of game of the year?
Honest question
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It's not like it has much competition. It's been a really bad year overall.
no matter how well-done it is, it'll still stick to the established formula and win 8's and maybe 9's.
lol no it's pokemon, you have to be retarded to think this game will be any different from the others
Not as long as AM2R is out, which will forever be better than 120 dollars of corporate greed.
That's what Sup Forums says every year but then there are games that somehow show up in some lists.
It's just that we are more aware of all the shit out there.
But it has already been confirmed to break almost completely from that formula. The intrinsic stuff like catching and battling pokemon remains. The structure in which it's encased is very different though.
Regardless of the quality of the games, I don't think anyone would ever name a handheld only title "Game of the Year."
i dont really think so. It will still be a great fun.
will get moon
I hope so. I need a good game besides atlus stuff and Kirby
It won't beat Overwatch if they're contending for the title.
No. Not enough brown and bloom. Not cinematic experience enough. Too weeaboo. Kiddy shit and not meant for mature gamers.
"official" goty is reserved for AAA console/multiplataform games. which will go to probably overwatch. It can win the best handheld title or whatever
Overwatch won't win. Most of its players agree that it's shit
Quick post your favorite pokemon music
Nah, 2016 was a great year.
Ratchet & Clank, Guilty Gear Revelator and Ace Attorney 6 are my favorite releases so far. Va-11 Hall-a and Zero Time Dilemma were also great.
it will if blizzard hands out the enough amount of shekels
the best
If it has
hard mode
I don't want to have to gimp myself to not sleep through the game.
Pokemon games play like garbage and are generally shit tier JRPGs, but since they're made by Nintendo it might.
Fuck no, it's not even going to be the best monster catching/raising game of the year.
No. It will get the "it's goddamn Pokemon" and well, i think that describes it enough. Pokemon never wins anything, it just gets by with "it's Pokemon" and they're content with that.
It's made my GameFreak ya dummy.
Nice 2015 game
Sun/Moon will heavily outsell this game simply for the fact that it caters to casuals especially with the emphasis on no gyms and instead game immersive features such as the camera to invoke the nostalgic Pokemon Snap experience.
English version was 2016.
They should give GOTY to Pokemon Go then if sales are all that matter.
Yeah I loved this game with grinding out the ass, a type chart more simplistic and teambuilding more useless than that other monster catching game for children. Not to mention the dull looking dungeons with bosses as the only unique enemies, and the seldom seen armored digimon.
The game requires actual skill and strategy unlike Pokemon. Posts like that are what happens when Pokedrones try to play games that aren't babby level trash.
A pokemon game? No, not really.
Unless it turns the franchise on it's head and basically redefines what pokemon is, it shouldn't (and won't) be GOTY.
That said, it's looking pretty good to me.
>Most of its players agree that it's shit
[citation needed]
>Nintendo Published game
>winning GOTY anywhere ever
Good joke. Western GOTY shitters only give the title to AAA shit like Uncharted, GTA, or The Last of US (two years in a row for the exact same game)
>Cyber Sleuth
>When all your attacks are affected by your main type, ruining anything clever you can do with counters, and the elemental types only affect one other element
>When a single digimon gives you access to a large branch of them you can grind out at any time
This shit is MORE baby tier than Pokemon.
You'll have Witcherfags crying out "Muh blood n wine is Goty, it's like a stand alone game"
Not an entirely unfair point
TMS#FE is GotY so far with little to no competition. Just going to point that out. inb4 censorshitters
Fucking this
Pokemon game winning Game Of The Year? It isn't something new
isn't it a 2015 game?
In Japan, but not here.
Outcasualing Digimon will take effort, especially this game.
>nintendo GOTY is not made by nintendo and is in fact PC exclusive
What a twist!
only if expand mosquito slaps my ass
a lot of shit and a lot of mediocrity this year
Just ask around man, play the damn game. Most people don't enjoy it or the "balance" Blizzard has tried to fix.
Thanks doc
RimWorld is my goty desu senpai.
>only if expand mosquito slaps my ass
That sounds like the most fucked up magic spell ever.
When does it come out again?
I do play the game. It has its issues (solo q comp), but people wouldn't play it by the millions if they didn't like it. Seems you are pushing your opinion as fact.
November 18th
Not for me personally.
Shiren V was really good and I think Forza Horizon 3 looks good too.
I'm not going to speak on behalf of le gaem awards or bracketfag or some pedestrian official journalism list though because who gives a flying fuck?
Why are you even playing new games if most of them are trash? seriously, there are a lot of good games in the past already.
not him but this game was pretty middling. the battling was kind of fun but the type matchups were so busted and I found myself blasting through the entire game pretty easily. plus the translation is absolutely garbage. did enjoy playing a monster collecting game on my vita though.
>literally can beat the game with autobattle outside bosses
>bosses are a cakewalk because you have tons of available healing, you don't even need a strategy because you can just spam your strongest move
>no actual difficulty in training the digimon either, you just spam numemons to level up and if you make a mistake you just devolve whenever you want
>the only hard battles of the game are not even the Royal Knights but the Seven Deadly Sins and the last 2 tournaments, and maybe the few Eaters
>online is shit, both in players using nothing but UlforceVeedramon and in itself for not even having a proper "VS player" mode
>a few Digimon are shitty palette swaps like Meteormon instead of proper ones like Monochromon. Half the fucking DLC was fucking Burst Modes, at least MirageGaogamon Burst Mode looked different
>female is tacked on
>translation is Botamon-with-shotgun tier
>0 postgame outside the 2 tournaments i mentioned before
CS is a fun game but don't kid yourself.
