Fixing Sup Forums

Post Ideas how to fix Sup Forums.
Be constructive.
Let Hiroshima see it.

Other urls found in this thread:

Does it really matter though?

>/qa/ leaking

I'll stop posting this after this thread.

Ban E-Celeb shit, this includes all youtuber and twitch bullshit. This is probably the most important thing to do that's reasonably achievable.

Cycle a few more mods our way during the nighttime. From about 12 PM to 5 AM all sorts of non-vidya shit flourishes. This is also pretty damn important to do, but I've lost hope of this ever happening.

Do not implement Thread IDs, they're a terrible idea that only covers up a few of the symptoms instead of addressing the root issues, and adds many more issues of it's own as well. Plus, it's stupidly easy to go change IP and get a new ID, and I can assure you all that the most dedicated assholes among us would keep doing what they're doing already, all you're doing is adding another easy hoop to jump through.

Anyone who's saying to add Flags is just shitposting, they literally add nothing to the average videogame discussion, and only encourage posters to ignore the posts themselves and shitpost about rare flags and Australians and shit.

There's nothing wrong with Sup Forums

Sure it does. Effective trolling and shitposting disrupts poor cognitive habits.

ban blatant eceleb shit


Autoban Australian IPs

This board is shit, there's no saving it

There are people that legitimately think shitposting is okay and repeating the same exact shit every goddamn thread (WE WUZ KANGS, cuck, nu-male, etc.) is hilarious

I don't think that was ever on the table.

>modcunts walking on egg shells and actually doing their jobs now that hiro is watching

Wew lads

Can't wait for these faggot reddit mods to be removed, they had their chance and lost it

>instaban Sup Forumsshit
>instaban consolewars
>instaban eceleb shit
>instaban Twitter drama
Missing anything else?

At least use frog images if you're going to have an opinion that terrible


good, keep it that way

I think the unscathe hell that would come from a Barneyfag moderation would clear the board up in a few hours

>I don't really care about much but the pol posting. Boards need to be contained to themselves, but we have pol shitposting on here derailing Sup Forums threads shitting up the catalog. Pol belongs on pol.
This really applies to all boards, I just don't see cross(shit)posters on that level on other boards.
Copied from last thread

ban reddit screencap blatant Sup Forumsshit

Encourage a climate where anyone can make a thread about a game they want to talk about and not have it 404 after seconds because most of the traffic goes to shitposting and e-celeb threads

Remove the following boards

>Sup Forums

Ban Ecelebs, filter "shill" and "cuck," keep Sup Forums from shitting all over every board with their idea of politics, do something about Barneyfag, make a porn board where people can discuss pornstars

Permaban anyone who complains about Sup Forums in this thread.

>>instaban consolewars
I thought modern day console war threads were ironic shit posting.
And like we were all in on it.

>Ban australians
>Ban e-celeb or make an e-celeb board
>Force generals to be pushed back to /vg/
>Fix the moderation team
>Ban twitter posters
>Remove reddit infestation



but also ban reddit caps

anime is allowed if the text content is vidya- or discussion-relevant

IDs are a smokescreen for true/paid shitposters and makes a real problem even more inscrutable, as long as proxies and multiple devices exist

satellite boards such as /vg/ are necessary to preserve a parent board's density of free discussion

shilling and dedicated shitposting are not countered in any way by IDs

IDs are in opposition to Sup Forums's core format of anonymous posting

prove me wrong

>I thought modern day console war threads were ironic shit posting.
You really underestimate the power of retards in one group

Honestly, Sup Forums is fine.



A good portion of the problems people are having can be solved by filtering content that you don't want to see. Take some responsibility for what you don't want to see. For example, if you're bothered by words like "cuck" and "shill," ask yourself if you've ever interacted with anyone who has said those words has also ever said anything you consider worth reading? The answer is no, you haven't, so why not just not see their posts at all?

ban blatant /r9k/ shit

good list.
falseflagging might also belong

even thread ids?

These threads are pointless user. You get Industry state = Board State.

Ban frogposters

This. You can discuss older games on Sup Forums, but no one fucking does it because everyone would prefer to shitpost and be an epic smartass instead. Which is why /vr/ was made. It has gotten to the point where we have a dedicated shitposting board called /s4s/ where everyone can go and shitpost there to their hearts content, but the filth here can't be satisfied unless their shitposting actually ruins a legitimate discussion ore derails a thread which is why they stay here.

perma ban your small white dick, oh wait every girl you met already did

This. Pepe is a symbol of racism and sexism. totally problematic!

You want to make Sup Forums better? DDOS the fucking servers. Make them go down for 6 months, a year, whatever. There're are plenty of other IBs to post on. When Sup Forums does come back up tell no one.

Every time a thread is posted, anons have to vote on it to see if it gets to stay on the board or not

>being disgusted by gachimuchi

This this is amazing.

ban non-vidya related shit

>people in this thread actually thinking their hopes will come true
>people thinking that Hiro hasn't left Sup Forums

I wish I could be a deluded and riled up

Do you see something like that ever actually happening?

main problem with pol is that they don't stay on fucking pol. The point of a board for politics is so people post politics on it instead of v.

