Lets make a close range damage dealer

>lets make a close range damage dealer
>and give him the most health out of all the attacking heroes
>and have him heal himself after every kill
>and give him an ability that makes him completely invulnerable for 3 seconds
>and let him teleport
>and give him one of the strongest ults in the game

Name ONE good counter.

You just have to pay attention to where he is. If you know where he is, he can't hurt you. Keep your distance, and chase him down when he slithers off for a health pack.

>stand more than 5 feet away from him
>take no damage

I get fucked as Reaper all the time. Git gud scrub.

Widow/ hanzo can one shot especially during teleport. Zarya charged can outplay and counters ult perfectly. Genji can deflect ult long as teammates don't feed him. Just pay attention when death walks among you.

This is officially my favorite Gremlin D.Va pic.

You can counter his ult as Genji and wipe him out no problems.

just get more than four feet away from him. if you're consistently dying to a reaper he's very skilled or you're shit (or, if a healer, your team is shit).

>reaper has more health than pharah
>pharah wears fucking armor, dies to a breeze

fuck this

Pharah's armor is obviously aircraft grade aluminum.

>one of the strongest ults in the game
His ult is total shit desu.


Mei can never be killed quickly enough before she freezes you.

Mcree's Flashfan combo is also enough to kill him.

Shoot him in the head
There, he's been countered

torj needs a level 3 turret

All those gimmicks are offset by the fact that he needs to be in melee range to be effective

He's pretty balanced

His ult?

Learn where and when to use it, if they're stuck in a room together, haven't seen you yet, and land near the healer and ult you're bound to body them.

I've teleported behind many teams and walking right behind them was enough to kill them all as well.

pharah you n00b

Literally anyone that can attack from a distance and makes his shotguns peanuts for damage, Pharah can just fly above out of his effective range and justice down on him.

A reapers only as good as the enemy team is bad, if they bother to check their surroundings then reaper has to play more careful and take less jumps because they can see him coming and act accordingly, but if they're tunnel visioned then he can just wipe them in an instant without much worry.

That shit can be said about most classes, but its one of the strongest for reaper because the flank is his whole style and he requires his guns being arms reach to do significant damage.

>Aircraft grade tissue paper

Roadhog can counter him, at least reaper's ult.
>Out heals ult with his e
>Hook reaper while ulting
>Use his own ult against reaper while he's ulting

>i'm shit at reaper so the whole class is shit
>git gud against it
Next level shitposting right there

Reaper's durability makes it so that Pharah has to have 3 direct hits to kill him so Reaper has plenty of time to Wraith form and escape an enemy too high or far to kill (and wait for her to eventually land) and Reaper's ult is a cylinder with an extreme upward range that can easily fuck a flying Pharah to death.
Roadhog's fatass head makes it easy for Reaper to kill him in a couple shots and the 250 health makes it so Reaper can survive Reaper's hook+pointblank+melee. It's a toss-up, not a counter.

The match up is 50/50, reaper can fucking obliterate roadhog if he doesn't use any abilities

yeah but roadhog at close range can m1+hook+m1+melee, reaper doesn't survive that

>Name ONE good counter.
Mcree, you fucking shitter.

I take them out easily with Phara.

>Roadhog's fatass head makes it easy for Reaper to kill him in a couple shots
>people honestly think someone who can take out 600 hp in a "couple shots" is okay

Snipe his head off
Boom there, done

A half decent McCree can ward him off with his single shots and use flashbang plus fan the hammer to fuck him up before he can recover.

>Her comrades dies easily in comic
Yeah, sounds just about right.

Better, or worse?

You can greentext any characters abilities and make it sound overpowered.

>flashbang, fth or headshot

Anyone decent can play against him, a genji can reflect his shots and dash away if he's low. A tracer can stay a little bit away and melt him (far away enough so that headshots don't kill her, but close enough so that she can melt reaper). Roadhog hook/melee animation cancel blows him up. Junkrat traps and spam stops him if he tries to be close.

Reaper hard counters tanks like rein and road, but anyone else has a chance (including zarya, since if you blow up her shield she gets the 50 charge, which is good enough to start melting you with the beam).

