Fuck mods

i'm posting level design

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>EQ maps

This pleases muh dick.


I've never seen a map in any game before that actually felt like someone or something lived there. Why can't developers get an architect or just straight rip off real life locations so that shit actually felt alive.


You clearly haven't looked closely at enough maps.


please, everyone on Sup Forums is too casual to have ever played everquest except me because I'm 34


What game? The UI makes me think dominions but that map actually looks pleasing to look at so that can't be right.

>maximum size maximum clutter randomly generated dungeons
for what purpose


Haven't I?
Look at all the ones being posted. None of that shit looks livable. It would be a fucking drag to live in any of those maps, let alone maintain armies and the like.

what game?

Got any of the warrens?

Lol you fucking whiny babby casual ass bitch.

Japs don't know how to maximize space.

oh shit, that looks like some RETURN OF WERDNA

i am probably the only person on Sup Forums that has ever beaten that game without cheating

Well this one is the plane of hate so I can't imagine the god in charge of it would design it to be pleasing.

props to you if that's true

>overhead drawings
>meaning anything

I mean actually look at the map in game you fucking dingus.

None of them have been posted yet, but Counter Strike has good examples of maps that look like actual places (because they're based on them)

OP here

i didnt play but i had a lot of friends that did, i was too much of a WoW babbi to try something older. there was a time in high school where all my friends quit wow to play eq, but i didn't join because i'm a faggot.

heard plenty of stories though, the fact that some guild took down the almighty sleeper really speaks of the game's depth

I don't think there are many people period who have beaten that game without cheating.

I'm tempted to go back and check out the Wizardry series some day but I don't think I'm that much of a masochist. And I've beaten a lot of bullshit Mario romhacks without savestates.

It is in fact Dominions.
You see, Dominions has plenty of good maps.
And plenty of aesthetically pleasing maps.
But absolutely never ever any good and aesthetically pleasing maps. That particular one is a choke-point riddled terrain-clustered hellhole.


>those numbers
man sudoku is getting complex as shit these days

speaking of being a wow babbi

compare this shit to BRD


But EQ was for casuals.


>the fact that some guild took down the almighty sleeper really speaks of the game's depth
there were two of those guilds. fires of heaven killed him by exploiting a bug, and then most of them got banned.

I was in who woke him up specifically to fuck the rest of the server out of all the loot his warders dropped, who all permanently despawn after the sleeper is awoken. We also took screenshots of feeding him extremely rare loot just to troll shitters who weren't some of the best raiders in the entire game across all servers like we were. Pic related.





>if it's not an overly complex maze it's bad
ToT was an awesome raid with awesome fights, fuck off nostfag


I want to fuck that dungeon

Good memories.

But it's true. The average WOW pickup group would blow through EQ without a sweat.

>Corridor of bosses

For fuck's sake even Wrath was better than that shit until 3.2

If you think that's bad you should see FF14. Such a waste of genuinely great LOOKING dungeons.



As someone who is playing WoW now and played classic for 5 years and Project 1999 for 3 years, I can say this is objectively false.

>butthurt EQfags



Those are maps for P&P rpgs
Can you seriously imagine going through that at the fucking pace that most of those games run at?
Those weren't nip designs. They were literally pulled out of a random generator.




Maybe through a boss fight, but whether you're actually clearing a dungeon or camping a spot to grind experience EQ is harder by a country mile, even when you needed CC in WoW dungeons the quality of life stuff and the fact that most classes had some form CC made clearing them easy unless you were grouped with retards, compare that to EQ where the only true CC classes are enchanter, bard, and monk if he can be relied to abuse FD for single pulls.



is shadow complex good?

>this dungeon is bigger than some of the games' entire kingdoms



What dungeon is this? I can't remember but it looks so familiar

Underground Pass from Runescape. That quest was great. Pretty much a rite of passage.


>office building map
>lobby > security room > employee gun range > parking garage > underground sewer > 3rd floor

Realistic maps don't make for good levels.


Not sure, maybe Legend of Grimrock

I downloaded 5 of these(1 OP already posted) long ago. So why not and contribute





inb4 another video game thread 404s because a hotpocket had a cry

>realistic map
>good levels
pick one and only one



spoiler this fucking gore

Almost 20 years have passed and OoT is still widely considered the greatest video game ever made

Feels good man, it was also the first console game I owned

But there's lewd right next to it, just cover up the gore with one hand and fap with the other.

Underground Pass is better than some entire fucking dungeon-crawlers I've played. Whoever did the level design and art for that area is underappreciated as fuck.

the stuff of dreams user...

not really a map but a cute

It's not a game, it's the donjon dungeon generator.

requesting some juicy system shock 1 maps


I still can't get over how they called it Thiaf.

Arx Fatalis right? I may need to re-read the IT-HE walkthrough.

>You'll be assigned to Blorch, home of the slaughtering rat-people



It's Might and Magic 6

Oh, OK. I don't think I got that far in Chris's Expert playthrough.





Such a dungeon, but so terrible to play imo. I respect it because Dungeons should kind of suck and this one definitely sucks.


>tfw knew it from the thumbnail
