When did the 60fps meme start? And why?

When did the 60fps meme start? And why?

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Around 2008 when it stopped being a given

durin ps3 and 360 gen when stopped being standard.

peecee when people had buyers remorse and justify why they spent too much money

see any fucking hipster that can't drink coffee besides their starbucks customized shit


The only "meme" is consolefags desperately trying to convince everyone there's no difference, which started with the 7th gen because they wanted to pretend their shitbox is actually anywhere near as good as a PC.

its only a meme to people who think the human eye sees in framerate

framerate has always been a talking point with video games but as far as 60 being the sought after number I'm not sure when that exactly started

Ninja Gaiden Sigma for PS3 came out in 2007 and on the back of the box it explicitly stated "Stunningly beautiful self-shadowing, 60 frames-per-second graphics"
so that just shows that in 2007 60 FPS was a thing people looked for

>comparing $400 console to +$1000 PC

Honestly 60 fps is a meme now, anything under 96hz is garbage

>muh sixteen gorrilian dollars
I my PC costed about 500 dollars and Far Cry 4 on minimum looks better

it stopped being the standard in the 64/PS days

>tfw plying rocket league at 144 FPS
60 is usually beautiful for most games but it's too low for that game

>The only "meme" is consolefags desperately trying to convince everyone there's no difference

Pretty much this. Everyone who played games on PC knew that higher is always better with framerate, and at the absolute minimum a game's framerate should be equal to your monitor's refresh rate to not look choppy or slow.

Then came the 360 and PS3, built on lies like saying their console supports full 1080p even though almost every single game ran at a lower resolution and was upscaled, or claims of certain framerates like 30 or 60 when the games in fact did not run at those framerates and would experience tons of slowdowns and shit. That's when it became a meme for games to run in "TRUE" 1080p and "TRUE" 60fps and shit like that.

The console makers brought it on themselves by putting resolution and framerate specs center stage and then not living up to their own boastful claims. And as the previous poster said, once the buyer's remorse set in with the console owners who had been boasting about those advertised specs being proven totally wrong, it spun out of control because they started trying to convince people that upscaling and framerate made no difference, which caused its own backlash of people pointing out how retarded they are for claiming that.

So yeah, it started with the 360/PS3 generation.

Is only a western thing from mad PC gamers
>Game get release anywhere that's not 'Merica
>Have a looks at this fantastic game about X, Y and Z
>Same game gets release in the west on PC
>Have a look at this 4K 60fps!

this, and before that too if the game was pushing heavy graphics loads. People didn't seem to care until recently though.

oh please

Yeah, but no one noticed because the console manufacturers and game developers never talked about framerate so it never became a problem for people. It never entered the collective cultural consciousness until PS3 and 360 started making a huge deal over framerate and resolution.

more frames is always better for action games, especially if they're fast-paced. Playing Quake 3 for example is way better at high refresh rates.

60 is only a gold standard because every TV and monitor does at least that.

There is absolutely no practical difference between the two. I can barely see the difference between 45 and 60. And you sure as fuck can't make your fingers react in 10ms

>why 60?

Higher frame rate is better, obviously. However, the number of frames you'll see depends on the refresh rate of your monitor. I'm pretty sure that 60 Hz is the typical refresh rate of a basic PC monitor, so everyone playing a PC game should be able to get at least 60 frames per second. This makes it a pretty good standard.

Insomniac games deliberately targeted 30fps in their new releases because no one except for a very vocal minority cares about 60fps.

I got good hardware capable of running games well, is it weird that i want a game to run well instead of having an arbitrary cap on frame rate?

It was never a given for console shit.

If a PC game wasn't running at your monitor's refresh rate then it was mocked, but the actual meme itself was probably when console ports became more common I suppose so I'd say somewhere between the nvidia 7000-8000 series? Then Crysis came out and everyone started jerking off hardware to a new level.

