How bad will Andromeda be?

How bad will Andromeda be?


Like Inquisition.


Pretty fucking horrible.

But you can't

i really hate the mass effect series
i realized this about halfway thru the second game when i noticed i was only playing it to fuck tali

>i was only playing it to fuck tali

Thats perfectly reasonable.

>mass effect is going to become a new yearly release series

i saved myself a lot of time by just looking up a video of it

The series has been dead since ME2.

Probably super mediocre with some extra bad parts that will be posted on Sup Forums for years. Hopefully there isn't a lesson on how you're supposed to treat trannies like Inquisition had.

it scares me that some people still have hope for this series.

It will be great again.

I liked all 3 games fight me bro!

Better than DAI and ME3. I used to gush over ME before the ending.

I hope.

Boring third-person hide-behind-a-wall game-play.
Shallow 'RPG' elements, more bare-bones than Mass Effect 2 & 3 (If that's even possible).

Worst of all: The game will be filled with references from the original Mass Effect trilogy, kinda like what Star Wars 7 did, or the new Star Trek movies did (which is hilarious, because it's a fucking video-game and the time between ME trilogy and Andromeda isn't as long).

Quote me/Screencap. I work for Bioware. I don't give a fuck.

It'll be horrible and full of sjw filth.

What I hope it'll be:
A hilarious trainwreck

What it will probably be:
Mediocre and forgetable.

What it just can't be:

Shame the scene was 2 seconds long and then fade to black. Fucking tease. Still enjoyed the series, didn't like the replacement of uncharted worlds with scanning minigames but otherwise I think ME3 (disregarding the ending) was a decent enough send-off.

Shame they're about to fuck it up the ass with Andromeda.

i like ME3 just because of the citadel dlc, eh

A better question is: has Bioware learned a damn thing since ME3? Because there's only one way this'll end if they didnt.

This is one of the only franchises I want a spinoff from. Bioware is clearly incompetent after ME2.
EA could have pumped out a Battlefield or XCOM game with a Mass Effect skin. Or even flesh out the ME3 multiplayer and make a standalone.

judging by their animation they've learned absolutely nothing at all


>i like ME3
I am ashamed I share the same board as you.

>Learning from mistakes

It would be a first if they did.

>giving curry thunder money

it will be very fun but Sup Forums will hate it for the same dumb reasons it always hates big releases. except no man's sky, that's another case

I really fucking hope every game further on from now is filled to the brim with "sjw filth".

Fucking hell, you guys are so fucking obnoxious.

If the people defending against cultural genocide are obnoxious then what does that make a """"man"""" who is enabling it?

post the full comic

>ignore all bitches in 1 and be nice to Tali
>ignore all bitches in 2 and romance the shit out of Tali
>3 comes out and ruins qt space-gypsy waifu by making her a badly photoshopped stock photo

The injustices we suffer in the name of waifuism.

What we know:

- Awful, horrible animations
- Shit terrible models and face modelling
- Absolutely atrocious writing and story
- Vomit-inducing garbage romance filler
- Cringeworthy sex scenes
- Forced gay shit, SJW nonsense and other stale, pointless 2016 regressive idiocy
- Textures so bad it will give you brain cancer

What we don't know but can expect:
- Dull, soulless music score
- Worse protagonist than Shepard
- Rewriting of canon lore into something retarded
- Playing fast and loose with previously established stories and plots
- DLC out the cunt

>Andromeda ends up being one of the best modern space RPGs ever made
>Sup Forums will still hate it

See this comparison perfectly shows what's wrong with the new asaris face.

Her jawline is too short and two wide.

don't care about the Pris-stripe.

Never again

>One of the best of anything
Choose one.

There are soo many space RPGs to choose from, right? How many years until CDprojects game whatever it's called? There is no competition for the Mass Effect franchise ffs.


It'll have denuvo so most people wont be playing it for an extended period anyway.
Also its origin exclusive so most people wont be buying it anyway.
Its probably like dxmd that gameplay is great but theres some ridiculous flaw that leaves bad taste in everyones shithole.

