Why aren't we talking about the biggest game announcement at Tokyo Game Show right now?

Why aren't we talking about the biggest game announcement at Tokyo Game Show right now?


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I only ever watched like the first 2 episdoes of it but I sort of intended to watch it

>Symphogear finally gets a game
>its mobage

You're on the wrong board buddy.
cleopatra noise


I need to watch the other seasons. I only watched the first and enjoyed it like crazy.


Not gonna lie, this looks pretty fucking rad.
I might actually be tempted to play a gachascam game

Oh look it's a game with girls that have all different hair colors.

Never seen that before.

Is it bad that I'm just replaying the video over and over again for the song?

Don't. It's not good. Plotline goes to shit so hard that I was literally yelling at the screen in the final episodes. Read below if you want to hear how dumb it is.

The scientist lady was actually the literal reincarnated Whore of Babylon and she design the good guys' base to act as her "new Tower of Babel." But really it's just a giant laser cannon meant to blow up the moon and break the curse of tongues that God placed upon humanity. And this has basically fuck-all to do with any of the previously established themes or characters.

that sounds really dumb

only enemies i got to were the static shit or wahtever

>watching Symphogear for the plot

are you supposed to read the lyrics to the songs

at least it's something.

not really

You don't HAVE to but its recommended, as the songs are supposed to reflect the singer's heart and ususally detail their personalities and motivations.

This becomes really notable in Season 2, and one of the OVAs even makes a joke about it

I tried to in like the 2-3 episodes I watched but I remember not being sure if I was supposed to read them because someone was talking at the same time I Think

If anything you can just look up the lyrics quickly online, the girls's songs mostly remain constant within a season.

The music is a big draw of Symphogear so you may as well know what they're singing.

Also speaking of the OVAs they're amazing and you should definitely watch them if you enjoy the actual show

cool, thanks

somewhat urelatedly, last summer season or so was the first time I saw like 2 shows a season do a "shorts" series, but now it seems like every series does it.

do they just make easy money or something>?

Something to throw in with the BDs to encourage sales, likely. They're not exactly hard to make

>tfw singing while fighting got me into the show and is one of the things I LOVE the most in the world

It helps that the songs are pretty great, especially Nana's

Speaking of Nana Tsubasa is basically her edgy self-insert and it's great.

may I interest you in Macross?

Later seasons (7, Frontier, and Delta) all have J-Pop playing during big fights


Why is Miku so gay?

>Find her so annoying in 1st season
>after that shitfest I find her super charming

everything just flips around after the first season, this is probably the only show I know that left such good impression after a really bad 1st season I used to rate the show around the likes of Dragonaut

that's not the same isn't it? like in the background? I mean, I just love how HIbiki's intonation suffers and changes when she makes a physical effort while punching shit

>Might finally see Serena do somthing that isn't dying
Also I hope anime ja nai is in

It's the same lyrics although the insert and "official" versions of the songs are different. For example during a climactic moment in Season 2 Aoi Yuuki basically starts screaming the chorus

we can only hope

>Symphogear game
Hell fucking yeah. Now I just need to know when's the next season and I'm all set. And Kanade is there too, now I can ignore Maria's stupid shit all I want! she should be dead tho, what the heck, and is that maria's dumb sister?

Do we know what the game is going to be like?


Fuck off

fuck nicovideo its the worst

If SHE goes berserk like s2 count me in

>get hopes up
>Money sink gacha game
Can we have a real game pretty please.

Shit game.

I just want to beat up noise as cute girls, is that so wrong to ask for?

You're watching the wrong anime

>not wanting to beat up cute girls as Noise

Looks like generic garbage.

What about beating up cute girls as cute dolls?

Those two had better come back somehow in S4/5

Jojo pose doll can come too I guess


Chris is best girl

Just think user, all the money the NEETS will throw at this game combined with S4 and S5's CD sales will give us the real game we've always wanted!


I agree.

>not swapping Chris and Tsubasa

Chris is for dudebros who lust over big tits and Tsubasa is yamato damashii

but Tsubasa is shit, just like xbone

Yeah but the xboner is american

Plus Maria being on the Vita allows for Tsubamari shit

But Chris is best girl unlike PS4


Also this

Would Chris chan get along with Chris-chan?

That's wrong though, best girl's birthday was 2 days ago.

Symphogear is shit. The characters are retarded, the music sucks, and the plot is a stupid clusterfuck.
The only thing it has going for it is the heroine punching shit to death.

take that back

I actually just started watching the series and I'm having a ton of fun with it.


Wish she'd sing sing real metal instead of her retarded jpop-punk.

you've made an enemy today, sir.