That's not a good argument because the majority of people don't care about solid gameplay either and will just eat up whatever garbage is advertised to them

also wrong, but nice quads

And they were right, all people had to say about the game was that it was pretty

It's meme because human eye can only see 2fps. Duh anything above 3fps is meme

People do care about the game looking pretty and his statement of 30fps is reasonable

But yeah I'm sure we can agree that the gaming market is full of retards that'll eat up anything as long as it looks good.

There is a huge difference between 60Hz and 144Hz monitors. You can easily see it in fast-paced games.

>using price as an argument

This is so stupid. Every single time someone mentions price like it's a bug issue and every single time someone always has to build a rig that can run your shitty games on high for the same price or close enough. But apparently that's not good enough because actually assembling it is considered too hard for people like you.

The majority of people do care about solid gameplay though.

Majority dont care about 60fps, it doesnt affect commercial success or critical success.

Play Another World on SNES then play the pc version.

It's been an issue for ages.

Have you ever used a 144hz monitor

Just the responsiveness of moving your mouse is like night and day. it's the first thing I notice in lab when using a 60hz monitor. It's genuinely hard to go back to after prolonged use of a 144hz monitor

It does among people who actually care about gameplay instead of just breezing through a game once on autopilot and then never touching it again. Release a fighting game, rts, fast paced fps, shmup or rhythm game locked at 30 fps and see how well that gets received.

>Not having your own french press

Hipsters haven't gone to Starbuck since like 2008, its pretty shitty coffee all things considered

What game?

It's all down to personal preference, for example there are some genres where 30fps is fine for me.

I like to play my shooters at 144hz, shit like CSGO and Overwatch or else I'm garbage. There's a noticeable difference in how good my aiming is between the two refresh rates, especially with CSGO. Overwatch is a little different because aiming isn't as important, but it can still through my game off if I'm play on a friend's PC at 60hz.

Games like this look amazing at 144hz, but don't really change my in-game performance.

Try it, it's beautiful. Be warned, you'll never want to go back.

Sure, you can't see the difference, but after playing at 144hz for hundreds of hours, you'll definitely feel like 60fps is too slow. You'll start playing and be all like "what the fuck is with this frame-rate?!" just to realize that it's not as low as it feels. There's a quite noticeable difference and just because you don't notice it doesn't mean other don't. Again, in lots of games it doesn't matter, but there are a couple where it can really fuck your performance.

I don't drink coffee, but there's a Starbucks on my campus right outside one of my lecture classes and I almost always pick up an iced coconut milk

It's pretty good

when cheap panels came out that only went to 60hz

Not him, but I have a triple monitor set up and only the middle one is 144hz, it's noticeable alright.

>60fps meme
When people realize it looks and feels better, though it boils down to whether you're playing for the gameplay or cinematic experience.

Personally, experiencing a toaster rig then upgrading it made me appreciate 60fps

It will be received well if its fun. The only times fps affects enjoyment for the majority is if there is fluctuation.

You might need to get your eyes checked if you can't differentiate the difference between 45 and 60. That argument works at higher frames where 120 vs 144 where it can be hard to tell the difference, but definitely not at 45 vs 60.

There's no way to explain it other than 'smoother' and to say it's a massive difference. It's something you have to see for yourself.


>doesnt enjoy the taste of coffee
what are you a faggot?
then again
ayy lmao

>And you sure as fuck can't make your fingers react in 10ms

What's your point?

The average person's reaction time is about 250 ms. If you want to base frame rate on that, enjoy playing your games at 4 fps.

Even if your reaction time is relatively slow, getting the information sooner still allows you to react sooner. There's also the issue of input lag.

Because TVs are 60hz

Around what year did mid-tier PC hardware start regularly achieving 60+FPS in most games?

By whom? Because the people who play these games sure as fuck won't receive it well. Maybe some journalist that plays them for an hour will because he doesn't know what he's talking about, but that's about it. Or casuals like you, I guess.


Don't you mean "When did the 30fps meme start?"

60 fps had been the standard since the 80s to perfectly match 60hz televisions. 30fps really started to become accepted with the advent of 3D games because hardware couldn't handle rendering them at the full 60 frames. It's a legit case of people lowering their standards over time.