>because of the citadel dlc
Let me guess. You sang along with Tali.

Those Poles are working on their own strong womyn protagonist game

>start playing ME1 again because I never finished it and figured might as well beat all 3
>get into conversation
>realize they actually used the same animations in SWTOR too
>an actual copypaste job

Mass Effect hasn't been a space RPG since the first game.

then it turns out to be complete failure and industry is once again led by bioware and bethesda

They confirmed you'll make your own MC, doofus.

Who here still butt mad about the photo shop tali

tali still the best waifu

The two images with the snow landscape and ridiculously close up moon are not the same. What's the point of including it? It makes the person who made it seem incompetend/blind.

Everything else is spot on even if it repeats the color ending several times, but they clearly didn't get that particular image from google.

I seriously hope that they will manage to make it at least as good as TW3+HOS

Mass Effect: Androgynous is being rushed as we speak to get out before anything Cyberpunk related is shown. EA rushed out two Dragon Age games just to get some sales before The Witcher 2 and 3 made them look a generation behind.


After shitting on the great Mass effect 2 by making that abortion that was 3 I'm pretty sure they are going to go full SJW with the canon Womyn mc, probably 3 of the romanceable characters are going to be transpandemisexual or some shit like that and the big evil will probably be just a human male

Have no hope, or suffer as a consequence.

>strong womyn

You are making a mistake.

To realize where your mistake is look at these two images of imaginary women

but Andromeda isn't a space RPG
Mass Effect has been a cover shooter series since the second game.
I highly doubt Andromeda will go back to the glory of the first game.

They removed a moon and added a few trees. Same scene nonetheless. It's not to point out plagiarism. It's to point out further how fucking stupid and far from creative they were about the whole mess.

What if it's blood?

they have not yet disappointed me with their products, so I'm gonna trust them. I know it may be a grave mistake, but fuck it, a littler optimism about my hobby is something I need in my life

>- Absolutely atrocious writing and story
>- Vomit-inducing garbage romance filler
>- Cringeworthy sex scenes
>- Forced gay shit, SJW nonsense and other stale, pointless 2016 regressive idiocy

But we don't know that user, people just assume it.

After the shit heap that was Inquisition I seriously doubt this will be any good. Apparently romance options and terrible writing are more important than hiring people who know how to do animations.

>Andromeda ends up being one of the best modern space RPGs ever made
>A game with almost no RPG mechanics

>They removed a moon and added a few trees.
No they didn't, and implying that makes you look stupid.
I get wanting to complain, because Bioware is a fucking atrociously shit company that should be closed down a long time ago. But complaining about nothing and making shit up isn't needed.

Mass effect was probably the first and only time I agreed that gameplay should be shippable or at least the huge bulk of pointless gameplay, especially 2 wich I dropped because I couldn't take that bullshit anymore

>Open world

Holy shit it's gonna be bad. Like DA:Inquisition levels of bad.

>Pointing out a fault makes you look stupid, stupid!
Don't you have a NG+ of DA: Inquisitor to play through, Biocuck?

>No they didn't, and implying that makes you look stupid.
Are you arguing semantics with me and defending Bioware, boy? Get out.

You can just Google any mass effect character fucking any other mass effect character or even shreck I and get it with better quality than the game had

After Mass Effect 1 it should have been an MMO, and instead of The Old Republic we should have got Knights of the old republic 3

You should take a look at the Bioware staff.
And maybe play ME2 and 3.

i enjoyed 3 up until the big fated battle that was super important that didn't matter, and i hated the ninja sword guy. everything leading up to the ending was great then they just gave up with writing.

more like play ME1 and Alpha Protocol

Man ME2 was the shit. I remember buying it for $5 at a flea market with like 3 other games and handing the money to another customer an tipping my fedora. That was years ago thankfully my autism stage has ended.

I don't think I've ever played a game as many time through as ME2. I was disappointed with ME3 in general but the multiplayer kinda made up for that.

