>that game that you bought, played for a few hours and then never touched again
What's it's name Sup Forums?
>that game that you bought, played for a few hours and then never touched again
What's it's name Sup Forums?
star wars jedi knight jedi outcast
area 51
Dark Souls
Every visual novel I've ever bought
dark souls 3
My entire Steam Library
Just can't get into it.
80% of my Steam library
I miss that $50
Dragon age inquisition.
Bought it full price on ps4, 1st day. Played it and hated it, but fanboys insisted things got better and felt more like origins after you get the new base of operations.
So i kept playing, got to that point, and it turns out the entire game was still a grindfest.
Literally the only game i ever regret buying because its the only game ive ever bought that i havent brought myself to finish. Dont think i ever will.
>DBZ Saga
Glad I lost this abortion of a game years ago. Just wish i could get my $60 back
>Deus Ex mankind divided
>Metal gear solid 5
currently playing bioshock collection, and really enjoying it. Not sure if you could change FOV on console before, but you can now which is cool.
No Man's Sky
Command and conquer
RPG Maker VX Ace
Fallout 3
Papers Please
pac man world 2
Firewatch. Okay game, but will probs never play again unless i'm bored
God where do I even start.
7 Days to Die
Brutal Legend
Chivalry: Medieval Warfare
Company of Heroes
Darksiders 1 and 2
Deus Ex
Far Cry 2
Final Fantasy XIV
Killing Floor
Kingdoms of Amalur
Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance
Metro 2033
Neverwinter Nights 2
Planescape: Torment
And those are just the ones off the top of my head/my steam list. I'm sure there's a fuckton more.
Star Fox Zero
Jojo's Bizzare Adventure All Star Battle
Diablo 3
Neopets: The Darkest Fairie
Temple of Yog
>buy 4X and strategy games
>don't even get past tutorial level
not surprising from a frogposter
God 7 days to die was fucking horrible, I don't know why I bought it seeing as I could smell the shitstorm from miles away.
I've separated my games into 3 categories:
Beaten 100%: 50 games
No Achievements: 16 games
To Beat:115 games
I always try to do everything I can do in a game that has to do with achievements, challenges, medals, eastereggs, and sometimes famous glitches.
I've found that choring through a game I don't like will eventually lead me to some nice gem moments or new-found appreciation for certain aspects of the game. The key to liking the games is forcing myself to play them and be done with them forever rather than stopping halfway through and having to see it on my backlog and have it dangle over me when I try to think of what to play next.
Helps me to enjoy the games I play more rather than focus on what game I should be playing.
The hard part is having to return to games like Arkham City and Dark Souls 2 and do New Game+ or ++ to get something I missed. Then I wish I could kill myself.
Also, it's more of a discipline/money thing than an autistic thing forcing myself to be bored out of my mind for hours so I can get 5 minutes of enjoyment.
Yakuza 5. (technically didn't buy it since I played it through PS Plus.)
Of Kings and Men
I loved cRPG for Warband.
But god damn do chadz and friends need to get their shit together.
Remaining cautiously optimistic for the time being.
And I know, it's early access,
I used to be like you user, trying to 100% all of my games
then I got old
Yeah I don't know, it was back when I was excited about Early Access and didn't realize it was a huge fucking scam. The gameplay looked like utter shit but it had good reviews, so I said "fuck it" and dived in. $15 I'll never see again.
user, I think you should give that game another shot. Don't go for 100%, just play the game and enjoy the tunes.
In my case, I bought Zer Time Dilemma day 1 and dropped it after 3 hours. I regret everything.
Witcher 3. I was really hyped and waiting for this game after playing 1 & 2. But I really couldn't get into the snoozefest that is Witcher 3. Nothing about the game is interesting or enjoyable besides the pretty graphics.
Your mother.
Monster hunter for 3ds
Gamemaker studio pro
NBA 2K16
>c'mon man it'll be fun
I want my $40 back
>want to buy Overwatch
>have played a shit ton of TF2
>know damn well as soon as I buy Overwatch, I'll get bored after a tiny bit and just not play for months
I'm not the only one that this happens to right? Not just with those games but with any.
Resident Evil 6
You really should've stopped buying games and found a different hobby a while ago.
Torchlight 2
97% of my steam library
Lords of the Fallen.
Xenoblade X
Battleborn got it off humble bundle
I could've used that money for college.
Legue of Legends.
>use smart pistol to kill mobs
>don't kill other players at all
>still win with the most points
The moment I realized how easy it was to cheese it I didn't feel like playing past 10 hours
Drakengard 3
my whole steam library.
Witcher 2. Seems like something that you would enjoy watching rather than playing.
Red alert was awesome
Yakuza 5
It's okay if this happens.
Buying games is more fun than playing them.
same desu
Grand Kingdom. After a few hours you honestly have seen all that the game has to offer. Beyond that point it is the exact same thing repeated over and over simply with bigger stat numbers from better equipment. This is true for many games however with Grand Kingdom it really hits with how dull it is because the only thing the game has is its three lane turn based battles. There's no exploring to be done, all quests are performed on a board with pieces like a board game. The combat is also somehow not as satisfying as Grand Knights History. It lacks the impact attacks had in that one.
