"Kill 100 Meta Coolers in 5 minutes" edition.
TGS is here.
News is coming.
Git hype.
"Kill 100 Meta Coolers in 5 minutes" edition.
TGS is here.
News is coming.
Git hype.
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Also, new demo is available on the show floor.
Are there news yet? What's the TGS schedule?
Well, if that's a saiyan CaC looks like we'll finally know for sure if saiyan hair spikes or not.
I mean, I don't expect it, but I want to be sure.
it was already confirmed it doesnt change during ssj1 and ssj2
Public incestual blowjobs confirmed.
You fags parrot this and I've yet to see proof.
This new CaC will provide proof.
no one provides proof because there have already been tons of video showing it you dumb fuck
can you actually MAKE characters as short as her tho?
There's been no proof because the only character we've seen transform so far has had spiky hair to begin with.
Is it likely it doesn't change? Yes.
Is it confirmed? No.
No, there hasn't been a single one you fucking dipshit, because all the others always showed that guy with already spiky hair. What the fuck did you expect his hair to do, get spiky twice?
Erased from existence in a tragic time machine accident.
Turles and Slug really seems to be enjoying their employment
Gotta be honest, I'd watch the shit out of a slice of life show about Time Patrol school.
Couldn't be worse than DBS.
>Slug, Turles, and Mira have some spooky purple aura
>Spooky purple energy becomes magic egg
will it be Fuu?
Maybe one day, if they keep pushing it, I bet Toriyama would be on board too.
He didn't spend 5 years on this shit for nothing
I really do hope they put in the other Time Breaker characters too.
also kai hair
finally i can make ZAMASU!!!
Hybrid Demigra would be cool as a post-game secret boss, especially since he wasn't playable in the first game
I would kill for the Majin loli twins, especially if we get their outfits too.
You would think that after they pushed this "XENO" shit on DBH they would put the XENO shit in XENOverse(even though like half of it is from DBO), but who knows how this will work.
I just want them to actually work like a faction.
>no human CaC
i guess they are leaving the best for last
>Goku and Vegeta will never use their F/Uni.6 outfits again despite both of them being gorgeous, updated designs because lol cell saga
end my life
if they haven't shown it so far
that probably means it isn't happening
>Kai hair
Also where are you watching this did I miss a presentation FUUUUCK
But it's still not confirmed. That's a fact,.
don't get your hopes up
its highly unlikely that it will happen
they are probably just teasing stuff
the presentation is on Saturday 11am jap time
>Still haven't shown a Buufu hairstyle that tops the Taino style
God damn I wish these threads were more frequent. There are some pretty cringe-y posts and convos about DBZ on Sup Forums but it's nowhere near as bad as the whiny shitfest that is Gamefaqs.
>Goten's thumb-sucking scene with Xenoverse's buff-ass Goten model
No shit. God damn it all everyone's saying is we don't have real confirmation, and we'll get it for sure with the female saiyan CaC from the demo. If it IS a saiyan.
Can we have beards now
>God damn I wish these threads were more frequent.
It's almost impossible to have good DBXV threads on Sup Forums right now because there's that one dipshit crossboarder who keeps making them as an excuse to talk about DBS.
that was confirmed long ago
>yfw all the colorable outfits have that ugly as fuck TP logo and you can't remove it
>If it IS a saiyan
it probably is
since we've seen her in the other trailers going ssj3
Found Towa's bitch boy, you got a problem with our logo you faggot?
good thing there is no super episode this week
people only talk about super because its the newest db related thing
>Female Saiyan CaC
>Namekian CaC
>Frieza CaC
RIP Majin CaCs
So bad they can't even feature them.
they probably have some bugs like human CaCs from the looks of it
>All the new, unique and colorable Saiyan armors will be Saiyan-only and have the ugly logo
>The other outfits will still be stuck on one color
Fuck, man.
we've seen the fridge CaC with colored bardock gloves and boots
I'm hoping the logo will be customizable like other games with customizable emblems. I mean I'm not expecting anything as crazy as Armored Core, but at the very least we should be able to choose different stuff like in UT where you could have different teacher/group symbols on your character.
Guess who's coming guys?
You could in Xenoverse, but it looked like shit. The scaling made them look like tiny people instead of kids.
I'm not getting my hopes up for that changing in 2, even though it would take something as minimal as scaling the head differently. It seems Dimps is only really putting effort into things fans were vocal about, and very few people cared about making kid CACs.
>Guess who's coming guys?
Literally who? Is it more Online/Heroes/Super trash?
>still with their old clothes
If Super had been an adaptation of Xenoverse where it's a group of Patrollers of various races like Saiyans, Human, Namek, Majin etc (MC can be a descendant of the Son family), just going around Dragonball history stopping the Time Breakers from screwing it up.
They're called Chilly Willies or Freezy Pops.
Well if they were to add their new forms it'd probably be shown later in the story
fridges is a better name
Its not since they're based on Cold things, not necessarily Fridges.
both are fridges
the only weird one is king cold
Fridges keep things cold.
Yeah Cold, and then you have Chilled (granted not cannon). They're just puns on Cold things.
Fridges aren't the only things that are cold. You could call a Chilly Willy Glacier, or Icicle or something. They're all just Cold related things, a general naming term is better for them.
From the sounds of it it seems like they just fucking wasted this TGS and yet again didn't go into any detail about the CaCshit. Just constantly waving the "IT'S DRAGGINBALLZ" sign is all they did
Man they have no confidence in this thing
>d. You could call a Chilly Willy Glacier, or Icicle or something
Your fanfiction names aren't canon.
Cooler, Freezer, Cold. No snacks there.
Fridges is great.
You are being way too autistic about this.
The stage show isn't until Saturday; of course there's not going to be much new info yet.
