now that the dust has settled, what are your thoughts on dragon age inquisition?
Now that the dust has settled, what are your thoughts on dragon age inquisition?
its gay
It was okay. Nothing more or less.
gets to repetative way to quickly. It's Kingdoms of Amalur single player MMO...but that game at least had okay combat
Good, but that fucking """female""" elf is an abomination. I have done all Dragon Age friendly with everyone but fuck that retarded disgusting piece of shit elf.
No, it was disappointing. The side quests were so fucking impersonal and often didn't have any dialogue at all (power +2 quest complete), the maps were so empty, it's like he world was 1/3 finished when they released it. No variation in racial starts.
It was just empty. Plus the final battle of the main war having like 6 clumps of 5 soldiers each. Origins had more soldiers on one screen then i saw in my entire army.
And this is coming for a serious dragon age fan who hates Sup Forums's way of shitting on things, but i felt actual disappointment during this game.
That is the idea, yes. I only wish western games would further succumb to the purity of yuri.
Two attempts, but never could get past the intro. From writing, to control scheme to gameplay, I just... never managed to get into it.Everything feels so bad from the get go.
I enjoyed it, but it wasn't the best game I've played. Hell, it wasn't even the best Dragon Age game I've played and I've only played the first one.
Combat wise I'd say it's the best of the three. But the game is literally a singleplayer mmo. I want a to say a good 80% of the zones in this game are big areas with nothing but fetch quests and checklists to fill out. All the side content is pure trash and the story content is only a tiny part of the game. For all the dull side content there is there are only a handful of story missions.
The highlight of the game comes near the very beginning where you're introduced to the main antagonist. But you never see him again until the very end and you ruin all his plans so hard he just doesn't seem threatening anymore.
I really hope to god they go back to how it was in origins for the next game. This was originally supposed to the last one, but the post game dlc ended on a massive sequel hook.
The quests were awful. Fetch quests and kill quests, that's it.
The combat's controls were really really clunky for some reason, even though they're pretty similar to 2.
The combat itself was pretty boring. For half of the game with any class besides mage maybe it's a snorefest, enemies don't take any damage.
The maps were a disaster. Absolutely no sense of cohesion, filled with meaningless collectibles, full of said quests.
The fact that the breaches felt videogamey as fuck didn't help.
Not only did the main antagonist came from one of 2's dlcs, he doesn't even show up for most of the game and he is not memorable in any way. I don't even remember his name or what he looks like.
Won't comment on the writing. I liked half the characters though.
The worst part for me was the ui. Doesn't belong to the game thematically, doesn't respond well, shitty organization. Changing equipment and going to check something in the inventory was a boss fight in itself.
Complains about Inquisition being a single player mmo are very true. Really fucking afraid for Andromeda right now, and the gameplay video they've shown us didn't help at all.
blatantly scrapped mmo that showcased the epitome of how far bioware has fallen
Thing is the combat replaced blood and splatter with sparkles.
Inquisition lost so much. I loved having a conversation while splattered with the blood of my enemies.
>not romancing best girl
>not doing it with a qunari
>not enough breeches
Also weird trans character who only existed to blab about being trans.
I mean who gives a shit.
DAO had that too
I would if I could make a decent looking female qunari. I'm awful at character creation.
Got bored after an hour or 2. Uninstalled because it wastes so much space on my HDD. I can see how some people might like it, but I didn't enjoy anything about the game.
inquistion felt like an mmorpg that never got around to adding the MMO part.
Offline MMO