Why do you faggots shill this game so hard, I spent five hours trying to enjoy this pile of garbage and I just can't

Why do you faggots shill this game so hard, I spent five hours trying to enjoy this pile of garbage and I just can't.

>O-Oh, but user, it's meat to be fun!
It isn't, and that type of logic for this kind of shovelware is like turning your brain off and enjoying an Adam Sandler movie.
>Dull atmosphere, uncreative maps
>90% of weapons are shit
>Physics are downright awful as if it was intentional since weeaboos will accept a pile of shit if it's made from Japan
>Graphics are on par with an early PS3 game
>Barely any types of enemies showing just how lazy they were with this game
>Charge 50 dollars for this garbage

Other urls found in this thread:


i fell for this meme too with EDF2025, user

>it's so randum :DDD
>muh le quirky shitty nip game :DDD
>feels bad man

They spent an entire month defending the game's inability to run on some CPUs because the devs couldn't be assed to do something that took MGSV developers a few hours to fix.

It's just one of those circlejerks over a garbage game that was allowed to go on for too long.

the state of your thread OP... sad

What's the matter too hard for you shits?

It's a pretty good game; I've been playing it non-stop since it was released on PC.
My only complain is how repetitive some of the missions are.

get put of the basement and some friends to play with, onan... and perhaps you won't cutty-cutty the pain away

muricans are asleep so not enough weebs are getting triggered about someone shitting on their shitty game

It took me 2 minutes to find a patch for it, big fucking deal.

Or they don't like responding to shitty bait

The singleplayer is enjoyable too.

only if co-op is in the offing... which has always been a given for G/EDF, so...

>it's bait because i don't agree


I'm pretty sure it's an actual, genuine opinion. A retarded one but still.

I got it for $30 I think (why the fuck is it $50 now?) and It's not a purchase I regret. Me and a buddy from college got together over a weekend and just fucking played the shit out of it. Haven't played since, but it was worth it just for that. Had genuine fun.

That being said, $50 is definitely too much, and I wouldn't have liked it if I didn't have friends to play it with. In a past thread one user brought up how Sandlot could be working on a RAD sequel instead of EDF, and frankly I think that'd be a much better use of their time too. Never made the connection that it was Sandlot who did RAD.

>Sandlot could be working on a RAD sequel instead of EDF
They're definitely working on EDF 5 though

Yeah, kinda bums me out. But EDF has been successful enough for them to keep pushing out more of them I guess. Doubt they'd even consider RAD until EDF sales start to dwindle, and even then it'd be a crap shoot.

Rad was shit past the novelty of big robots.



There are people that enjoy waifu JRPGs. There are people that enjoy MOBAs. I do not enjoy either and cannot see why they do, but I accept that they like it and that they will say good things about it regardless of whether it appeals to me or not.

What makes a game good or bad? I'm pretty sure everyone has their own answer for that. Many people here, myself included had fun with this game. We like what it had to offer. Maybe you should have done more research into the game to see if it would appeal to you instead of blindly taking what people say as gospel.

>trying to do mission 95 online with people on HARD
>3 huge bug hives that shit out tons of ants, spiders and wasps, with alien drones flying everywhere, with a bunch of hectors walking around
>we keep losing because my fucking team just ignores the hives and im the only one attacking them
>chat is off so theres no way to communicate properly
>hurpa a derp, air raider calls in a balamb and it dies instantly to 100 bugs hitting it all at once
>oh no, why do we keep getting attacked by wave after wave after wave of bugs?
>several tries and the whole group quits


I'll play with you.

>he paid $50 for it

That's where you fucked up.

It's a budget game. $20-30 is the sweet spot and it's best played with friends.

most of us who supported it paid 32 bucks, and yea its not worth 50 like its dlc is not worth 20 in total, the support is shit, the chat window is the most fucking retarded thing, but still the game is fun to me

Who are you quoting?

if i had to choose between EDF and god eater does anyone have any suggestions?

also EDF is $35 on the humble store right now

Actually you kill the first big wave, don't hit any nests, they'll stop coming, then kill hectors, then kill a nest, retreat, kill the horde, repeat. You were causing the bugs to continuously come.

Do you prefer huntan, or blowing up hundreds of insects at once?

i've never tried blowing up hundreds of insects at once

>3 huge bug hives that shit out tons of ants, spiders and wasps, with alien drones flying everywhere, with a bunch of hectors walking around
>oh no, why do we keep getting attacked by wave after wave after wave of bugs?

I hope you realize there is an aggro system and on that map specifically nothing aggros you except if you attack it or anything close to it.

Attacking the hives in this mission before taking care of the hectors and drones is just making shit harder than it should be.

Adding, of course playing with a team with chat off and them not realizing this is just going to end in frustration and stupidity.

Damn, it looked so fun. Even if it's not a quality vidya, is it good for colossal monsters?

EDF is way, way better

god eater is an all around awful game imo, feels like I'm playing a low budget, low quality PSP game from 2005 with its resolution increased

>port a game from a system that runs on AMD hardware
>it doesn't work on AMD CPUs
How do you fuck up this much?

Atmosphere is great, soldiers singing and talking is fantastic. Maps are huge and destructible

I doubt you unlocked and tested 600 out of the 700 weapons in 5 hours

Physics are alright

Graphics are alright

You are probably like on mission 15 out of 90, you haven't seen shit yet

Game is fun and your a fag.

Great game, op.

I too love it

>hyped meme game is shit

>"that game no one played" 4.1 is shit
I've always ahead my doubts about this franchise, but I didn't say anything, because I didn't personally play it.

>feels like I'm playing a low budget, low quality PSP game from 2005 with its resolution increased
Actually, it's a low budget, low quality PSP game from 2011 with its resolution increased.

