Want to die anyway. Would it be cool to kill myself like this?
Want to die anyway. Would it be cool to kill myself like this?
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Why is his blood pink?
My way to be killed is like those executions, similar to the Gamer girl from that game.
No? People who kill themselves are generally seen as pathetic for doing so, and killing yourself in such a needlessly complex and painful way would just make you look like a fool.
But I am weak and pathetic
He's gay
Delete this
i didn't like most of danganronpa 2, but GODDAM this case alone made the experience worth it, and bring the shit heap that was the rest of the game up to DR1 tier
how would you get the lance to impale you like that with your limbs tied up, candles burning through a rope like tom & jerry?
>kill myself like this
>kill myself
>like this
nigga didn't kill himself, did you even play the game?
the point of this suicide was to force someone to become a murderer which is pointless in real life since it'll still be judged as a suicide
that's part of the plan
Play the game.
he used his front tail
Here you go. Hope it helps.
Heard they've been nerfing helium tanks in the US lately. Putting o2 in there
That's true. Some tanks have been diluted by up to 20%. This just means you have to look at the label on the box/tank though. If it says HELIUM (.25 m) you're golden. Avoid anything that has HELIUM/AIR on the label.
I hope your suicide goes really well.
Thanks man. Honestly hanging myself is seeming more and more appealing. It seems a lot easier than setting up all this shit and hoping air doesn't leak in
Why not just use your money to get prescribed anti-depressants?
I'm garbage. I can't do anything right. Even the things I actually try at, I'm horrible shit and people don't hesitate to prove it to me.
I never improve on anything in life. I'll never accomplish anything.
How can you keep going? How?
Nah, that one's old, try the newest fad of running towards spikes dressed as a person
I would advise against hanging. The only way instant death is achieved is if the drop snaps your neck. Otherwise you die by slow strangulation which is extremely painful.
With a helium exit however The only risk of oxygen entering is through the connection between the piping and the helium tank, which is extremely simple to prevent. If you're especially concerned there are numerous tutorials on how to apply airtight adhesives. It really is very easy.
Suicide is a permanent response to what is probably a temporary problem. Go out and try, go learn something new, go work, go meet people, travel, do something you haven't done before and get out of your comfort zone. Things don't have to stay the same if you want to change.
I don't know if this is some ebbin game reference, but the only cool way to kill yourself is doing it trying to save someone else. Running into burning buildings, clearing out minefields in third world shitholes, being like that guy from Sup Forums who went after Osama Bin Laden with a sword.
everything else is just a traumatic mess for first response teams to clean up
shut the fuck up
>5 minutes into despair and chill and this starts playing
What did he mean by this?
>being like that guy from Sup Forums who went after Osama Bin Laden with a sword.
I thought that was just a fairy tale, was he a real man?
I mean I'm so sick of hearing this shit from faggots who have never been in this position and think they know better
god do you think I care this game is like 200 years old
Danganronpa 2 is over 4 years old
did you know Big Boss shows up at the end of MGS4 and dumps a bunch of exposition before dying from FOXDIE?
People are still watching Neon Genesis Evangelion for the first time. Not everyone buys a game on release day.
This is ALMOST as bad as that P5 dude that keeps spamming that one image
I don't even care about my own life why do you think I care about ruining a video game for someone
Well you obviously don't have to take my advice. All I'll say is that you should seek help if you're seriously considering suicide. I hope you don't go through with it and I'm sorry you're in this position in life.
>I mean I'm so sick of hearing this shit from faggots who have never been in this position and think they know better
im with you user
He's right though. I went to counseling and I took some drugs for a while to fix what we assumed could have been a chemical imbalance and if it wasn't I took to being around my only friend and took up cooking my own food as a hobby.
Depression runs in my family apparently so I'm unhappy alot, but I've got (You)'s and sometimes the company of my one friend.
A lot of people who HAVE been in that position say that though.
I've made several suicide attempts and I agree with him.
It being temporary doesn't make it any easier, sure, but he's not wrong.
It was on Sup Forums and it was real
How the fuck do you make several suicide attempts?
if you fail at killing yourself you weren't really trying
yep, he got caught at the border though
Pls don't end your life user you are going to make it everything gets better