Nice try.
>fanfiction names
>in a game all about fanfic donut steels
Alright then. Besides basing their names solely on Fridges really reduces the amount of puns and names you could really work with without overlapping.
Well if you're going to bother with shit at least make it consistent. Its like seeing the faggots online naming their characters xXEvilGohaan17Xx, at least make a Vegetable name or pun or something.
>there are people this stupid
>there are people that actually like FSN unironically
Just because fans name them what they want doesn't mean the naming scheme works by the fans' rules.
It's like how idiots get pissy about Majins not named after fairy tales or candy or whatever when they're too dumb to realize there ISN'T a naming scheme for majins. Even Buu's name was part of the "Babidi Family" naming, not a majin naming scheme.
>yfw when they give sayains tails
Frost exists too user
>mfw they don't
>yfw they don't let you color the inside of Majin mouths
Can actually select different CaC for missions rather than the one you have selected currently?
Yeah that works for Majin, Humans, and Namekians because they don't really have a set naming scheme. Saiyans are all Vegetables and Frieza's race, yeah it fits with Fridges, but it also fits with Cold related puns, or Low Temperature or whatever.
Like its not off the wall at all to assume they're all cold related things and not necessarily just Fridges.
>Well if you're going to bother with shit at least make it consistent. Its like seeing the faggots online naming their characters xXEvilGohaan17Xx, at least make a Vegetable name or pun or something.
What the hell are you talking about?
I'm just telling you you're getting way too up in arms about a fan name for a fictional race of aliens. You're just butthurt that your name won't stick and need to get over it.
Or just, you know. Call them whatever you want and just not give a shit what other people use.
To be fair nobodies names here stick as the commonly accepted fan name for them is Arcosians.
Fridges make things cold.
Freezy pops is way dumber. They're not snacks.
>MFW we get tails
>MFW we don't get tails
>MFW we get spiked up SSJ hair
>MFW we don't get spiked up SSJ hair
>MFW we get more stupid shit from Heroes/GT/Online/Super
>MFW we don't get more stupid shit from Heroes/GT/Online/Super
Seriously people need to stop whining so much and having all the expectations in the world for this game. It's already way better than the first one, I'm satisfied no matter what as long as we don't get cut content, and it's been confirmed that everything is returning.
Long time DB fan. Didn't like DBGT other than fanservice while thinking we'd never get anything else. Didn't like the first portion of DBS.
However, by watching the first two new movies and THEN skipping the first two arcs of DBS, I'm a big fan now. Show makes jokes about its most rediculous concepts and Zamasu has gone from annoying try hard to really good villain. Not vegeta "likable" villain but a villain that was good and still wasn't "corrupted" and wasn't always super strong.
I look forward to seeing how the crew deals with a truly immortal villain without the Dead Zone.
its just a demo
probably won't be in the game
since different CaCs have different levels
Sauce on the gif or are you going to make me reverse search this shit and HOPE I get what I want?
Well not with that attitude.
Not him but I got your back, senpai.
Kimmy Granger, Don'tBreakMe.
I don't care about your shit taste, "long time fan".
DBS is garbage, the U6 arc was fucking awful and the new arc is less bad, but still fucking stupid and the only thing it has going for it is Black is pretty fabulous, but the villain may well be the dumbest one in all of Dragon Ball including GT.
>People need to stop hoping for things in the game
Hi Bandai Namco! Shouldn't you be working on debugging or something?
>implying the next fight wont just be them going in time/place to the Garlic Jr showdown
Telling you, they will deadzone that mother fucker. Or like pull some Looper shit, have a past version of him show up/get killed and erase future immortal version from happening.
If there were more people like you in this world, we'd have achieved world peace by now.
>probably won't be in the game
That would be the first news about this game to actually annoy me. I want Xenoverse to take pages out of Soul Calibur's book, CAC vs. is a blast, and in a DBZ game it can make for some fun fanshit scenario stuff when the rest of it gets boring.
>since different CaCs have different levels
There could be ways around that. It could auto-level your characters to whatever level the currently-logged-in character is. It's not like any gear or skills have requirements, it would just reduce/increase stats.
That or they might've made it so that all your CAC share one level, which would be a fucking dream scenario.
>people need to stop whining about every petty little thing in the world
It'll be okay, user. The game will be fun even if your hair doesn't change slightly when you transform.
Don't mind me, just posting best DBZ character.
The anti saucefags are gaining ground, some are petitioning japamoot to ban people who give source voluntarily.
No clue. Piccolo Jr? That baby Towa and Mira had in Online?
>people need to stop wanting things from video games! JESUS!
The person you replied to wasn't even whining about the tails you fucking autist. Some people have certain things they want in a game and that's fine. They don't have to buy it because YOU think it's a good game even if they don't add the stuff the other person wants. You'd think you actually work at the company with your faggy attitude.
>I-If I keep transposing my own imaginary arguments onto him with greentext, it'll make it easier to argue with him!
Whatever then, crybaby. Only one of us will be happy when the game comes out and I'm fine with that. Not even going to bother reading the rest of your comment since you opened it with the same childish shit you did in your first reply.
So? You could just give the exp to the character used in the mission.
I hope they at least make character switching easier than having to punch out like an MMO.
I hope not, but yeah, probably. What other ways do they have to deal with immortal fucks in dragonball? It's always been more about PREVENTING that.
Keep getting angry at anonymous people who don't share your opinions.
>Keep getting angry
But I'm not? I'm simply saying I don't share your opinion, and am in fact diametrically opposed to it.
But I'm not gonna continue because this is a mostly XV thread and I don't wanna drag it back to the stupid Super discussion the crossboarders keep making on Sup Forums
I kinda miss the /trash/ XV threads.
They were really nice.