FFXIV thread

FFXIV thread

>tfw Xeno has moved to your server


>Playing the bad FF MMO

What's wrong with you?

FF11 is dead user. Let it go

which server is that?

is that Ragna


I need to start progressing the msq again, I stopped after the heavensward quest and let myself get side tracked by other stuff

I sexually identify with a attack helicopter

just started that last week
even reading all the stuff it goes by pretty quick. I'm on 3.3 now and it's been maybe 6 hours tops

Only the best Warrior worldwide.

3.4 can't come fast enough.
And Savage token shit should be purchase with 4 max. 8 is too many.

Should I play this game?

Not on parses :^)

Yes, right now, it's the last chance to get into the game before it goes F2P.

I still also need to finish off the coils, my FC backed out at t8 since there are mechanics in t9 and they can't mash to win, hopefully I'll have some lick this weekend finding a group through the pf

ffxi never went free to play
neither will ffxiv

I've only done t1, my FC is super casual and most aren't even done with the 2.x story quests.

I'll never be doing raids. Can't you do the coils with unsynced gear though? shouldn't be bad or anything now

>Implying FFXIV isn't losing subs like crazy
>Implying it's not gonna go F2P with 4.0

The most I expect is for XIV to make 2.0 content free at some point as a glorified trial.

Hey look, it's the mmo with the most boring combat and class system!


He is not the best

You can but it's still possible to die to the boss, twintania for instance casts twister during its final phase that's an ohko if it hits and spawns a mob that marks a player that it will ohko

Let us know when he takes the training wheels off

did the FFXI expansions ever become discounted/bundled etc? probably your best indication

FFXIV boss mechanics will kill you no matter your gear level. what gear does is let you skip them so you don't need to do them. If the mechanic shows up, you best be doing nit

1Played this game for about a year and I gotta agree, this game is going downhill. I mean you can only shit out the same shitty dungeons over and over and over again before people get bored. Plus the itemization is shit and the game play is literally memorize rotations. Surprised I stayed as long as I did. No desire to go back though.

>jealousfags coming out of the woodwork

>Play since beta
>Got server first in Turn 2 of Coil
>Love the shit out the game.
>Play Heavensward like a madman
>Hit endgame during 3.1
>Suddenly dawns on me how I'm getting duped to keep playing the game
>Not even having fun anymore, just playing out of obligation to do dailies, etc.
>Drop it like it's hot
>Absolutely no regrets

Meanwhile I have a friend that still plays it 12 hours a day.

>jealousfags coming out of the woodwork
I think you mean the WoD2.0work

Why is it a cool meme to hate on Xenosys now?
He's no MrHappy.

post lewds pls

Not hating. I just don't think he is the best warrior.

duped into playing?
what does that even mean?

So in 4.0, what level do you think the new classes will start at? I assume they're going to increase the level cap by 10 like they did last time, so does that mean the classes start at 40? or maybe 30? or 50?

>implying it's hate
14s combat is no chore and warrior is the easiest tank to play, so saying you're the best of the easiest class in an already easy game is laughable

Will probably start at 30. It seems to be a trait of Jobs.

Lv30 as that's when you get your job crystal


If anything 4.0 ought to scrap the class system by just making the lvl30 class quest permanently turn you into the job, no pre-requisite other class needed to 15.

Remove cross-class slots while they're at it and add more base-level skills to compensate for common shit (Raging, Provoke, Stoneskin, etc).

SCH becomes its own Extra Job while SMN comes from ACN.

Basic principles that keeps someone engaged into playing an RPG or MMO, keep feeding the player with menial achievements and frequent "accomplishments" to keep them hooked and coming back for the brief pleasure of doing something and being rewarded for it.

Basically I got off the hamster wheel.

how can you become THE best in a game were there is no difference between warriors of the same class? (as long as they have the same equipment tough)

Uh no, they're going to cap the level at 60 and ilvl at 300 then rework the system heavily towards a horizontal based progression. Classes will become unique again and you'll be able to do multiple builds with the new trait tree and gear-set bonuses.

Being good at impromptu rotation changes when someone fucks up, in an attempt to recover.


by playing it correctly. pulling off triple cleaves+bonus fracture consistantly. timing tank swaps, aoe healing and dps cooldowns correctly

oh I get it, still that isnt hard at all to do, as long as you know the fight and your team

what's wrong with MrHappy?

Not this kind. For normal people pls

Isn't triple cleave literally just open with butcher's block, do the storm's eye/path combo depending on if you have a Ninja, use Berserker, cleave, swing, infuriate, cleave again, then mash Vengeance and Raw intuition during another BB combo?

