Gain more pleasure from buying/pirating games than actually playing them

>Gain more pleasure from buying/pirating games than actually playing them


>Gain more pleasure from posting on Sup Forums than actually playing games

I think that's more actuate.

>being edgy
>with Filthy Frank of all people
At least this is an actual video games thread, faggot.

thread should have ended here to be honest

I had more fun spending a week modding skyrim to get everything working perfectly then fucking playing it.
That's how shit games are these days.

Are games shit these days, or are our lives shit?

Why are you guys such degenerates? Can't even play video game without muh adhd faggotry

>See game, bright and colorful and looks really promising
>Maybe this will be the game that makes me feel wonder again
>Always winds up being painfully boring garbage that I drop after the first time playing

What's going on in that picture

Spider baked into cookie.

That's what I thought I just couldn't tell for sure. Poor spider

Extra protein.

Whoops, this was for this

I know that feel too well.

I'm the complete opposite way, if I don't pay money for a game I feel like I have no obligation to finish it

I've probably pirated hundreds of games over the years but the only ones I remember finishing are Xenoblade and Deus Ex HR

>flithy fag posting still isn't an instaban

This is me too.

I must have reinstalled different Elder Scrolls games and Fallouts 20+ times in the last few months, just to mod and edit configs till they're perfect and uninstall them again.

I'm bored out of my mind

the blue cupbard is sally retarded?

Are you Sally?

At least you aren't one of those people addicted to the shopping channel who have a garage/basement/house filled with unopened blenders.


Sally doesn't have the information that the ball moved to the blue cupboard. This is a test used to determine whether infants have left the preoperational stage of cognitive development, in which they are incapable of understanding that different actors have different views of the same situation

Thanks captain useless

I just did that and then after a couple hours playing uninstalled it


Sometimes I'll buy/pirate a game just to look at the menu icons/art. Then I tell everyone the game is shit.

>doesn't play video games
>posts on Sup Forums
You're what's wrong with this board.

Cheer up buddy.

I don't enjoy collecting games but I do find playing new ones to be tedious. Nothing new has come out in the last decade, it's all just the same mechanics over slightly better graphics. I always compare new games to old ones, and when the only difference is better graphics, it's just not enough to engage me. How do you guys keep playing the same shit year after year?

>i heard this series was good
>get all the games in that series
>now i am prepared to start this series
>never start that series