He's a good hero, but he's nowhere near op


someone should make a new picture of all the names of genji mains

> what is falloff distance



Blizzard will always have a super edgelord character in their games and i will always love them for that

Reaper can wrek Zarya 2bh

nothing personnel

I ran into one named "Naruto_sucks"


She has a smaller hitbox than the other tanks though so she's harder to kill in that sense, and if you have your bubble up you can melt him whether he shoots the bubble or not

Alternatively you could stick with your team and bubble defensively, letting your teammates kill him/force him to wraith away

The whole concept of Reaper sounds like a 14 year old thought it up.

Zarya isn't one of the stronger counters to him I suppose, but she tends to come out on top

You can just blast through her shield and still kill her before she hurts you much. Also reaper can disengage if it's not going well and Zarya has no such option.

>Awful Sup Forums Overwatch player whines about how "OP" a character is

You're literally worse than Reddit at this point

His behavior is based on the edgy minds of 14 year olds.

any character that can control distance and do damage at distance.

a.k.a any character who has peak dmg before close range.

if you stay away from him he cant kill you, so its as simple as be aware of your surroundings and dont let him get up in your face

>make character
>make her uncounterable
>make her a tank so she has a shitton of HP so even if she fucks up she gets multiple chances

nice game blizzard

inb4 don't shoot le shield xD, 2 seconds of invulnerability to CC and damage is fucking horsehit as well

this is my problem with him.

he is such a generic badass ass assassin merc

She won't CC or damage shit if you don't shoot the shield.

>reading comprehension

don't shoot the shield

>be on a team of newbs who keep shooting Zarya's sheild
Sounds balanced to me.

Don't shoot until shield gone... It's so easy.

Genji takes a wet shit all over him. McCree with his flashbang should take him out, in theory. Pharah, too, but she is a real liability. Soldier can take him out from afar. It's really hard for Reaper to take down Tracer, but Tracer can constantly harass him.

Reaper is really great against tanks, though. Unless Roadhog hooks him. Or if Zarya has high energy.

Nothing is more satisfying than landing a headshot and instantly killing squishys.

I never play Genji. I usually just play Zarya and occasionally everyone but Genji and Reaper. Must be why I find Reaper so frustrating when no one on the team is doing a good job managing him.

Genji, a decent hog, Ana, Dva, Pharah, Mei, Hanzo, Widowmaker, McCree

I'm sure I'm forgetting some as well.


anyone have that pic of reaper in the car with the "the a/c is on, he has water and is lisetning to his favorite music" thing?

I think thats why I like him so much.

He's so edgy that it's silly.

Mei can usually Freeze + Headshot him before he kills her.

Even when he does his lame shadow shit, just reload and wait for him to reform so you can finish freezing him.

Junkrat, if you see Reaper before he is standing right beside you.Throwing a trap and mine on where a Reaper is going to appear is just the best.

Um.... Im not entirely sure but Pharah sounds like someone who could be a good counter to Zarya?

Flying around and all that.

>good counter

anyone who can shoot him more than 5 meters away.

it wasn't like I was sure dammit.

I don't know about NO damage. Shotguns in overwatch, at least to me, look like they have deceptive ranges. They look like your typical video game shotguns, but I've had d.va finish me off from the other side of the point


>Scatter arrow up close
>Insta headshot if he teleports
>Climb away if you still fucked up

>Hear reaper near me/on point
>My shields already up and protecting my team mates
>Team lays waste to him
>Get back on the objective and not give a shit like the good Reinhardt that I am.

>complaing about reaper in a tank meta

dat bird

>what is not shooting her shield
>what is focus firing


your fault for not remembering he drops when he dies


he used to be able to use his scrap to upgrade his turret, but it got moved to his ulti and scrap was moved to armor.

i'm expecting symettra and torbjorn to get reworks at some point

Tracer, genji, pharah, mcree, lucio(since rmb is a thing).
76 can fight against him on good grounds 70% of the time
Defense heros are mostly neutral against him
Only tank that can deal with reaper without a team is road, and that is completely reliant on hooking him