I'd be amazed if mods started giving a shit now

Its not gonna happen but I can dream

Oh great, another thread for normalfags to complain about shit we've been doing since the beginning of time.

thread IDs are IP based

any shitposter worth their salt (i.e. the ones who aren't hilariously obvious and/or ineffective) will take thread IDs as an opportunity to cloak their shitposting, because they will have access to multiple devices or proxies or sheer modem IP resets

bad shitposters are not the real problem, they're a red herring, and the "solution" is just a service that gives true shitposters and paid shills additional security

Thread IDs are thread-based so overall you're still anonymous across the board and the retarded shit you say in one thread won't follow you over to the other and you can say whatever you want freely without worrying about it coming back to you in another thread

And I'm definitely of the belief that it would cut down on shitposting and "shilling" (which isn't even close to as big of a problem as you think it is)

>Ban twitterposting
>Ban consolewar threads and everyone who participates
>Ban eceleb shit or make a new board for them
>Ban Sup Forums shit

Fuck I'd even go as far as to have thread ids this board has lost it's right to be anonymous.

waifu cancer not actually discussing the game

Isn't it?


>thread IDs
You mean like just IDs limited to one thread because thats what fucking IDs are

KEEP Sup Forums IN Sup Forums
>KEEP Sup Forums IN Sup Forums
KEEP Sup Forums IN Sup Forums
>KEEP Sup Forums IN Sup Forums
KEEP Sup Forums IN Sup Forums
>KEEP Sup Forums IN Sup Forums
KEEP Sup Forums IN Sup Forums


t. reddit


It's a symbol of Reddit, and has been since 2014.

I hate both normies and autists on here. I prefer to be part of the fringe class of people. I'm fringe.

you are part of the problem

A thread about steak

it originated from here though.


Yes, when I close my eyes and begin dreaming, I dream of a world where Sup Forums has been down for a year, the boards are reset, most of the boards have been cut to cull cost, post 00000000001 on Sup Forums will say "Sup Forums WAS NEVER GOOD" and it will all go back to the way it was in 2005.

Mods give a shit (mostly). Look at Sup Forums. We are not the worst board.

E-celeb shit needs to go though. That "How's your gaming channel doing" it's the expression of everything wrong with Sup Forums. And that's little compared to other boards.

see the ID is per-thread but based on IP, which can be cycled easily by anyone who gives a shit about dismantling threads or is operating with an ulterior motive (i.e. shilling)

This user gets it
This user deserves recognition
This user knows what's right for his board

I know, but the whole "RARE PEPE/SMUG PEPE" thing made the meme explode in popularity, so it's literally Facebook/Twitter/Reddit shit now.

I left Sup Forums because:

- Garbage unknowns trying to become e celebs with some fake ass drama about something "controversial" that no one cares about.

- Console wars and the implications of having a board dedicated to people just shitting on each other for no better reason than owning a different toy

- Tweets by nobodies getting samefagged to 500 replies

- 75% of threads are the above or are just basic bitch trolling.

Sup Forums became funnkyjunk at last. I honestly prefer small subreddits now over Sup Forums. It's not as funny but it's also not a second job to sift through 14 year olds epic shitposting on Sup Forums. Hiro, Sup Forums is a fucking hole. Just listen to anyone and do what they say. I've already given up and honestly at this point Sup Forums is bad enough that I lose nothing by not coming here anymore.

he literally isnt wrong

Ban frogposters. From every board.

something like whatever trial board was supposed to only ever have unique posts, but for OP posts only

come up with something other than the same dozen fucking
>now that the dust has settled
>can we all agree that
meme threads.

Whatever you say alpha male nigger with big dick from Sup Forums's video game board, you sure showed me.

I agree that politics need to stay in Sup Forums but don't get so triggered when someone doesn't agree with you.
>Thread about Trump/the right wing
Thread about shillary/left wing
>No one's told to go back to Sup Forums and proceed to discuss (left wing) politics

If you're gonna ban politics make it so that it applies to all postures.

Block a YouTube link if the channel of the linked video has more than 100k subs
This will eliminate half of e-celeb threads automatically

And Wojak. Fuck that pasty piece of shit, I'm sick of seeing him everywhere.

not sure if this has anything to do with video games.

>but don't get so triggered when someone doesn't agree with you

then don't get triggered over your small penis

Billy wasn't gay 10 years ago and he's not gay now.

But shilling legitimately isn't an issue on Sup Forums. People are paranoid as fuck about it, but it's such a fringe situation when it does actually happen that it shouldn't be taken into consideration when planning implementation of shit like this

People on this board think someone making a thread about a game they're excited that's coming out soon is shilling for fucks sake

>But shilling legitimately isn't an issue
oh boy


>Thread about shillary/left wing
>>No one's told to go back to Sup Forums and proceed to discuss (left wing) politics
Because pol is far right. And when are there ever threads about hillary that arent about her health or roboticness or whatever shit is big on pol.

they're excited for*


>paid shilling isn't an issue on a relatively popular user-based no-ID website

i'm sure you actually believe this and you're legit, so i'd like to hear your reasoning

he's based

>Pre-capcha post done by a bot

Boy you sure proved me wrong. That isn't what shilling is

>something happens a few times here and there
>suddenly a big issue

bring back dubs
shit threads get derailed

problem solved.


>>Pre-capcha post
I screencapped it last night.
I'll try to find the thread in the archives for you
shilling/advertising is huge on Sup Forums

some people are good at shilling and others are bad at it

I don't get this. Some people have to leave their basement sometimes. Sure there are shitposters on phones but there are just as much shitposters on their computers.

>Thread about shillary/left wing

In general, posting liberal political views on Sup Forums will make people tell you to go back to redit or tumber.

It mostly has to do with traffic and popularity. /s4s/ isn't as popular as Sup Forums, meaning less potential replies to your posts, so the shitposters still prefer Sup Forums to it.


Weebshit out.
Non-vidya related eceleb shit out.
Furfaggot/pokemon fucker bait shit out.

>pol is far right
Like i said, it doesn't matter the posture. If you're gonna go against politics make sure to ban Sup Forums stuff but also spergy niggers like this one:

delete normie

>Some people have to leave their basement sometimes.
and why the fuck should those people feel welcome here?