Make a stupid easy to play babby mode character

>make a stupid easy to play babby mode character
>also make him insanely overpowered

what the fuck were they thinking?

They nerfed Genji already so stop your bitching.

That doesn't look like Reaper to me.


Yeah Lucio is fucking cancer.

Oh look, its this thread again.

>make a stupid easy to play babby mode character
>also give him the worst ult in the game

RIP Tire was cool in beta, but now anyone with half a brain can spot and destroy one, or spread out and prevent multi-kills.

t. junkrat player


Doesn't look like Mei.

>I can't enjoy playing as hanzo or genji because some other player is using a character that's effective against my mains.
>I don't have the mental capacity to change characters besides hanzo or genji
>I'll go and complain on Sup Forums and hope someone will agree with me

Look at these shit kids and laugh.

I play as junkrat, hanzo, and mei. The only character that actually annoys me to play against is mei, you're probably just bad.

That sounds like half the cast of Overwatch

>being forced to pick a character you dont want to play as because blizzard cant balance a game

and no i dont play hanzo or genji, they're just as cancerous as junkrat. all three of them, along with mei and lucio, need to be removed from the game.

It's funny that the character who is deliberately meant to be simple to play, Soldier 76, never has any threads like this.

Someone within the design team is a mole. They are intentionally trying to ruin their own game because they work for another company.
soon Overwatch will be unplayable. he'll get even more powered up then our new game will rise in it's place

This desu, Reaper and Reinhardt are also extremely problematic because it sucks when they kill me!!! Also remove all healers because it provides an unfair advantage to the other team if they're too hard to play.

Next you'll complain about Bastion and Torb!

In that case Overwatch should just be Soldier 76 : the video game.
Git gud with what you got even if it's not much

Only Mei needs to be removed from the game.
Her entire toolkit is designed to suck out your fun.
>ult goes through walls, floors and shields
Literally the most broken ult.

this thread is the equivalent of the old tf2 threads where people would bitch about shit like axtinguisher pyro and crit rockets

truly the tf2 of modern times

>He complains about nerfed demoman

>He complains about the character with the worst ult in the game

>He can't deal with a bomb tosser in a game where all hitscan weapons have headshots and junkrat doesn't

Seriously, you can't be this much of shitter. get above 2000 in comp and then you can have an opinion.


>Most broken ult
>An AOE that you can literally just walk out of if you aren't retarded

>worst ult in the game
>not Deadeye


You can't walk out of it unless you're already close to the side or have an escape ability.

There is absolutely no way you are walking out of that unless you are already on the very edge dumb shitposter and that's assuming she isn't also hitting your team with her ice gun which makes the freeze near instant.

whats your rank 2000?

He isn't overpowered, he's just really poorly designed.


I love seeing that come up on screen in big fuck-off letters, especially when i know a sweet kill is only a right-click away.

>make a new character OP
>people rush to buy that character
>nerf character 3 months later and release a new OP character

They just copied the MOBA formula.

No one is overpower
git gud faggot

As a Tracer main, I legitimately struggle with Junkrats sometimes. I have to headshot him in close range with a full clip for a kill, he just has to hit me with one random grenade and I'm dead.

Deadeye at least 1 shots squishies almost instantly and can actually be used for both clearing an objective and stealth multikills.

Riptire on the other than has a 2 second startup, drains the entire ult meter before the startup animation is even complete (so if it or you get killed during, you lost your ult), 100 health and can be destroyed, audio cues so you always know where it is to attack it, can only wall climb 4 meters (compared to hanzo/genjis 7), leaves you completely vulnerable while active, and can kill you if you activate it within 5 meters of yourself because of self-damage scaling.

Rip Tire is the WORST ult in the game par none. Any organized game can stop it without fail, but at least Deadeye or Primal rage can at least be used with teamwork or situation.

isnt Junkrat considered low tier?

>complaining about a character that isn't even used in the meta

he's shit desu

As a Junkrat main, it's so easy to kill Junkrat.