>tfw fucked up my hud layout etc
Fuck this gay file copying shit.

something like that. but its too complex for the majority of players. like getting a 6th Fire 4, or getting 2 festers in a 6 Ruin 3 dreadwyrm trance

>getting 2 festers in a 6 Ruin 3 dreadwyrm trance

How do you without Arrow?

I never even looked up the rotation, I just matched it out in my head and tried until it worked.

It's like when I hit level 60 DRG and I figured out a rotation, then someone posted one in here and I realized my only problem was pushing Jump too far back.

This is what 4.0 will be

>same cookie cutter classes with 1 ability thats different
>new token system to override old one
>same shitty combat
>same shitty dungeons ainto raid formula

use your black mage's gear?

my mistake. i thought 6 was the max, but its really tough to get 6, 2 festers, Tri Disaster and still use Deathflare at the end

Post battle stances

States incorrect information on mechanics and cusses out his mother under his breath when she brings him his tendies

So, Red Mage?

pls no. it can't be like it was in FF5 or 11, therefore we'd never hear the end of 'WHY DID YOU FUCK UP RED MAGE YOSHI'

honestly the Bravely Default red mage would probably work better in an mmo setting

Why do you care about the opinions of whiners? They have no effect on the game's design as far as I know.

>4.0 ends up being one new dungeon per update, and one literal recycled existing dungeon but with random "Challenge" applied

i don't care really, but its also impossible to avoid the noise.

would do well if one of the 'I WANT RED MAGE' people could put forth a skill set and playstyle for red mage that fits its 'fantasy', its aesthetic and doesn't require the game to be redesigned around it

I beat the game today on console

Now what do I do?

>Ultra Rare
Wut. Only 'hard' trophy on that list was beating Twintania, and only back at launch.

why is that faggot moving his alt from one realm to another btw? 3 months ago he was in Leviathan and 1 month ago he was playing on Excalibur, now he is on Phoenix.

I think the levequest one might be hard given how long they take to replenish

They really need to re-hire Yoshida to work on future gear designs.
This is appalling.

yeah i'm not a huge fan of most of the new gear

Is this dungeon gear or the new locked tome?

I like that it's more down to earth at least.

this is what 2.0 should have done I really doubt they'll fix it now

I remember the mess that 1.0 was going for, where you had your PHYSICAL LEVEL, which gave you attribute points to spend that was class-independent, in addition every class you ranked up in which gave you access to more skills/use gear without level penalty.

Oh, and how there were sub-classes, although the only one on retail (Sentinel) got scrapped early on.

How big of a part are dungeons in FFXIV? I hated them when I played it. What other ways are there to get experience points? Is just killing mobs in parties viable?

I can't decide if I should switch to BLM or keep MCH my main.

MCH is dope as fuck though. And it's better than zippers and glowy bits everywhere.

Yeah they had fixed it up nice though until the jobs patch which started this stupid bullshit system. People whined and cried too much about their classic FF jobs not being in the game. But then people whined and cried against those whiners and criers that they didn't want to get rid of the 1.0 class names either. So this was the shitty compromise.

Go play a singleplayer game


>wanting shitty edgelord race for a wallpaper

Spotted the SAO fag


What does that even mean?

When it comes to alts up to 50 is going to be doing your daily levelling roulette and queuing up for the highest available dungeon while running FATEs. Leves are a great XP rate but it's better to save those up for crafting/gathering if you haven't got those to 56/50 respectively.

After 50 you can get to 60 in a week just running your Daily HW beast tribes, HW hunt marks, Trial/50/Levelling roulette and maybe peppering it with some FATEs here and there.

Oh, and don't forget about your challenge log.

uh oh the taste police has arrived

It's a school night, go to bed kid.

>literally says "in parties"

And I pity you if you think that dungeons are the only type of multiplayer dynamic.

Ah, so you are a shitposter. Got it.

3.4 Trailer this friday, get hype.

>assblasted ERPers outside their hugbox

Wow, never though I'd see the day.

Keep shitposting, shitposter.

>someone likes something you don't
>throws a sissy fit

Wow, I admire you and your mature superior taste. You're so classy and sophisticated.

Thanks for the info. I might give it another try.

I have no idea why you quoted me. It's not even related.

>Gear I won't regret glamouring

MTQ or bust



Pat from 2BFP plays on ultros

he lives in mist 5th ward 2nd subdivision go make fun of him

>more robes and robes!
>Monk and Ninja have a fuckton of belts everywhere

I want to leave this expansion already

>get the explorers calot
>realize it takes my character's hair away
>closest thing to it is the sky pirate cap but its way to big and also clips

Any other winter hats that keep your character's hair?

How do you even get these poses?

>DRG is the same old metal armor again

the one on all fours is /disappointed


I'ts just sit kneel and disappointed

>tfw your FC is full of women