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it's shit

>ps2 lecel graphics
>rushed eelease date

Because people who like MH are playing X or 4.

Because frontier is awful


why is frontier considered bad?

It's on literally everything, all versions of the game are updating to frontier Z, Japanese only, monthly subscription.

Why are they so afraid to update the graphics.

Genuine question.


pls trash it

call me if we get MH5 or MHGX on console

>This is what everyone's been waiting to hear about
el oh el
The disappointment levels must be skyrocketing.

I mean, I understand why Capcom did it, to test the waters on the PS4, see if MH can sell on the machine. But still, they should have coupled the announcement with something else.


I don't play this series but I was interested in trying it out

What makes Frontier shit compared to the rest of the series?

Frontier is literally an online game made from MH2. Just super grindy and tons of gimmicky shit ideas

MMO garbage

start with 3U (not on 3ds, no online) or 4U

Isn't that the Chink MMO?


into the trash it goes

I don't know how but despite being the main MonHun moneymaker it still plays and looks like a fucking korean knockoff

Oh gee, I wonder why
No, it wasn't made in a sweatshop

Because it's Frontier mate

It's literally on everything. No one gives a shit.

There is another announcement at 11/22. where is that black monster at the end from?

It's on nearly every platform is one thing


3U babby here

Somebody explain to me why Frontier is bad

Frontier has some neat monster concepts, but most of the designs are "put more crystals on it!" and every monster has some kind of bullshit AOE stuff at higher levels. Everything moves way to fast compared to the main game and tonfa's are a broken mistake.



Sonyfaggots so thirsty for a MH on their shitty console.


What's the point of releasing a game on a fucking current generation console if it's going to have the graphics and gameplay complexity of a fucking PS2 game? I'm so sick of being forced to play Monster Hunter with shitty PS2 graphics, usually at a mediocre framerate, and mostly on a fucking 360p handheld screen. The only Monster Hunter game that even comes close to looking presentable is MHO, and those filthy fucking gooks have not only paid for Chinese exclusivity but they've also re-encrypted the text files to make it very hard to release an english patch.

I understand that MH is basically Capcom's Call of Duty at this point, being composed of 90% re-used assets with near yearly releases, but I think we're due a fucking HD release at this point. No more shitty ports of the handheld version, no more shitty MMOs on literally every platform, and no more fucking China only shit. If the NX doesn't have a MH game on its line-up immediately after release then I'm done with this franchise, it's fun but I'm sick of playing the same game with extra knobs and doo-dads for the past ten fucking years.

>tim hortons and moose and snow in a single image

this is the canadianest gif

it's just a cheap chink version of the mainline games if the mainline games never bothered to improve since the 2nd gen, it's inexcusable that it hasn't improved at all too since it has a fucking subscription fee that they could put toward updating the engine to play like the newer games or some shit

>T-the contract with Nintendo will run out soon! You'll see!

I want to pay Capcom to be able to play Frontier in my native language without jumping through hoops, why don't they want my money?

Frontier has great music atleast

>it's "shit on frontier even if they never played it and think tonfas are the most busted shit in the world" episode


Who the fuck is willing to pay to play online

>a fucking 360p handheld screen.
3DS is 240p

Man, Generations looks fucking cool. Love that Dinovaldo theme.

Why does it have to be too much to ask for them to port it to a home console? I don't want to play MH on my goddamn 3DS.

Now I'm even angrier!

Literally psp graphics with extra amounts of bloom.

It's fine, people who shit on it are just mad because it's more over the top than what they want from a MH game. The monsters are fun to fight, but the game is a lot more grindy because MMO. Plays exactly like a MH game would though, but I'd play 3U like the this user said. It's a good starting point. Frontier is for people who want more out of MH and more for people who've played the game already.


Nope fuck that

you still didn't say what was wrong with frontier. just calling it bad repeatedly isn't an explanation


This shit is broken as fuck

>monthly fee
>even grindier than normal MH because it's an MMO
>still stuck in the Gen 2 engine
>stupid monster designs
>new attack animations feel completely weightless compared to traditional MH gameplay
>high level monsters have huge AOE shockwave attacks that instantly kill you

Is it going to get an English release? I'll actually buy a PS4 if it does.

Oh cool a frontier thread

I am so sorry

Why is the idea of open world zones bad?

>but most of the designs are "put more crystals on it!" and every monster has some kind of bullshit AOE stuff at higher levels

Better than Qurupeco

Adept is the only interesting way to play charge blade m8. Every other way is to slow and not flexible enough for real fun hunts.

Not that user, but I'm someone who actually plays frontier a bit. The game is grindy, like any MH game, but it's a lot more grindy compared to most. The game is centered around 4 players since its an MMO, so soloing monsters is a lot more tedious since they have the HP pool of a monster that would be fighting 4 people. Tonfas aren't busted at all, things like DS, GS and bows will still outdamage tonfas easily, they're mainly just to make the game more fun and have more utility. There's also AoEs which you can just dodge through like any other move, the hitboxes on them aren't that long lasting. Outside that, the game is still monster hunter and the new monsters are a blast to fight.