A blow of wind will kill him in one shot.

only one moba maybe worth playing if you're cuck and it doenst do that

In QP you often fight teams of 5 Mei and it's pretty crazy how difficult to defeat they are.

His whole gimmick is that he's unreliable

What the fuck do you even mean by MUH META? The meta basically indicates which heroes are the best and which ones are not as great, and junkrat fits in the latter.

>A Junkrat meets me in open terrain
>He literally can't do anything because you're not a shit player and can dodge slow telegraphed balls

>A Junkrat meets you in a tight corridor or tiny room
>Kills you and performs the exact function he was designed to
There's nothing wrong with him

>make a stupid easy to play babby mode character

The whole fucking game is babby mode
>Infinite ammo
>hacks like wallhack and autoaim as abilities
>nowhere balanced
>only a few characters are useful, rest are hardly
>censors up the ass
>baits people with waifus then bans its porn
>kicks and bans anyone that literally says 1 (One) bad word
>Press Q to win

Not even fucking call of duty is THIS Casual

and to top it all off, Sup Forums had a hatred for games that holds hand yet this GETS A FUCKING PASS? from all the games that came from triple A's Dark throny asshole, you chose the most basic absolute babbiest of all FPSes?


All of this!

Thank you!

it because it made by blizzard
also it fun because it throws away realism


Overwatch is a chess game of Qs.

Call of Duty is LITERALLY press Q to win, if you've played the most recent one.

when as anyone gotten banned from one verbal offense. looks like you're complaining about a game you've never played


junkrat takes skill to play at high rating because he can be counter easily.

saying gg ez before censor was a bannable offense no matter what


Fuck Blizzard and fuck you

Incorrect, everyone needs to be bumped up to his level of fun and potential.
>Has the best movement skill in the game
>Can shit out plenty of damage, get environmental kills, AND has godly Heal and Utility coupled with good health pool
>Mercy can only do 3 of those 4 things and can only do one at a time(at roughly equal numbers, sans utility, which is infinitely worse) and has no movement skill of such extreme quality
>Zen has better damage, equal utility (if your allies could actually see the mark instead of having to spot it on the model), and slight below quality heals, shitty HP, and 0 movement skills

He does a lot of damage, but his spam isn't going to get many direct kills.

In other words, he just feeds healers' ults and Zarya's shield. And in a meta full of healers and Zarya, that's a bad thing.

because soldier 76 sucks still unfortunately

>open terrain
>in chokepoints: the game


Some faggot deleted the Skyrim thread and I'm not making my own just to ask this so I'll shitpost here.

I lost a modded companion. How do I get her back? If I know where she is in my load order how do I get the rest of her ID? It's not on the mod page and the console gives me 4 results when I search for her name. None of them are her.

Soldier 76 still requires you to aim.


Holy shit that's some prime ass Sup Forums parroting

Pathetic cunt.

in high level play junkrat ult is shitty because it is easy to cordinate to kill the ult and find junk rat while he is cc'd. Mcree ult is game changing strong. If your team has coordination mcree can get so many kills.
Coordination with mcree ult:
>winston sheild
>behind rionheart sheild
>after aoe ults rionheart/zarya
>use element of surprise
Mcree can also apply auto kill ult procs on mercy ult rez and reaper wraith

It's kinda funny how all of the threads on Sup Forums complaining about Overwatch are the same opinions held by people who are garbage at the game.

>all of this samefagging
at least try to make it subtle

>garbage at babbys first fps

I only complain about Mei.
She is broken and should be removed from the game, if you believe otherwise you masturbate to her lard.

A grenade does 120, you have 150 in hp. He's not hard to kill if you go in while he's distracted and unload 40 rounds on his head. Just have to be cautious. McCrees, Zenyattas and Hogs that can aim are more dangerous.

t. Tracer main

but you don't have to buy them? all heroes are free

Since you've bought Overwatch, you're already part of the problem why video games haven't been good in years, you have 0 right to complain

The only new character so far, Ana, was massively underpowered on release.

