Own an Xbox One

>own an Xbox One
>only picked it because I preferred the controller layout
>thought most games would be released on both platforms
>Most fighting games are PS4 only
>Japanese games on Xbox are rare as fuck
>Now you can play the other games on the Windows 10 store because Microsoft fucked up the Xbox so bad.
>Persona 5 and other nice looking games on the horizon.
>Look at dusty Xbox One
>Look at dusty Wii U
>Look at dusty PS Vita

Anyone else realise all the gaming console choices they made this generation are dead? I'm thinking of trading it in for a PS4.

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>dusty ps vita
hack it then you fucking dipshit
same with your wii u.
And a 3DS if you have one.
no luck on the xbone though, sorry. You have sunset overdrive though, and i'm still interested in trying it but no one I know has an xbone for me to do so.

>buying the bloodborne machine
get a ps3, persona 5 works fine

not if you want it in english it doesn't.
>learning a dead language for VNs

I think the PS Vita is terminal too, Sony's just gonna blanket ban the hacked consoles from PSN and english releases are drying up and or becoming PS4 only.

Gravity Rush 2 and Digimon are examples. It just feels like the PS4 is sucking all the games out of the room recently.

dumbass, you're wrong

>Anyone else realise all the gaming console choices they made this generation are dead?
Nah, I got the PS4 first in 2014 and then the Xbox One maybe a year or so later so I get to enjoy both.

You're lucky. Though the Xbone isn't even getting the good chunk of indies and such. I just use it for Netflix and I'm not sure what I'm doing anymore.

Gonna probably join the PS4 club, the domination was too strong.

I still like the Xbox One for the few quasi-exclusives it gets and cheaper multiplatform titles that have been out for awhile. If a game is new though and on both I always buy it on PS4.

There's been like only 2 exclusives from xbone this year so far, dry as fuck system

ReCore looked good but then it was reviewed and apparently buggy as fuck with shit combat.

Quantum Break was meant to be good but I don't even know anymore lol.

>Quantum Break was meant to be good but I don't even know anymore lol.
I actually liked it, I think reviews were a little harsh given other cinematic stuff like Uncharted 4 got heralded. It's not a great game but if you enjoyed Alan Wake you'd probably enjoy it.

My biggest complaint honestly was the image quality, 720p on Xbone is a fucking disgrace Remedy. I don't care what they say, if they can't even hit 900p they should stop using alpha to coverage and their realtime implementation of global illumination. Also the reconstruction is shit and adds an fuckload of ghosting.

It was decent, I think Alan Wake was a LOT better. The movie cutscenes were stupid and the final boss was stupid.

Alan Wake was done much better.

Recore is good, god forbid we get a genre game that isn't a FPS or Indieshit. The "Wow bad loading times and bad frame drops 4/10 game" is unfounded as fuck and complete bullshit. I'd actually say it's a Mix of Zelda with Jet Force Gemini, it's a miracle something like Recore even exist in this stretch of gaming history.

It's a really fun game and could really be a strong series if Microsoft lets it. I really really fucking hate how much people have been completely basing their purchases off reviewers lately. "Microsoft didn't pay us/10" is what these reviews should be. To top it off it's a fucking 40 dollar game and it got completely ripped on like it was No Mans Sky all over again. Fuck this industry.

Also it has a top tier sound track.


Quantum Break was good, just not fantastic. It's a great weekend marathon game. I actually realy appreciated how high quality the TV episodes were, I'd totally watch a TV show in that same quality.

Uncharted doesn't tell you to watch literal TV episodes

The combat in Alan Wake was a lot worse though
>flashlight and shoot
>run for 5 seconds and get exhausted
The setting in Alan Wake was definitely better and maybe the narrative in general but I don't think the game was really any better.

Either way though, I think this was Remedy's last shot with Microsoft.

Wow really, I've been reading the internet and people are calling it the worst game of 2016 that's full of 15fps and crashes.

>only picked it because I preferred the controller layout

Really? I mean I love the xbox one controller but THAT was your only reason for buying an xbox one? You've nobody to blame but yourself.

>Japanese games on Xbox are rare as fuck

If you wanted weeb games then you should've got a PS4 from the start, do some research.

>Anyone else realise all the gaming console choices they made this generation are dead?

I own a Xbone and a PS4, I play on both reguarly and no, I don't think either are dead but thats because I find games I like on both. If you can't find games that you enjoy on the platform you bought, well, in this case it's down to you making the wrong choice cause you didn't do the research.

I legitimately feel bad for anyone who bought an Xbone, since all of their games are coming to PC, they have no exclusives, giving people less incentive to buy a Xbone.