>There's a quite noticeable difference and just because you don't notice it doesn't mean other don't. Again, in lots of games it doesn't matter, but there are a couple where it can really fuck your performance

It takes about 200ms to click your mouse after you see something on your screen. Congrats on the 28 frames that passed on your 144hz monitor while you were trying to click. I'm sure they helped you tons.

On top of this the fucking ping will be slower than your FPS at 144, congrats on your new bottle neck

TVs and monitors all refresh at 60Hz, so 60fps is naturally the minimum for optimal visual quality.

Theres no noticeable difference between 45 and 60.

I used to have one monitor of my triple set up that was OCd to 75hz and it was so fuckimg jarring going over it with my mouse compared to my other to 144hz.

Dat true? If it is I don't imagine that as too much of a fuckup

>Community enforces standards
>Gives rise to a new breed of people that are too cool for 60fps and need you to know it

Many monitors have 144Hz refresh r8 m8

I dare say even the NES days. Here is Contra running at a reasonably stable 60FPS.


Now here is Ghosts 'n Goblins, running at approximately 20FPS. The sluggish framerate was one of the biggest complains of the game.


There are very few NES games that don't run at 60FPS, a majority of Technos games (River City Ransom, Double Dragon) only run at 30FPS for example.

Nice shit reaction times btw. Higher fps and higher Hz actually allows aiming to be smoother and more precise. You wouldn't know since you're a pleb or have old woman eyes and reaction times.

I suppose shortly when they started constantly porting games. Since they're always behind the hardware, performance just goes up overtime until they add more pretty features. Which is why GTAV runs amazing since it was designed for PS360. It's easy to increase GPU usage, but you can't really downgrade gameplay.

By the majority and they will enjoy it if its still fun.

But im sure the autists such as yourself and the guys who turn a hobby into a job will notice it and whine on internet forums about it. But those guys are a very vocal minority.

>have one dell desktop my whole life
>literally only games we have are
>deer avenger and other click hunt games and diablo
> always played nintendo consoles
> get first new laptop a few months ago
im playing double dash at 60fps in beautiful hd and its fucking amazing

How can you read the shitposts on Sup Forums?

By this image I can surely say I don't give a fuck about graphics

Doom had a 35fps cap. Baldur's Gate ran at 30fps and the game speed doubled if you set it to 60.

The majority don't know what a good game looks like, that's the entire point. Using those dumb fucks as a defense is laughable. Also the "autists" you speak of are the ones who turn a mindless activity into a hobby.

>playing anything below 288hz
fucking plebs

I can barely notice the difference between 30 and 60 fps so long as it's stable desu.

I notice the better textures and lighting on PC but if you showed me a game running on the console and then the same game on PC back to back where the only difference was FPS i doubt I'd be able to tell you which was which.

But that's FAR from standard and exists only at the high-end enthusiast level. Not even all enthusiasts get them. What I'm talking about is actual industry standards.

Whenever PCMR became a thing unironically. (Thanks, Yahtzee.)

The obsession with framerate stems from three major factors.

1. Long Console generation meant that even mid range hardware could run games at 1080p/60 FPS on ultra settings because every game was designed to run on 6-8 year old hardware in consoles. This is why we see so many babies whining their mid range GTX 960 can only run Mankind Divided at 30-45 FPS before turning down graphical settings.

2. With consoles being the primary platformer, PC no longer had a distinct graphical advantage. In the 90's/20's you had exclusive games and games developed for the PC first then ported to consoles with shittier assets. Now the main differences are resolution, texture quality and framerate.

3. The repurposing of 3D monitor tech from the big push for 3D in 2010 has led to the rise of high refresh rate gaming. 120Hz and 144 Hz displays are common now and overhyped to shit thanks to GAYMER MARKETING on par with Razer and MSI gaming shit.

hdr graphics should make the games feelsbetter(TM) because more impressive/realistic

I'm sorry about your disability. Not only are your eyes shit but you apparently fail to notice input lag too.