I honestly thought Sup Forums was exaggerating the whole narrow corridors thing, I was wrong. Also, I couldn't beat Odin
please push through it
Dead Space. Played the first 3 chapters and just got bored. Maybe it was just about to get good, but all I had been doing up to that point was walking down a corridor, getting ambushed, clicking a button, and walking back down the corridor
Amazing atmosphere and sound, but the game was just the same thing over and over again
>be me
>in college
>living with a laptop
>suddenly the motherboard fries
>need computer NAO
>just so happens to be cyber monday at best buy
>8gb ram and WON HOLE TERRABIGHT of storage!
>how much does it cost?
>$150 off? wew lad!
>bought it thinking i could upgrade to a better video card for gaming
>mfw i just turn the thing on and use it for a while
>mfw a while turns into more than the return policy
>mfw i start making enough money to save for better graphics card and on a whim, check the specs
>mfw integrated graphics
>mfw 65 watt power supply
Star Wars Battlefront
What a sorry excuse for a Star Wars game. It felt like EA and Dice made a half-baked, lazy game and just released it because of the license. What a disappointing, unfulfilling piece of shit.
Sands of Destruction
Made it all the way to Mercenary Teddy Bear's pirate ship in one session, and just never put it in again.
and wich games do you like, user?
because it seems you may not like videogames at all
Same. Everything that made the Beta fun, they 'fixed'.
Which describes at least 50% of Sup Forums.
The memes got too real.
I feel sorry for you guys.
Dong Freeze and W101
I tried it for like 2 hours and just couldn't get into it. I don't know why, normally I don't have any issues with games being clunky.
T-thanks guys. Most of those games I listed I just can't get back into for whatever reason, but acknowledge that they're good or great in some cases (LISA/Planescape particularly). Others are just not appealing to me whatsoever. In no particular order, favorite games are things like Civ IV:BtS, DoW, Diablo 2, X3, and Dwarf Fort.
Lately been sinking absurd amount of hours into Tales of Maj'Eyal and Cataclysm DDA.
The last of us
serious sam 3, at least it was very fucking cheap.
witcher 3
At least half the games I've ever bought.
I played the Dead by Daylight beta, enjoyed it, and have only played once since it came out.
Fallout 4
The Witcher
Easily one of the most boring games I've ever played.
no mans sky. only made it two hours in
>decide to buy this thing because I see an used copy for $18
>know about how bad the localization is but give it a try anyway
>1st chapter
>protagonist is woken up by two maids
>the two maids want to suck his dick
>he goes training
>the loli shows up
>the loli wants to suck his dick
>the big titted purple haired whore shows ups
>the big titted purple haired whore wants to suck his dick
>he stops training
>the girl that takes care of his horses show up
>the girl that takes care of his horses wants to suck his dick
I was expecting regular bad, not "third-rate harem fanservice anime" bad
are you a faggot?
Plz no bully
Etrian Odyssey Untold the Millennium Girl
Legend of the Dark Witch
Mighty Switch Force
Animal Crossing New Leaf
Fire Emblem Shadow Dragon
Marvel Ultimate Alliance
I actually dropped bloodborne after getting my ass destroyed by Gascoigne and then not being able to find where the fuck he was again, I still hate that first area
Picked it up again a few months later, killed him first try and went on to beat the game
Nope, I just like when the game tells me a story instead of try to make me feel good like I'm some kind of retarded otaku that hasn't talked to a human being in the past week
No mans sky.
Used to be MH3U. Popped it in the other week and now I can't stop playing.
Tons of them, but i specially remember Half-Life. Fuck that boring shit.
Subnaticua.. i feel bad about it too, it's not a bad game. It just gets boring after 6 hours.
Battlefield Hardline bought it for $7 and I still think it's a waste.
The game is actually not bad but there is no reason to play it if you have bf4
Majority of the games from humble bundle and other game bundles.
the new deus ex, mankind divided
regret buying it, will be trading it in soon
EYE Divine Cybermancy.
I still want my fucking dollar back...
ARK and Rust.
Both were bought in a spur of the moment while on a skype call with friends.
But they stopped playing once they got bored and I joined pretty late, so I'm stuck with these horribly bland games that are really only fun with other peeps.
Mankind Divided, my 1070 can't maintain a solid frame rate while playing the piece of trash.
>Metro 2033
and into the trash
>Red Steel 2
>Kotor 1 and 2
>Animal Crossing: New Leaf
>Dead Space 2
>Papers Please
>Pikmin 3
I'll probably go back to most of these games eventually. Except for AC:NL. I bought that game not realizing that I fucking hate life sims apparently. My tastes in vidya have changed way too much. I hate slow-paced shit now.
Fuck, lemme see.
AI War : Fleet Command
Alien Isolation
Alien Colonial Marines
Blood Bowl
Cart Life
Cities XL 2011
Darkstar One
Dead Island
Dragon Age II
Fable 3
Fallout 4
Hacker Evolution
Metro Last Light
Payday 2
Silent Hunter 5
SOL Exodus
Stranded Deep
This War of Mine
X3, all of it
Bought cod ghosts and battlefield 4 when I picked up my Xbox One at launch.
Played the first little bit of cod and never touched it again.