
Is "Welcome to the family, son" the best meme to come out of vidya in recent times?

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>Welcome to the boards, normie

So I'm guessing there isn't any actual combat in the game.

Did you even watch the trailer?

Yeah, he shot at the guy on fire and it did fuck all nothing.

it looks like its trying the "ooh scary guy that you gotta run away from because guns just make him mad" monster approach, which is probably not going to work at all like they think it will.

That's what I'm thinking too, yet at the same time the pre-order bonuses are ammo.

I just want them to show off other enemies if there even are other enemies in this game.

No micro-transactions? When the fuck did we enter an alternate universe that made Capcom the savior of gaming?

>hallway from PT

>doctor from MGSV


Oh, maybe it'll have smaller, weaker enemies with the family acting as Tyrants. idk I've only seen this trailer and the reveal trailer.

also if you told me Capcom was going to handle their IP's better than Konami six years ago, I would have laughed at you.

No mico-transactions doesn't mean there won't be shitty dlc though. I could see costume dlc even though it's first person, or dlc that gives you certain items for every playthrough like what I assume those preorder bonuses will be.

They might have finally realized they fucked up with resident evil 6 and took a moment to sit down and think about what they've done.

I remember specifically they had a shift when they thought EA and Activision were doing something right in the industry especially when RE5 did so well.

Glad they woke up.

desu. I appriciate that Capcom after 3 main parts of Resident Evil always changes main concept, but is this Resident Evil SOMEONE wants? I think not.

>True Detective: The Game

Yeah I wager there will be weaker normal zombie things with these family members being tyrant tier. Think Lisa Trevor only with a bit more brain power.

Plus it didn't look like whoever was playing that hit shot him in the face. That usually staggers creatures even bigger ones if shot enough. That's assuming it's not just cutscenes or made up "gameplay" footage.

I'm into it. Really curious how this ties into the larger story.

The fuck are you talking about.

Have some fucking dignity.

I want to see how it plays out before I judge. Unlike with 6 where I could tell right away it went full retard. This could be great, or just youtube booga booga pewdiepie tier shit.

As long as we keep getting Revelations style side games I'll be happy. We need another with Barry trying to save his new adopted daughter from the mind shit in Rev2.

>this whole time the house for the tyrants has been a front for introducing and showing the game
>actually playing the game and it turns out all of that is only the beginning and the game has massive shifts to other areas like RE4 with other enemies people have never seen.

It's a step back toward the right direction at least. What other publisher can say the same?

It just reminds me of Alien Isolation. I pretty sure thats what I am going to expect when playing this game

RE4 went downhill when it hit the island and went full guns blazing bullshit mode. Hated that shit. Only thing that made the island cool was the regenerators.

But you know, do they had to named it Resident Evil? They could gave it different name, and it would be more interesting. When we hear Resident Evil we see RE1-4 + Remake(it's funny how they want to show us how old Residents looked like, and how much we loose by those new releases).

>not including a gigantic fucking cancer is the step in the right direction

No DLCs at all, everything included in the game, would be a proper direction.
Praising that devs are only going to rip you off in 1 way instead of two is fucking pathetic.

I didn't dig the demo but I am well intrigued now. Lucky my birthday is in January. I like that the father is clearly a nemesis type guy. I wonder if they are zombies or human? I mean they can talk but what the fuck? I haven't been hyped for a resident evil game since 4. I want to see combat though.

it does look interesting, but if the only enemies in it are the dad and the family then its gonna suffer from it

I looks like alien: isolation, I just hope enemies die

For me I liked all the areas but the castle, lowest point of the game for me.

my guess is they're a little like wesker

not the next step in human evolution, but VERY durable, the guy was on fire and he didnt even flinch

>RE4 goes downhill in the final third, but has the amazing laboratory section, Oven Man, and that sack
>The Evil Within goes downhill in it's final third, but has the Hotel and the Gas rooms

Kinda funny how a decade later and Mikami still blows his load before the game is over.

They could have named RE2 something different, they could have renamed RE4, RE6 etc. Just gotta accept it.

>what sorta resident evil u want senpai?
>just texas chainsaw massacre my shit up
>say no more


Yeah I am worried that it will be that. Where weapons are useless and it is a peek a boo simulator.

>No DLCs at all
>It's another "All DLC is bad" episode

Nah. Some DLC equates to expansions of old.

who the fuck is going to play this in VR? Looks scary as fuck

Seems interesting.

One step at a time, famalam. The gaming industry is like positive reinforcement of a retarded child: sure it shit its pants again, but at least it was only once this time.

Is the demo update happening today?

Fuck off, frogfag.

I was always amused that you could deal with the burning man with an incindeary grenade. Toss it on the floor before he triggers and once he hits it he dies.

The weapons were fine against the androids, just not the Xenomorph. They gave you the flamethrower a lil too early in Isolation.

Hopefully in this you can slow down the family with guns, just need to use them well.

Why do you lie like this? You're lying, right?

Yes, some time on 9/15

Nah. RE4,5,6 still have elements recalling RE1,2,3 like characters, mindless zeds and in some way gameplay. In any video from RE7 there's no shit that can be related to older Resident Evils. There's no known characters, there's no Zeds, for christ sake, there's even no survival horror elements, because this "father" seems to be invincible(in Alien:Isolation Keksoform can be scared by flamethrower, what can scare invincible grandpa? Rent for ground for coffin? c'mon).

They'll have Macrotransactions.

Oh shit nice, thanks. Just for Jp or everywhere?

God dammit no.


I suppose so, they internationally released the first one. I think I heard this one is not ps+ exclusive as well.

Well it's possible you can deal with or slow down the old guy in some way. Them playing poorly isn't an indication of anything. Perhaps he's like Nemesis or Lisa Trevor and just takes a lot of damage to immobilize? We won't know until we see more.

I mean yes it could be shit but I don't think they've shown enough yet to say for sure. I don't think having something you can't beat would ruin it though. As long as you can slow 'em down and your weapons are usable on other things too.

I'd play a True Detective game. Or any game where you play as Matthew Mcconaughey.

Has a demo ever had an update like this? Adding more to it in order to keep people interested?

>welcome to the family my wifes son
love this meme

Final Fantasy XV.

That's some enthusiastic sweeping.

Plat demo had an update? Did it unshittify the combat?

Referring to Episode Duscae. Framerate got fixed, added some new quests, and you could battle those things in the lake.

Oh wowzers I'm so immersed by the idea of playing this in VR where I will sit there and watch as things are shoved in my mouth when nothing will actually happen instead of just playing a video game because fuck the idea of Resident Evil being Resident Evil, we let's player bait dogshit now

I bet you're a fun guy to play vidya with

Looks good

>posts that faggot while complaining about let's plays

kys my man

>we let's player bait dogshit now
I don't even know what this means. And you probably don't either.

You mean the game trying deliberately to copy the popularity of Outlast by being a first person horror game with segments where you just sit around and watch people torture you in between running away from guy that can't be killed? That's let's play bait

TIL outlast invented everything

I also learned that you know everything about RE7 from some short trailers.