>TVs and monitors all refresh at 60Hz
Isn't everyone buying 120 at a bare minimum now or did I get memed on by the sales guy?

so like how hdr looks better?

Starbucks coffee tastes fine it's really just that it's overpriced as fuck and so are the syrupy drinks

I built my first PC in 2010 for Starcraft 2. I don't remember there being this much hubbub over framerates and shit back then. It really feels like PC gaming has become incredibly streamlined only in the last four or five years. Is this increased accessibility the progenitor of FPS memeshit?

The entire point is that people arent looking for silky smooth 60fps except for a very vocal minority, but obviously that fact is triggering your autism unfortunately.

>Also the "autists" you speak of are the ones who turn a mindless activity into a hobby.
No im referring to the ones that turn it into a career path.

My eyes are pretty shit but I chalk it up to me being old. I grew up playing pcs and systems with abysmal framerates so to me 30 looks immaculate.

>it's ok when nintendo does it episode

tvs came first, and that tech was locked to the power grids cycle rate of 60/50hz.
The TV broadcasters also didn't want to output 60fps so they interlaced it.

It was forgivable because of how new the tech was, but even then most early 3D games play like shit because of their framerates so it's most definitely not OK.

>except for a very vocal minority
I dont know all MOBA and competitve game can be considered "minority"
If anything is minority, it is people who dont want 60fps for smooth gameplay experience.

Here's a (You)
Though I agree with this on certain graphics effect, like chromatic aberration and motion blur.

>The console makers brought it on themselves by putting resolution and framerate specs center stage and then not living up to their own boastful claims
They can do both. It's that the market wants prettier pictures and the jump from Xbox/PS2->PS360 was big. It could handle last gen at 1080p at 60fps, but again pretty pictures. So what do you do to stay ahead the competition? Use an art style and less polys in the scene to mask it to keep render times low? Nah, that's 'kiddy' shit is what the market determined.
>Paper Mario? Although not a good game to pick, but the first one that comes to mind
>Fucking disgusting
>Brown and bloom?
> realistic as fuck famblam
But why 30 in the first place? It's easier to display the same frame twice to prevent tears rather than at 45 where you're constantly alternating between displaying the scene at 1-2 frames. It's a good thing the market wasn't for Europe with 50hz.

Blame the market honestly.

And my point is that using that as a defense is a shitty argument because only a minority of people care about good gameplay at all. Might as well defend how dumbed down and unchallenging everything has gotten while you're at it while dismissing the people who care as "autists".

games have been running over 60 ever since they invented 3d accelerator cards. so way before then

a 24 inch144Hz monitor runs for $200-$250. It's pretty pricey but I wouldn't go so far as to call it high-end enthusiast level price. It's not like 144hz monitors are the Titan X's of monitors.

>underages ITT not knowing about performance benchmarks from as far back as the original Quake
>not knowing that dedicated GPU acceleration has been around for as long as 3D has
>fags ITT literally saying that it started with GTAV

Standard monitors are 60hz.

Higher framerate literally does play better, though. 30fps means your computer is calculating and rendering the scene 30 times per second. 60fps means it's calculating literally twice as often per second. 120fps is twice as many calculations as 60. And on and on.

Even if your monitor can't display the framerate you're running, the calculations in the background are still improving how you can react. If it takes 1 second for a projectile to travel to you, 60fps gives you twice as many ticks in which your reaction to that projectile can be processed than 30fps does.

Higher framerates DO play better in addition to looking better.

People as in the majority of gamers, gamers who walk into gamestop or shop online. The fact is most dont care.

"120Hz TVs" don't actually run at 120Hz. It's a bunch of fakery and interpolation.

50hz seems like the sweet spot honestly

I dont think you even understood the original point.

if a monitor is interpolating lower hz video to reach 120 hz it's still 120 hz

It was in the 2D generations.

I'm not talking about price, though. It's enthusiast equipment that regular people don't buy. 60Hz is a literal industry standard for TVs and monitors.