Dragon Age Inq. was actually a pretty decent game IMO. As far as open world RTS games go and I'm excited to see ME:A in that engine. I just hope they have another Tali-tier ayylafu that I can romance every goddamn playthrough.

Thats like saying you enjoyed taking a shit untill it made your anus bleed and left a permanent scar.

>As far as open world RTS games
user, your pills

I guess, but im just against saying the entire game was shit. the combat was an improvement, it forced you to make decisions that mattered there was real weight to it, i enjoyed the dlc, but as soon as you attack the Cerberus base its it goes to shit. most of the game was good but the part that mattered the most was absolutely garbage

>everything leading up to the ending was great
Then you have shit taste. Everything leading up to the ending included sword man, lore rape, characters killed off in emails, quests solved by walking from one end of an area to another, and other assorted shit.

>Dragon Age Inq. was actually a pretty decent game IMO

Dear god, are you insane?

But it left you with a permanent anus scar and made you paranoid about ever taking another shit because of the pain.

How would Sup Forums end Me3?

Dragon Age came back after DA2. Mass Effect can too.

>Dragon Age came back after DA2
And it was mediocre at best.

Fucking Tali on her homeworld

You can't just fix ME3's ending, You'd need to fix all of ME3 plot for it to make sense. Hell, you'd have to remake most of ME2 too.

ME1 had something from old pre sjw Bioware.
Alpha protocol was made by Obsidian.

Dragon Age Ciquisition is another disaster that confirms what the user listed.

I'd like to say the Indoctrination Theory would make up for it, but it can't even do that.

Inquisition was not a good game. It was better than DA2 but that's like saying this pile of shit stinks less than this pile of shit. Inquisition has some of the worst writing, terrible animation, tons of bugs & glitches, mind numbingly bad side quests and awful combat system. Also Sera is quite possibly the worst character ever written, she was fanfiction level of shit.

Someone should tweet Shepard's "Punch Her" line to BioWare.

>You'd need to fix all of ME3 plot for it to make sense.

All you have to do is fix the main story. The separate stories involving the different races were pretty good.

I'd argue that DA2 is more worth playing than DA:I, simply because former is laughably bad, while latter is just mediocre.

You're so busy gargling on cock that pointing out how fucking stupid you are automatically equals defending bioware.

You cucks these days, I swear.

Keep the fight the space around Earth and then have the Crucible be an actual weapon that you control in the final segment. Shepard could fuck off and die after that fighting against TIM or whatever the fuck and leave it at that. Destroying the Mass Relays was a ridiculously unnecessary plot twist.

>The separate stories involving the different races were pretty good.
They ruined the geth/quarians in one questline. Krogan are really the only ones that escaped unharmed.

The problem wasn't only the ending of ME3, it was only the last fucking straw.
Illusory man turned to be a dumb fuck while he masterfully managed to make everything go his way during ME2, the edgy chink was a fucking nuisance, I mean, you can beat the shit out of a reaper but a chink with some auguments can kick your ass.
I want to point out the homo relationships, to get into a relationship with a girl you either have to contiue from previous game or do a lot of shit that was there only for filler, meanwhile you tell jose to get over it and he already wants to suck your dick.
>ME2 dlc ending
Just fucking kill me

DA2 is straight-up awful. It's no ride to hell retribution or vampire rain.

>ME2 and ME3 were just a dream while Shepard was comatose from the attack at the very beginning of ME2


no one would hate this out come

>You guise are stupid for pointing fingers at Bioware!
Sure thing, kiddo.

What's wrong with agnostics?

It'll be bad while also not feeling like a mass effect game

>Krogan are really the only ones that escaped unharmed.
Yeah, This.

>They ruined the geth/quarians in one questline.

How? I thought they resolved their storyline quite well, as the quarians remained retarded as they were established and the geth were rational.

Make the final battle fucking matter, make it so you can lose if you fuck up, make it so every choice you made actually mattered, final ending involves killing EA