I didn't say it was better than Uncharted 4 but it definitely wasn't that far off in terms of quality.

Uncharted 4 did the visuals a lot better though

I'm still curious as to why they decided to use real-time GI instead of pre-baked. It's not like the game has dynamic time of day or weather or a free roam environment. AC Unity looked great using pre-baked GI.

Having said that, how long and varied is the game? I haven't yet picked it up because the PC version is a mess currently but I was thinking about grabbing it once it releases on Steam later on.

Nah, did you see how much love Remedy shows Microsoft? Everyone in that game was using Windows Phones ffs.

Japanese games last gen were mostly multiplatform too. So if I were to base what happened last gen to this gen then yeah. When it came down to 2013, I just liked the Xbox Controller better.

However, the total shutdown of the Xbox Brand is something literally no one could predict.

>It's not like the game has dynamic time of day or weather or a free roam environment.
They have these stupid segments where you walk around and the time lapses through day and night very quickly. That's literally the only reason they use it, 3 points in the game.
It was a commercial and critical failure though which is why I think it's their last MS game.

Both systems are dry as fuck, even the PS3/360 had bunch of games worth playing by now

I play the X1 version so idk about PC. Load times are like 20+ seconds and it's not like it loads a hallway, it's loading chunks and dungeons. Frame rate drops are only when those crazy prism spheres of fuck your frame rate show up. Seriously people would shit on Forza too if it wasn't impossible to bitch about it since it is literally top of it's class.

If it's on the Xbox it gets bias reviews, simple as that. PS4 players still sour as fuck Rise of the Tomb Raider hasn't come to the PS4 and No Man's Sky is inferior to Elite Dangerous and Frontier pulled the plug on E:D on PS4.

It reaaaally pisses me off as an Xbot that the Xbox gets so much hate just because it doesn't play on your Steambox or Pantybae4. But fuck it, hope you buy those W10 releases of Forza/Recore/Gears4/Whatever because if they don't sell well on PC than expect to just get shitty ports down the road and Xbox division focusing on selling to the main console audience. I'm way too engaged I'm out of this thread.

Yeah but doesn't Microsoft own a chunk of Remedy? It just seems like Microsoft wouldn't LET them leave.

Quantum Break should have been a time travelling detective game, the shooting mechanics got stale after the first hour.

>Having said that, how long and varied is the game?
Sorry, I should have replied to this. Honestly, I 1000/1000'd the game in 20 hours which was 2 playthrough. It's not maybe 8 or so hours long.

Ryse: Son of Rome looks better on Xbox One and it's a launch title because Crytek understood that dropping the resolution too low would have a serious impact on image quality. I can tolerate 900p but 720p is too low.

I haven't bought a game on Xbox since Quantum Break, is there anything that could reverse my temptation to trade it all in and look into other systems?

me too op. literally me. wiiu+vita+x1 and i hate my life

pickin up ps4 this holiday

nah, it was the last new game I purchased for Xbox One. Everything else I've gotten since then I already owned digitally on other platforms and wanted a physical copy.

My twin!

How did you make these purchasing decisions?

I haven't jizzed that hard to a game soundtrack since Marty last worked on Halo.

Christ that main theme is fucking fantastic. Also yeah fuck the reviews, we need more games like ReCore.

psp was great, so i thought the vita was a no brainer. and I picked up the x1 for gears. I thought i might get some other surprises along the way but nothing else there. the wiiu im actually fine with and enjoyed about 90% of the stuff on it. just sucks that the wiiu is dead so early.

this generation has taught me to wait. and i will be next time.

>bought a Wii U for the few exclusives that interest me (originally for Mario Kart 8, but bought Bayo 2, Mario Maker, XBC, and every other exclusive for the system except SMW and Yoshi)
>grew bored of the system
>still play my 3DS nonstop
>want a PS4 for JRPGs
>there are still games coming out for the 3DS that I want (DQ7, DQ8, SMT4A. Pokemon S&M, a couple others i'm forgetting)
>it'll be a waste of money to buy a PS4, as it'll collect dust

I like the vita but I had really low expectations when I got it and I waited until I could get the system with the 64GB card for around $250. Also helped that I was able to redeem every Vita PS+ game using the PS3 so I got the system with a huge library of stuff to play.

How much longer until the Windows Re-Release? I've been craving this since Alan Wake.

I'm selling my Xbone. Should I get a PS4 Slim or Pro, Sup Forums? I can't decide.

>coming to PC
win 10 isn't a great option though. they purposefully locked it from every otrher OS just to force people to upgrade needlessly. fuck them.

snap into a PS4 Slim, Jim

I will wait too...

For our Sony overlords.

