What is the worst game you've ever finished?

What is the worst game you've ever finished?

In recent memory, Tomb Raider 2013. Can't recall ever.

"finished" the last airbender game after button mashing b for 6 minutes

I tend to ovoid bad games for the most part and if i don't like it i tend to stop playing.

I only finish the games I actually like about 70% of the time.

I usually don't finish bad games, but this is the worst experience i ever had finishing a game

I loved that game. Played it only in coop with 4 different friends though.

The .hack series. I mostly played them for the plot, but the game itself is awful and borderline unplayable without cheats.


Thomas was Alone
So fucking boring

>just didn't like it

Digimon World 4
It is such a shitty game, it is almost like a MMO, but I still finished it cause had nothing better to play at the time.
The only good part was playing with other 3 faggots.

A series of unfortunate events on the GameCube.

Capcom Five?

That's the second best Mega Man game though.

Well it's the worst classic MM game for me

Critically that's the worst game I've played. And it's trash in a lot of ways like shit animu plot and characters e.g pervy old man, tsundere blond cunt, really REALLY obvious traitor with permaclosed eyes, real-time waiting for monsters to fuse like a shit mobile game etc. But I had fun so fite me.

Press X to Josh

only decent thing about this was the soundtrack

The Bionicle game on PS2. Even back then I knew it sucked.

sonic 06

fuck you

TMNT was goat tho

by finished you mean 100% or just finishing the campaign?

either one counts as finished, but I guess any%


I really wish I didn't. In fact I regret ever touching it. Fuck Square Enix.

All 100 rounds. Just for an achievement no one cares about.

Not sure what the worst game I ever finished was but the worst game I ever got 100% on was Just Cause 3. Not sure why I did it. Spite maybe. I played the ever living shit out of the first one on PC and never played the second one. I thought I would love 3 but it was garbage.

I've seen people say it is good
I am glad you are not one of them

That's a random-ass Mega Man to pick considering 4-6 are almost the exact same game.

Fear 3

The writing really captured the feel of the show, but the game itself was borderline unplayable.

Shaq Fu on Gameboy. You can actually finish the game by crouching and kicking the whole game

Squaredrones will eat up anything that has hyperactive animu bullshit starring prettyboys in shiny graphics it seems.

im suprised you were even able to finish it

That games bring back bad memories.

When I was younger I had a girlfriend who invited me over to her house because her little brother was having a birthday party and she wanted me around. I wound up going and playing that game on her little brother's gamecube the entire time I was there. By myself. While he was celebrating and she was doing whatever, I was playing TMNT on that little kid's gamecube.




I did it co-op, and within 5 minutes I knew this wasn't the Fear I wanted. The melee, the movement, the everything was gutted.

Also the main character looks like Nathan Drake.


This. Played it for the achievement points.

Homecomming was decent, at least it wasnt downpour right?

Sonic lost world
Even XXX for the GBA had redeeming qualities

Was it really unplayable? I remember enjoying the fuck out of it, but of course I was much younger. Thought about digging my copy up.

kill me

No Man's Sky

I Bought the fucking limited edition, please kill me

This POS

Also ppl used to buy this shit only for the extremely easy 1000g, not even worth

Yo! Noid!

are you still trying to 100% it

I actually enjoyed it, but i played it on steam.The DLC its pretty good though

I have 100% it, the only achievements i'm missing are DLC and I'm not giving gearbox another dime as long as i live.


I like that it tries to stand out and chart its own course. The game is novel.

However, I didn't like the premise, or the moral it conveyed. It tries to impose itself on players with some sort of superficial gaming meta. I can't take a game seriously that insists upon itself.

You all need to get on my level.

You should, the DLC is actually much better than the main game

Yeah, but that would involve buying another copy of the game.

>characters can't jump for shit
>one-hit deaths
>time limit for literally no reason
>only one character can attack

There's probably more but it's been years since I last played it.

From arcade classic to one of the worst games of all time that got 100% of it's sales from bargain-bin-raiding achievement fags . Thanks Ubishit.

That game's not even bad. It's just a bit barebones is all

I don't know, I've finished tons of bad games. Most recently "Cursed", a buggy, unfinished Hidden Object game.

Started off strong and about four or five hours in I realized I wasn't playing it correctly, also I hated the battle system. You basically can recruit over 100 allies in the game, and I had no idea what I was doing.

I went ahead and spoiled the ending for myself and realized the ending was shit anyway, overall it just wasn't for me.



That game was the tits on the playstation, especially with a friend.

Never played the Playstation version.

Yeah, that sounds about right. Still might find my copy for nostalgia's sake.

Crisis Core was fucking amazing, I'm sorry you have such garbage taste.

Wow, i bought that POS on launch because i loved the first Area 51, it was nothing like it, also buggy as hell.

>do just enough work on a shitty vaporware game to get it in working condition so it will be DONE
>make DLC that's an improvement
>"oh well I guess there's no audience for Douk!"
>do an HD remake of Duke 3D because people really give a shit at this point
>make Duke 5 aka Duke: Colonial Marines
>it sucked because hardly anybody worked on it, but Bordermemes 3 was EPIC

Agree, no to mention those cheap bastads shut down DN megaton recently just to bring up that shitty 20 annyversary scam.

Are you sure you're talking about the same game? Jawbreakers was legitimately garbage, but there was another EEE game on the GBA that was alright.

>fanfic tier story complete with OC donutsteels like the one in your pic
>bar none the most uninspired ARPG gameplay ever with annoying shitty gimmicks shoved in everywhere with no thought, ingenuity or care whatsoever
>side missions are literally the exact same "go from point A to B" bullshit copypasted a million times

Yeah nah go die in a fire and take your shitty game with you.

DBZ Sagas
Literally the same thing

Avalon Code. Intriguing concept, beautiful character designs, absolute fucking dogshit to actually play. Even though it crushed my soul on some level, I still recommend looking into it.

I can't fucking believe I played this game all the way to super shadow.

>implying shadow the hedgehog is bad

Sup Johnny

I enjoyed it, only because I'm a grindfag and the game gets ridiculously grindy in the NG+++ or whatever. Never managed to get to level 150+, though, where all the cool gear in the shops starts to become equip-able.

You actually completed that shit? What the fuck man.


This game made me hate TPSs.

Is this splinter cell?

About as much a of a letdown as both the sequel movies.

My nigga, 5 is my favourite nes Mega Man.