It won't be considered GOTY by numerous western factions, it's Japanese, handheld, and on top of that Nintendo. Overwatch will probably get numerous awards since there isn't much out this year and Overwatch got a ton of attention.
This is Sup Forums of course I'm pushing my opinion as fact
>on top of that Nintendo
actually that helps it
Pokemon will never get GOTY as long as Gamefreak is in charge of the mainseries.
I mean, Gamefreak after 20 years are finally at the point that they are willing to admit mistakes (HM, IV's and Mega Evolutions, along with maybe some other unconfirmed stuff as well) but I still believe they are not at the point where they can make a truly exceptional game that others in its genre should strive to be.
Pokemon is good for what it is, but it's biggest issue is that Pokemon could be so much better than it already is, which I can't think Gamefreak in their entire existence cannot achieve.
You seem to have made a mistake, friend. There's a dedicated board for autistic children to post in.
Here I'll be helpful and provide you with a link: You're welcome!
>dedicated board for autistic children
looks like he's in the right place to me.
I feel like Nintendo has the biggest love-hate relationship with industry journalists in the West. Nintendo tends to be every exclusive and holds out while other companies will pander towards these types.
No outlet would be caught dead giving a fighting game Game of the Year, unless it's NRS.
True, those were just my favorite so far.
I'm excited for it but honestly when has a handheld game, let alone a specific one (even Pokemon) ever won GOTY?
Are you a shill? I like the game too, but don't outright lie to people about it. You're delusional if you think it takes any "skill or strategy."
>bitches and moans about people discussing video games on a board dedicated to video games
>calls other people autistic
These are the first Pokemon games in a long time to be developed in an environment where the series actually had direct competition. Yokai Watch 2 took a steaming dump on ORAS in Japan, so with this set of games, they finally realized that they couldn't let "it's Pokemon, you're all buying it anyway" be the defining philosophy like it was for Gen VI and actually had to think about what the series does well and what it could stand to change/introduce. Sacking Junichi Masuda probably helped matters, considering that the dude's been directing the games since Gen III. It's hard not to fall into a rut after 12 years of helming a series.
It's weird, but yes. Has Pokémon ever won a GOTY?
Is there a summary of all the new stuff?
I'm not expecting it to be GOTY material, but I do expect it to be MUCH better than everything we got in gen 6. God, fuck that whole gen. To think that I bought both Y and Alpha Sapphire at launch...
no gyms.
>Starting a new job, working nights, 6 pm to 6 am
>Wanted to get moon for that comfy night time traveling
>I'd be sleeping during the day, and on my days off I'd be playing at night
>It'd be day time in game
the Ultra Beasts may be the most jarring for some.
You could just change the 3DS's clock.
Change your fucking console's time for fucks sake
Are you actually retarded?
Literally just change the system time
Off the top of my head:
>Gyms are gone, replaced with an assortment of dungeons and challenges spread over four islands
>HMs are gone, instead replaced with Pokemon that you can ride on the overworld
>movement isn't grid-based any more
>Pokemon Snap-type mode accessible in the overworld
>you can alter a Pokemon's IVs now
>storyline isn't the usual "evil team wants legendary Pokemon for world domination" from the last four generations, implications that it'll deal with extra-dimensional eldritch abominations and Jurassic World shit
>mega evolution is kill, replaced with extremely strong "Z-moves" that can be used once per battle
>four-player battles
>significant aesthetic differences between the two versions, a number of bosses are different in each version
>the usual new batch of Pokemon and moves, most of which look pretty great this time around
hell no. pokemon stopped being good after gen v. gen vi+ is where they literally pandered to casuals who stopped playing after gen ii on top of little kids. all good content was traded for shitty 3D graphics only kids and causal "nerds" get impressed by. i want to go back to gens iii-v
>>mega evolution is kill
No reason to believe this and not believe that Pokemon not shown, TMs and hold items aren't also gone. Plus new merchandise such as figures and cards.
>want moon for the legendary and comfiness
>sun has the superior doggo evolution
They evolve depending on the time, not version. It's like Espeon and Umbreon.
Yes you fucking can
What on earth are you talking about?
Doggo evolutions aren't version exclusive, they're just different based on when you evolve him
Think Umbreon/Espeon
Thay arent version exclusive its based on the time of day when you evolve
Can't change the clock, since then the time would be wrong, hence the autism.
What do you mean mega evos are kill? They cant be used any more?
What about those mons that were shit without them like Mawile?
full corocoro scans confirm version exclusives
No, it said they evolve based on when you evolve them.
People have been spouting "megas got retconned" when there's no evidence behind it
We won't know until GF says something or until the games come out
in 1998
>In it, it shows the Midday Form being obtained in Pokémon Sun and the Midnight Form being obtained in Pokémon Moon. It also says that Midday Form has a move called AccelRock, which is a priority move, while Midnight Form has got the move Counter. We'll bring more as it comes
What did he mean by this?
This. The gameplay was amazing, easily the best RPG this year.
Honestly, this year has been so fucking stale when it comes to video games, so I could see it happen.
Digimon still exists?
I meant that they're kill in a marketing sense, that there aren't any new ones. I don't see why you wouldn't be able to mega-evolve Pokemon that already have megas, but considering that mega evolution was like the core of Gen VI's marketing, you'd think that they'd have at least mentioned it by now if there were going to be new ones.
>They should give GOTY to Pokemon Go then if sales are all that matter.
go had 0 sales because it was a free game, and all the cash shop shit wasn't more than an actual game