Why can't Western Gaymes get women right?
Why can't Western Gaymes get women right?
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Whoa, hey man. Making a Honey Select thread on Sup Forums is risky these days
Why can't Japanese Gaymes get men right?
A tight core just means banging more.
>toned stomachs
>thick thighs
>twig arms
close but no cigar
That's no man!
post them cards pls
Define "right"
SJWs holding them back
surely a video game by the name of honey select is allowed on a board dedicated to video games, right?
wait... is that Honey Select??
You're god damn right it is
Your first mistake was confusing Fapbait and women.
We get our fapbait right just fine.
Are we talking fantasy or reality? Because the western one is obviously reality. And reality to me is inherently right.
Are you gay?
>tfw you're too technologically retarded to figure out how to install Honey Select
I was able to get AA2 and Bunny Black if the user who helped that one person you called "the most retarded person ever" install Bunny Black is here, thanks to work but this one's just fucking stumping me.
Oh baby
>search honey select
watch this
You gonna share the cards for those girls?
Because those are not women. Those are sex dolls. Nothing wrong with that tbqh.
Anybody have the card to make this semon demon?
>not wanting manly women makes you straight
Are you retarded?
The one on the right looks like somebody who would talk a lot but wouldn't actually know how to do anything.
Is Honey Select any better than CM3D2?
You can just explore the DVD files and drag them into a folder.
>that broken wrist
>breast length
>leg length
>arm length
>puffy length
>feet length
>waist length
>hip length
>belly length
>No nipple length
Not really. Its a good fap though
Whatever m8. More amazon goddesses for me. Have fun with your spooky skeleton waifus
pretty sure there's something like that if you turn off simplified controls
And the one on the left is pure fantasy.
I think it's labeled as nipple puffiness
I find a lot of nips tend to be breast men, so how big can I make the asses?
those women look like they have down syndrome
Oh shit is the new Illusion game out?
asses are kinda disappointing right now, hopefully mods will fix it
Animations, graphic quality and maker are a lot better, but the porn variety is shit. Probably still worth a try if you like the artstyle though.
Why do you fags make HS treads showing off girls if you arent going to share
Has anyone found the card for the splatoon marie character yet? guys like op and the splatoon marie posters are fags
Does Honey Select have an English patch yet?
You need a big dick for a big ass.
What the fuck is wrong with this guy? Is he on drugs?
Why the FUCK won't hongfire load?
Only for anal t b h
either ddos or too many autists want to download this waifu maker
Reality is shit though. I play video games to escape it, and for the challenge.
Then they are okay, user.
>why can't the West get my animu sameface right
Some of them can.
weeb fgt
I already installed the game
but the fuck do the other exes in the folder thread
the mods at this time seem cooler
What does anal feel like?
Looks at Hgg and they starts off with honey select masquerade edition
Why is an anime girl drinking weeaboo tears
If you're talking about the EXEs in zip files in the download, pretty sure they're the Swimsuit set, naked apron set, oiran set DLC
sand of bags
and salt
ye, down for my dick syndrome
Salty coins, milk bags, bags of sand, I dunno I'm a virgin.
Is that based on Anri Okita or whatever the name with another girl and they're both on sling bikinis ?
>MFW i realized tha solely due to the tits sizes of both girls
Is there anywhere I can see gameplay so I can judge whether this is worth my time or not
What the heck is she even doing
She's got panties on
I'm still working on the face.
Wonderful, thanks
Taiwan ddos'ing them because muh mods.
He is falseflagging to get (you)s and painted smug girls to his cuckold weeb folder
But you're him.
What did they mean by this?
Because we're p r o g r e s s i v e over here.
type progressive without the spaces
Who is that?
they dont look properly equipped to fight
This shit kills me because of the vape she's holding. Its not even fucking accurate.
t. vape shop employee
Never mind, found it
is more progressive adding spaces user
now type progressive backwards
what's the VR mode like?
this is why everyone hates you vapefag
How do you make it through the day without murdering a customer?
Is having skin manly too because men have skin?
From what?
Nah but for real the only people who carry those pens are the middle aged people who are in it to quit but always come in for stronger liquid.
If they wanted to be more realistic, the device would have to be a fucking glowing box with a big glass cylinder on top, that's the real hipster shit now.
This is why Bethesda games are great. Make your own face instead of relying on them.
it better, but marred by some stupid limitations.
Why can't regular games have as much customization as this porn game?
Japanese action videos
Its a good mix of older people and younger folks, real rare for the hipster types to come in. The only annoying ones are the ones who come in not to quit, but to hop on the bandwagon of DUDE BIG CLOUDS LMAO.