Because no one cares about Monster Hunter Frontier?

You just answered your own question.

MHXU when?

Fucking right?


post the voljang webm

Why don't you like water combat Sup Forums?

Ok, but I'm not sticking around after this.

Qurupeco is based. Especially the G-rank one. I'm sorry for your shit tastes.

Am I missing something here?

Why has nobody brought up the fact that you have to deal with fucking moonrunes to play this? We aren't getting diddly dick in english.

If you care so much just play MHO.

Only people with autism care about Monster hunter desu. It's just like a single player mmo except it specifically ONLY has 'gather x items' quests.

>tfw no mhgenerations on vita

this sounds pretty good

grindy is the whole point of monhun, always has been, especially if you only play solo/doubles

I know you post this in every MH thread, but don't worry dude, MHgen was shit. Vita users aren't missing anything. 3ds got the short end of the stick getting Gen instead of God Eater desu.

Now MH4U on the other hand...that is a tough loss to overcome. Incredible game.

>those graphics
hahaha NO

usually each monster hunter just adds more stuff, how did they mess it up?

I've not played a bad monster hunter game so I'm having a hard time believing this

He is playing MHGen on 3DS. He's complaining it's not on Vita

>Wanted to play MHO because of how pretty it looks
>some user posts this
>Lose all interest to play.
Why do Japs love Khezu?

>just adds more stuff

They didn't do this, so just ended up being a really short shitty game.

That and the fact that they made it brain dead easy with the addition of hunter arts and styles.

It is great if you are a casual trying to get into MH, but most people playing MH are long time fans. The other problem is that it creates some REALLY bad habits if it is your first one.

It's shit and the legit MonHun game for PS4 isn't out till next year.

imagine each part of the armor required 3 rath gems and the drop rate was less than 1%.
And for advancing ranks you have to increase a number rather than doing some selected quests.

More like PS2, HEYO

Not getting localized
Region locked
Sub fee once you hit G rank
Gaijin are banned on sight

We didn't even want it anyways. We have superior hunting games like toukiden.

Oh my God I am so hyped for this game that will literally never get a western release like all of the other shitty Chinese MMOs Capcom has made.

Are you a core fan Sup Forums?

MHGen is fucking fantastic. I hate handhelds, and especially 3DS, but I sacked up and bought a N3DS and am loving the game.

>core fans

that 240p screen though, it's a travesty

real monster hunter on console/PC when?

Is Frontier's engine still Gen 2 with a metric ton of shit piled onto it?

NX, hopefully. though it will always cater to whatever is doing well in the Japanese handheld market at this point.

>that 240p screen though, it's a travesty
ehh, the 240P I get used too, I'm old enough to have played the Atari 2600 on release.

it's the fucking awkward shape of it that kills me. I got the MHX accessory/handle, but it can only help that non-ergonomic hunk of shit.

I just want to play a MonHun game with a regular fucking 2-stick controller like MH3U on Wii U, holy shit I loved that so much

Because people are waiting on the NX announcement

>Sonyfag gets excited for frontier
>everyone else shits on the thread
>all is right with the world

where the fuck were the sonyponies when Frontier G was announced for PS3 and Vita?

When's it coming west?

Pretty much. Has some modern mechanics like hold circle to gather/carve/climb and 3DS style lock on

Google Monster Hunter for Ps3. There are already quite some MH for home consoles, but were never localized. What makes you think that this one will be different?

>Frontier isn't Monster Hunter
You didn't even know that?

So anybody want to give Frontier a shot try the Taiwanese version. It's on PC, PS3 and Vita, no VPN needed and it's free up until HR99 (equivalent to LR and HR in mainline). Though Taiwanese Frontier is like two updates behind the Japanese version.


that's why. let us know when next mainline game or the rpg spinoff comes out.

I'll talk about it when it comes to the west.

I hated this at first, but now I really would like to try it.

>upgraded version of X

user you ever wonder why burgerland never got the base monhun games (in b4 psp) up to this point? Gen/X is standalone. Beside it was bloated with unnecessary content WITHOUT A G RANK anyway. X was just done anyway to kill time to develop future installments. Let's just move on to 5.
>In addition to the popular franchise’s upcoming 3DS RPG Monster Hunter Stories, Capcom has plans for a new Monster Hunter title and more according to their financial results briefing for the year ended March 31, 2016.
>Keep in mind that two million units isn’t exactly the number Capcom would expect from a main entry Monster Hunter title, but we’ll likely hear about a new spinoff title for the series [for console] in addition to Monster Hunter Stories, based on what was mentioned in the financial results briefing.
>Capcom will stream Tokyo Game Show 2016 live from the show floor on September 15 from 20:00 JST, and September 17 and 18 from 10:00 to 17:00 each day. Expect the latest information on Capcom’s upcoming lineup.

Dropped like a fucking rock.

TGS is just Stories.