I mean don't get me wrong I love Nintendo and Microsoft but it's quite the dominance that I don't see Sony getting knocked out of the Top Cat Position for atleast 2 Generations.

You need a 4K TV for the Pro to even work and the Slim has no real differences from the Original PS4 besides 20% less power consumption. All models will get the HDR patch so the budget option is to get the PS4 Original.

as OP, I've been researching for awhile on this.

>You need a 4K TV for the Pro to even work
I thought that was Scorpio?

It's both, Games will have a Pro/Scorpio mode and the console won't give you that mode because the mode requires 4K.

what are you talking about?

the game came out on windows the same day as xbone.

Do you have a source where PS4 Pro needs a 4K T.V. for the effect?

Just waiting for Forza Horizon 3 on xbone. those games are always pretty good.

and I'm getting recore a little later.

>All models will get the HDR patch so the budget option is to get the PS4 Original.
It's already out but I don't know of any software that supports it yet. Uncharted 4 and TLOU are supposed to get updated.

>You need a 4K TV for the Pro to even work

Um. no.

the Pro and scorpio will work on any resolution.

though HDR may not work since HDR is usually supported only on 4k tvs.

He's wrong, you will still get "some" benefit to having the Pro even without a 4K TV, it's just not going to be worth the extra $100 in most circumstances.

I played the demo for Horizon 3 and I think I'm actually gonna buy it at launch. Was pretty fun.

Recore has been pretty fun. If you liked Spyro, Sly, Jak, or games like that you are in for a treat. It's pretty immersive, the world almost has a STALKER feel to it with blowout sand storms and radiation stopping boundaries and just an overall hostile terrain and science labs to explore. I'm loving it quite a bit. Plus robot dog is total bro tier.

iv been enjoying it quite a bit as well. im only a couple hours in so i cant speak to the terrible technical problems that plagued the reviews.

So, I'm the guy selling his Xbone to get a PS4, Slim, or Pro then? My T.V. isn't even 1080p, it's 720p

you're not even gonna get the full benefits of a regular PS4 with that display, probably not worth getting a Pro unless you expect to get a 4K TV within the next year

I don't plan to. My monitor is 1080p, but, I'm too lazy to buy a 1080p TV for my game consoles.

I would definitely not bother with the Pro then

Never bet against Sony. Even with the massive fuckup that was the PS3 they still managed to come out on top by the end.

We like to have fun here, with the PS4 has no gamez jokes. But in all seriousness, the xbox one, actually doesn't have any games

Pro will have extra horsepower and may end up having some better framerates (and possibly able to downscale/supersample in a way for better antiailiasing)

but if you're worried about price then get a slim or a regular PS4 with a bundled game.

though the newer systems don't have optical audio output.

Sunset overdrive deserves more recognition

>>Look at dusty Wii U
Your problem, not mine. That said, it probably would be my problem if Nintendo didn't manage to make the addictive online multiplayer shooter I never knew I wanted. Even with Splatfests being finished, it seems I play Splatoon now more than ever.

Somehow, I get the feeling I'm probably alone with this opinion.

it does. really an underrated game.

I bought splatoon months ago and have yet to play it. I just have way too many games and work to invest time into.

the day is just not long enough.

The benefit is basically moot. There is no real point, devs are not going to give you a
halfway Pro" mode with improved framerates. It's all or not much (nothing)

Name 3 more original games to come out within the last 2 years

I like Sunset but I feel like it was too many mistakes close to Battleborn and quite frankly was grindy as fuck at times.

I agree, it's my favorite game on Xbox One.

It's a fucking meme game, neck yourself.

It was a forced meme at times with the forced humor, but it still had an extremely original system of transportation, that played into the combat majorly. Aside from the forced meme stuff it was an extremely original, fast paced, action packed, good ass game tbqh.

I played the game for around one hour and didn't find it interesting at all. Does it get better?

actually it does, but its dependent on if you like the gnere or not. the movement become a lot more fluid and faster and your guns get better.

it is grindy like another guy said tho. most of the missions are the same thing over and over again with too few boss fights. Its a game I really shouldn't' have liked but I did.

the first hour is definitely the games worst since it starts slow.

It depends how into the combo system you got, if you fucking hated it then you'll hate the game.

>30fps action game
>uninspired and monotonous combat
>incredibly obnoxious characters

it came free with my xbone. i played it for six hours hoping it would get good. it didn't.

absolutely pathetic game. complete garbage.

>>uninspired and monotonous combat


Make the shilling less obvious.

and you know this how exactly? Pro modes are forced by Sony starting October, so there has to be a 1080p enhanced mode as well as a 4k mode, otherwise what, you expect it to just run in normal PS4 mode?