>you cant complain about a game you never played
>you cant complain about a game if you bought it

lol name one instance of someone being banned just for saying that and nothing else

>Stealth kills with Deadeye
>When McCree blows out the enemy team's speakers and forms a glowing red singularity around himself with every use

how is he OP? I've found the only aggravating things about him to be how his trap seems to be halfway in the ground when he is on the other team and the mine doing a bit more damage than id like.

I know I know >babby's first fps

but you can just throw your mine infront of you and hit someone guranteed if you cant hit your left clicks

>stealth multikills

yelling "IT'S HIGH NOON" at maximum volume sure is stealthy

Anybody who makes a thread to complain about a character in Overwatch is fucking horrible at the game period.

[spoilers]Yes, even the shitposters.[/spoiler]

>you can just throw your mine infront of you and hit someone guranteed if you cant hit your left clicks

And that's why it has an 8 second cooldown.

>can't even use it to zone anymore
>now THE worst ult in the game

Great job blizzard

You mad, punk?

Mei kills the game of any fun and it seems like more and more people pick her

>Insanely overpowered

My friend plays mostly Mccree and he is fucking terrible. Anytime he dies he will complain. His top two complaints are Mei and Ana. Mei and fucking Ana. He hated pre-patch Mei, so he got pissed when she was buffed, and for a while he was convinced that Ana is a better DPS than Mccree.

tl;dr : people who are bad at video games are morons.

Come on user, let me add some of the more and technical aspects for you.

>Slow as fuck walkspeed for everyone
>GIANT hurtboxes on heroes
>Actual auto-aim homing projectiles such as Hanzo's arrows, certain heroes like Winston that require no aiming at all
>20 tickrate

Sorry Blizzkids, you may think you're playing the next hardcore competitive PC shooter, but you're actually playing a console shooter. Yes, this game was obviously designed primarily for console.

Never got banned for using gg ez.

I like how you don't play the game and just memespout. The servers are 60 tick now. Hitscan hitboxes are extremely precise.

>Slow as fuck walkspeed for everyone

This is a good thing since Halo 2 and 3 are better than just about any PC shooter ever made barring maybe TF2. Quake was pretty slow as well. The "gotta go fast" meme pervading modern shooters needs to die.

Everything in you just claimed is completely false, though. There are plenty of things that you could criticize Overwatch or Blizzard for, so why just make shit up out of whole cloth like that? No one has ever been banned from Overwatch (or any other game, I suspect) just for saying "GG EZ."

Characters in need of major buffs

Characters in need of major nerfs

>Charactors in need of minor buffs
>Soldier 76

Characters in need of minor nerfs
>D. Va

Balanced characters that are fine the way they are

>Slow as fuck walkspeed for everyone
Not sprinting everywhere at all times =/= "slow as fuck." Play as Soldier: 76, Genji, or Tracer if you want to zip around like an asshole, but the normal walkspeed is perfectly fine.

>GIANT hurtboxes on heroes
Generally speaking they're the same as the visual size of their models.

>Actual auto-aim homing projectiles such as Hanzo's arrows, certain heroes like Winston that require no aiming at all
Hanzo's arrows are in no way "auto-aim homing projectiles," and while Winston doesn't need to aim precisely to hit with his weapon, it's also extremely short-range and doesn't do much DPS comparatively.

>20 tickrate
No longer true; keep up, senpai.

Stopped reading right there, fuck off

>it's an Overcucks complaining about overpowered characters thread
just fuck off to /vg/ or something

Ha ha I made someone rage quit the other day when I was playing as Mei. He was shouting about how op she is.



It's ok when Blizzard does it.


He was right

>Balanced characters that are fine the way they are
Into the trash it goes.

Reaper's DPS is entirely too high, even at medium range. He's basically a bastion that can move. And before you claim that I've never played Reaper or I'm just bad, Reaper is my 4th most played character. He reloads too quickly, his cooldowns are much too low for how amazing both his abilities are, and he has arguably the best passive ability in the game. Not to mention he's the highest picked offense hero.
I enjoy playing reaper but he is really just Overwatch's easy mode button.

Are you that scrub from the other thread that claimed once Mei starts freezing you there's nothing you can do?