Gore thread
Gore thread
I mean if the controller was already broken this is a neat way of making use of it again
>no red thing in the start hole
>implying n64 controller wasn't atrocious
Good riddance.
The only really horrible thing about it was the analog stick.
fucking terrible. It takes up twice as much space as a normal stationery holder. Pointless and solves no problems. Just throw it in the trash
It also only holds 6 pens. 6 specifically sized pens
>tiger games
>implying anyone cares
Is that Dead Space?
Really the only thing bad about this is how useless it is. The charger is neat but a $1 mug is better to keep your pencils and shit in
wise ass
No, Shin Megami Tensei
A mechanical pencil is technically classed as a pen by law. There's a reason nasa doesn't use them
Check mate
game and watch
C.. Can NASA not legally use pens?
doesn't work in space
Pens don;t work in space because ink needs gravity to work.
>the only really horrible thing about it was the analog stick
>not the entire fucking controller design
>not the fucking weird ass middle grip
>not the shit ergonomics
>not the shit shoulder buttons that would get stuck constantly
They can use pens. They can't use pencils.
He didn't specify in space.
I work as an astronaut for NASA
We don't use either pens or pencils. Astronauts are required to have a special diet and develop mid butt so that way we can fingerpaint information onto a canvas.
That is all.
Oh no, not an N64 controller, now there's only 25 billion left!
Fucking phone, I said mud not mid, sometimes it'll even correct I as it. Fuck these lumias
This. The graphite gets into the air. And can really fuck up machinery.
Pens work in space, the ink chamber just has to be pressurized instead of gravity-fed.
Pencils are worse in space because the graphite particles float around in the air instead of falling to the floor.
That's funny since there's a joke going "NASA spent millions on making a pencil that worked in space due to ink being a problem in space. The Soviet? They used a pencil instead".
Why not crayons?
Can I get some PC gore?
Because crayons contain methane which wouldn't dissipate in a spacecraft. Therefore if you used crayons in space you could potentially blow the spaceship up if something were to spark.
>more than the worlds population
they don't use them because bits of loose graphite would ruin their machinery, the same reason they dont use regular pencils
im not sure what your logic was in this post
Well, I genuinely didn't know that. But wat, if you farted on a spaceship are you telling me there'd just be a floating BALL of shit smell that doesn't go away until someone breathes it all?
Why didn't NASA just make people get into a bubble like bubble boy and just use a pencil in there, a controlled environment for the material floating around.
Hire me nasa, right fucking now.
The joke is bullshit, basically.
> someone post the space pen infographic please I don't have it
And the joke uses false information.
NASA didn't spend millions on a space pen, the pressurized pen was developed with private capital. NASA and Roscosmos both buy them.
OR, they could just attach a tiny vacuum to every pencil. Checkmate
did he died
That took a turn for the worse.
D-did he died?
merely pretending
I've seen this many times and I still can't figure it out. Every part of him seems intact. Maybe he's injured, but he doesn't appear to be bleeding or anything. How is this gore?
I don't get it.
that fella's mind's gotta be spinning in circles
Why not just work naked? I can't imagine those gooks have long enough dongs that they would get caught in those machines.
They're ok.. Right?
more humane than cartel, i'll give them that.
>Powered by Havok
massive internal bleeding, ruptured organs, tons of broken bones, and of course a destroyed spine (and brain stem) which is what mostly killed him anyway, note the instant read head and mangled torso and stomach
Fucking faggot
>that filename
Well it's scary. He probably has numerous broken bones, internal injuries, torn ligaments and muscles.
What a rotten way to die.
the sound version is a lot better
When did I fucking warp to Sup Forums?
"nature is maaaaad bugged HUEHEUHEUHEUEHE"
Had to do it desu senpai
100x more fucked up than the bomb collars
>floating ball of ass
100% dead, watch the way his neck and spine torque as they clear the underside and come back around.
then he just crumples to the ground
astronauts actually eat a diet specifically designed to avoid having bad farts or messy poops because neither are desirable things in a small antigravity environment
>amount of methane in a crayon is equivalent to a fart
>this presents a fire hazard
>in an already oxygen-rich environment
>being wrong but thinking that being obnoxious will make you less wrong
>know people who paint on their consoles
Literally worse than Hitler.
Wait. Only the dog getting eaten by a ball python was removed? What the fucking hell?
It's treason, then.
I put stickers on mine
Good, that was the one i reported too.
Hey aren't there a bunch of the same guys in both of these execution videos?
>Implying Hitler did anything wrong.
You're a monster, but not a total monster.
>the production values on these
What for? Surely terrorists would just film it from one angle with an camcorder
Underrated post
they're used as propaganda/advertisement to get people to join
Holy shit, there's no way he survived right?
Wait were they siamese twins
government false flags.
I kek'd at this one because of how slowly the croc closes it's mouth
only mildly triggered that the filename says gator
I gonna show you an excelent example of tablet design!
After all, its a medical device, thus it must be top quality and rugged as fuck!
Why a thumb tack? WHY A THUMB TACK?
I already don't like where this is going
That text is the funniest shit I've read in months.