What video game franchise had the worst art style change? For me it's Halo. Why couldn't 343 stuck with what worked?
What video game franchise had the worst art style change? For me it's Halo. Why couldn't 343 stuck with what worked?
Other urls found in this thread:
I recognize those dragon testicles
What's wrong with halo's art style?
Die you degenerate Barneyfag
That's Spike's testicles
tell me
I want these faggots dead
thanks doc
Thanks Doc
Thats actually pretty impressive you found that I thought it was Piccolo's.
Can't have them shilling their shit here
I still want these faggots dead
For some reason i thought it was watermelon.
Fucking kill them
Gotta inform yourselves.
I want them killed
Thanks doc
reminder that the only people who hate barneyfag are brony supporters, and therefore degenerates
he's fighting the good fight
It took me a bit to get it, but the OP image didn't disappoint.
Barneyfag definitely posted this thread.
hiro pls ban
>I thought it was Piccolo's.
Me too, i was ready to post 'thanks doc'
Murder their shit
But I never have and you have no proof that I have.
How can we know it's really MLP? There's no link to proof or anything.
>it's a Barneyfag thread
>it's not a Piccolo thread
Doctor, turn off my dose inhibitors!
Thats not the usual prescription doc
You gotta be aware of their shit.
>degenerates recognizing degenerate work
yo doc i think you gave me the wrong prescription
Here we go again!
Thanx dock
Thanks for the recommended dosage doctor
You got any other Spike porn I could 'bate to?
Uh huh you know what it is
Thanks doc
No fuck off, you degenerates deserve to be executed
I get barney, but what's wrong with Friends?
Piccolo or Spike?
You have no proof that you haven't.
i just want you to know, you are my favorite ironic meme
>all these Barneyfags in this thread
Fucking kill yourselves
>in his colossal autism, Barneyfag posts the source to all cropped pony porn, enabling what he hates even further
This is my RSS feed that shows the OP text and image of each thread that's made.
Th-that's right I'm a filthy degenerate! Say it more!
>revved likes ponyporn
Fucking autist
>check the IP counts
>never changed when Barney initially posted
Six months ago you claimed that your RSS feed only displays threads with pony content within. You continued to claim this for three months.
This is the only thread with horse in it right now
Almost as if this feed is just an alibi
Barney and Friends is the name of the show, but a lot of people abbreviate it to just Barney.
No I don't, I was just able to cross-reference the picture on derpibooru and find where it was posted on /mlp/ so I could find the source.