>EDF is an all around awful game imo, feels like I'm playing a low budget, low quality PS2 game from 2005 with its resolution increased

fixed that for you

both games are shit

>tfw EDF5 is announced
>fucking frogmen
Only thing that scares me is how we only see the Ranger and what seems like a Pale Wing instead of the Wing Diver. Where's the Air Raider? Fencer?

Alot of people are worried about that.

In the older games it was only Ranger, and then later they added Pale Wing to the mix.

According to EDF2025/4.1, the only other invasion was in EDF2017.

But the TGS trailer says that EDF5 happens in 2022, which makes no sense. But maybe its an alternate reality, and they are using that to go back to only having Ranger and Wingdiver?

At today's TGS event they told that other character/s are a mystery. So we can assume they'll give us something.

>Dull atmosphere, uncreative maps
Maps are repetitive true, but you end up leveling all of them anyway.
>90% of weapons are shit
Stop paying on normal
>Physics are downright awful as if it was intentional since weeaboos will accept a pile of shit if it's made from Japan
What fucking physics do you need?
>Graphics are on par with an early PS3 game
muh graphics
>Barely any types of enemies showing just how lazy they were with this game
Maybe you should play more than 10 levels
>Charge 50 dollars for this garbage
It was 30 on release.

>the frogmen have mass produced EVA swords

You can shoot frog legs off also. They sit around trying to shoot you for a bit and grow them back.

>>Dull atmosphere, uncreative maps
Not going to debate this in all honestly, but it gets fucking demolished anyhow so whatever
% of weapons are shit
Play Hard missions. It gives you way better gear than Normal (Laser Chainsaw)
>>Physics are downright awful as if it was intentional since weeaboos will accept a pile of shit if it's made from Japan
The physics don't fucking matter in this game. The only thing that DOES matter is the colission since it can fuck you up depending on the situation
>>Graphics are on par with an early PS3 game
>caring about graphics
>in a budget game
>>Barely any types of enemies showing just how lazy they were with this game
The fuck you on about? Where'd you leave off?
>>Charge 50 dollars for this garbage
I can definitely see how $50 is a tough sell but the launch price was $30-35 so hey

Also, play in co-op you miserable man

In the gameplay shown at TGS the class select thing had space for 4 classes, but only Ranger and Wing Diver are there currently.

You could have just started your thread with "I have completely shit taste and I'm a massive retard"

Or do you just mean the announcement trailer?

>fencer will never be able to go full armored core, with actual jetboosters

EDF 5 gameplay


It's a live D3 TGS event. Skip to about 02:55:00 for EDF gameplay. Quality is bad but you know.

>ranger can sprint

Oh shit the pepes get dismembered and keep on fighting



>stunlock is still in

Sandlot please.

Don't...just don't.
How can you let a fucking Sup Forums post influence you on whether or not to buy the game?

If it looks cool TO YOU, buy it.
If YOU think it looks bad, don't buy it.

What the fuck were those things in the end? Armored Pepes?

looks like London/some generic Euro ctiy, glad we're getting out of Japan in this one.

Super Pepes.

they look like giant robot rangers, fucking cosmic.

They are just generic B movie type aliens under the mask. The event had a huge statue with helmet opening up.

Pretty cool desu.
Can see those rolling fuckers get pretty annoying on harder difficulties.

>there are people on Sup Forums that dont like EDF
How far have we come

EDF is musou with guns
Repetitive shallow gameplay that isn't for everyone

>I've never played a musou game nor an EDF game

bait harder

>tfw at 65% completion

It's almost time for those limiters to come off boys

Well it's pretty nice. The game also gets way harder and more strategic later on/on higher difficulties.

New Wing Diver


>missile that big
>blast radius is about the same size

literally who fucking cares about timelines and lore in a game about shooting giant stupid insects

>those fuel and gas silos

Also where is it from? Another gameplay vid or just some screenshots?


Around 3:24:00~ It's screenshots and gameplay.

Misison 2 has Ranger with a police uniform.

Back in my day us veteran gamers played quality games like body harvest.

Did they really change Fencer and Air Raider somehow.
They've been avoiding showing them so far.

Not in this demo, but you can see in the class select thing there is space for 4 classes.

pic of what I am talking about

>those giant frogs
Think I prefered hectors, this is a little TOO silly to be honest, goes from B-movie to just plain dumb looking.

>armored giant frogmen that roll
this is great!

aparently they ar goin with the EDF1 and 2 lines

What if we get both?

They are actually ayyys not frogs.


It's something Fencer should have had as standard but that's nice

>can still be stuncloked.

Dealing with those frogs and armored enemies will be a bitch as a WD if they can juts stunlock you in the air again.

Those frogmen weapon seem exactly like Hector Machine guns that just fire slower with longer range, so multiple of them in a place without cover = o boi.

If EDF 5 is a sequel to the GDF/EDF2 universe, would the game after it merge the two timelines together and the ravagers team up with the other ayys try to take over the Earth?

that would mean bio-hectors, cyber milipedes, an unholy combo of the saurus, organus and the argo or those cool armagedon cyber mantises

Fuck I was hoping they'd have exactly this, but human sized. Enemies that use EDF's own tactics and imitations of their equipment against them.

>No beach landing mission where you're defending the beach head from alien LSTs full of human sized ayy footsoldiers

Looks more like the Pale Wing

There's nothing else to play on the super charged PC4. That's why sonyggers also hype shit like Dude Raider and TLOU.

What does that have to do with EDF?

Fuck you, the gameplay was solid for a giant robot game. Grossly upscale rock-em sock-em robots with Mazinger attacks is what we need now.