Dragon Quest VII

For the U.S. players, I hope you've hacked already, or have a spare you keep "official" like I do.

I actually bought the game. So I don't have any problems.

Does that pop up for every game now? haven't used my 3DS in a while

>w-why don't we get DQ localised guys

OP here. Oh, good. Update done already. Dunno about the rest of you lot, but I'm off for the next few days!

So did I. That's the box in the back.

Good question. Don't pirate. I didn't. Read the file name.

>mfw pirates play 80+ hours of the game only to find they can't use the free download content

Since that's my "official" 3DS, only if your current firmware is under the firmware loaded on the cart.

Who's pirating, moron?

>not pirating any and all remakes
Cancerous tbfh

>implying most pirates play that long
Because they have so many games to play, they're all meaningless to them.

my emunand is at 11+

I'm ready to pirate. Is the game good?

But that's not bad. Anything under 11.0 is safe.

Won't tell you. You're a pirate. Go buy the game.

What's the problem with a system update if you're playing the official game. Or do you have a hacked 3DS and an official copy?

>boasting about playing a PS1 game on 3DS

I know you nintendo kids were starved of great games during the n64 era, but this is ridiculous. I could emulate this on a PSP from 2007

But why pay money when I have the option for free?

>call out people for boasting
>proceeds to boast

Who was boasting, again? Congrats on making shit up for the sake of shitposting.

If you're not going to hack it, why keep it on anything but the most recent firmware?

>Or do you have a hacked 3DS and an official copy?

That still wouldn't make a difference. This thread makes no sense.

I own two (2) 3DS units. One I hacked, one I did not.

I am about the play the physical game with a physical cartridge from a physical box purchased just an hour ago from Fry's on my unhacked 3DS, which I hadn't touched in months now.

Will you value the game as much playing it for free as you would after having paid for it? How many of your pirated games have you completed/beaten? For me, the amount is very small.

>I am about the play the physical game with a physical cartridge from a physical box purchased just an hour ago from Fry's on my unhacked 3DS, which I hadn't touched in months now.

Yes, but why? You can play legit games on a hacked 3DS just fine.

Why not?

I just said why not, fuckhead. Now answer the question of why.

I have two 3DSes with CFW and one I keep on latest firmware. Obviously still buying this day one, but I don't have to wait two days like non pirate plebs.

Maybe he has a pokebank subscription and doesn't want to lose his mons?

>Will you value the game as much playing it for free as you would after having paid for it?
If I spend $40 I'll force myself to justify my purchase, skewing what I really think of it. There's no middle ground.

I played SM64 just recently all the way through for the first time. Paid $0 and enjoyed every second.

Yes I'm having a blast feels good to be a pirate

That still doesn't matter. Pokebank functions just fine on a hacked 3DS as well.

I really like that Hourglass9 lets you dump games to .CIA, then install them to your own home menu.

>they can't use the free download content
>he doesn't know

There will almost certainly be problems transferring them from a hacked 3ds to nintendos next handheld though. Keeping them in a legit account on a legit 3ds is the only way to ensure that they survive in the future.


Pokebank is only tied to your NNID. Wherever it goes, your Pokemon go.

Hacking your 3DS does nothing to your NNID. I can't tell if you're trying to scaremonger or are just legitimately retarded. Either way, stop posting.

i'm waiting for the decrypted version

why would I pirate this when I can play DQ VIII for free in 8K, with no censorship

Get a job you pathetic faggot.

Oh no...whatever will I do...

Please buy copies of the release in burgerland I don't want to wind up like that little old lady who wrote nintendo power for a DQ4 release who died like 3 years before it saw an official release on DS.

buy Dragon Warrior in burgerland
buy Dragon Quest in burgerland
so old people can still play them when they old and want to vidya

if anyone has that image of the old lady post it so people will pity buy 3 copies in burgerland

>like that little old lady who wrote nintendo power for a DQ4 release who died like 3 years before

That was for DQVI, but I get what you mean. I want to see Rocket Slime 3, Monsters "all of them", and Dragon Quest X bruh.

Bought game , pirated eur ver gonna inject my save to my cart.

>tfw have a job
>tfw hacked 3ds to download the unofficial FE: Fates patch
>tfw also bought fates
>tfw installing mods for .cias of other games that i have purchased

feels good to be able to control my own hardware

>copy likely to be here tomorrow, in local post ready for delivery

I loved the original, would say it and VIII are tied for not only the best DQ games, but traditional RPGs among games like FF6 and Chrono Trigger.

I want the series to sell well, I want SE to stop hating it, I would love to see the spin-offs get some attention in the west as well (Joker 3, Monsters 1&2 Remakes, and Rocket Slime). Shame that this didn't get localized sooner, before rampart piracy, but SE have themselves to blame for that for hating their western fans and only focusing on shoveling FF in our faces constantly.

>He doesn't know

You can literally download dlc .cias and install it manually.

>gets proven wrong
>resorts to ad hominem
>implying I don't have a job