ITT: Games that might be good, but you can't get past the bad graphics

ITT: Games that might be good, but you can't get past the bad graphics.

Pic related.


play on Dolphin man
but buy it so you aren't a filthy pirate

So this is what Sup Forums has come to. Almost a fucking decade ago we predicted that you Halo toddlers were gonna "grow up" and obliterate this site.

Is it for the Wii or WiiU?

If it's for Wii, I'll just grab a copy for mine.

Also, when does the game stop sucking?

I just got to some big cave, and the combat is terrible so far.

Normally I don't care about graphics, but there's a limit.

did you not emulate on dolphin with HD textures or something??

It's for the wii

Was your first console a Xbox 360? Cause those look like PS2 graphics, and I still play my PS2 regularly.

Nigga this looks like PS1 graphics, PS2 looked like it tried.

And it was on a bigger screen, so you could at least tell where people ended, and walls began.

The vast majority of N64 and PS1 games.

As if everyone and their mum has enough money to SLI four titans with a k series hyperthreaded I7 and 64 gigs of ram, right?

You've never played a PS1

ITT: Games that are better, but no one played it because of the system is was launched for

even with dolphin game look like meh

fucking graphics kiddies

sorry op you dont deserve to enjoy good games

dumb graphicsfaggots lol

No excuse.

I thought Sup Forums didn't care about the graphics at all.

You can play Xenoblade on a laptop tier i5 or i7 with 4 gigs of RAM and a 512MB integrated graphics card AMD or Nvidia, just don't expect HD textures.

Is the Wii one the same as the 3DS one?

I might drop this one and pick that up if so.

The game looks like it might be fun, but I can't be sure, as I can't tell wtf is going on.

> the combat is terrible so far.

This is probably because Shulk's move set, while powerful, is pretty boring to actually use.
It seems like his list was designed more as a tutorial to showcase various combat mechanics than it was designed to be fun.
Most people find Dunban and Melia to be rewarding characters to play as.

Word of advice though, if you let the AI control Shulk, take Battle Soul off his pallet. The AI goes full retard with that skill and actively kills itself even when you don't need talent gauge.

>actually playing the 3DS version of Xenoblade

Dear Lord.
I can only imagine how terrible the FPS must be.
Not to say the awful graphics. Why you do that to yourself user

I've only got three characters so far, I'm still pretty early on, but I guess I could try playing as Reyn, as I usually play tanks in MMO's anyhow.

Does shulk auto-heal me if he's on AI?

The main difference between the Wii/Wii U port compared to the 3DS version lies in the jukebox and the ant-size graphics for the 3DS. Dolphin is the best way to play.

The Wii version looks better. If you have a good enough PC, a texture pack exist.

>Is the Wii one the same as the 3DS one?

The framerate is fine.

yes but healing on AI generates a lot of aggro. Shulk is decent on AI, the later characters you will find not so much.

shulk is actually pretty good as AI, i reccomend it, since hes essential on any team.

Try mixing your team up as the game goes on, you dont really ever need sharla

When you get good enough at the game mechanics you won't ever need a healer, you could have a party that's all tanks like Riki/Dunban/Reyn and bleed the enemy to death.

Game's trash. Story's trash. Combat's trash. Menu's are crazy overcomplicated. Text is too small to be readable. Party members are cringy trash, or non-characters.

Setting admittedly is cool. But it's literally nothing compared to XC.

I'm playing it right now on 3DS, and it's not that bad. It looks pretty decent considering the hardware and it runs fine.

Runs just fine on 3DS. The only framerate dips I had were near the endgame facing off against multiple faced mechon at once. The biggest technical problem is a bizarrely low pop-in radius for quest NPCs in towns. The character models may have been a bit blocky but the environments still instilled a proper sense of wonder.

I still play and appreciate PS1 games though.

But user, Riki can heal.

In fact, he can do pretty much anything on account of being kind of a red mage archetype. Though I suppose his actual specialty is status effects.

Its actually just fine, the foliage render distance is a few feet ahead like you would expect but the framerate is fine and the game is still totally playable.

I'm aware of how much of a pleb this makes me, but hot DAMN it looks bad.

None because I'm not a casual pleb who cares about graphics.

>le old "the grafix r shite on da three dee ess version so i can't play it" meme

what a joker

holy shit. i mean, it isn't the best looking port ever, but the 3DS version is playable

I thought this game was a meme but people actually enjoy looking at this shit in 2016

Don't have a picture but VTMB

Riki healing is the most useless thing ever. It's better to change that slot into the Riki is angry art or Happy Happy for the gauge.

That's tough. They're super different, and X objectively has a shittier story and more bland main characters.
I still fucking love both, and hold them almost equally. X is crazy underrated.