Why don't we have more games based on or inspired by Hinduism...

Why don't we have more games based on or inspired by Hinduism? You would think with so much gods and lore it would be an easy go to source for inspiration.

I'm just tired of the Greek/Christian/Tolkien depiction of shit.

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Do the needful and take the poo to the loo Pranjeet.

Because most people don't care enough/think to.


SMT has some of the pantheon.

the depressingly boring answer is that most of the people who make video games don't know fuckall about it.

or anything other than tolkien, D&D, and star wars

Hey OP

look at this

Because street shitters kick up a stink about their gods being used.


Basically 'trivializes Hinduism’s highly revered goddess'

yeah the did a great job, gameplay could have been better but it was an amazing design.

Though about scanning the artbook that came with the LE i have but it's not a game that generates much interest, maybe some day i'll get around to it.

Because white people don't know fucking anything about India, other than it being the home of call centers.

and poo in the streets. am i fitting in?

SMT: Digital Devil Saga is mostly hinduism.

Try it

that is a sexy fucking box, jesus christ

good job, user.

Why is he so upset?

See These are the primary answers

The don't know, they don't care, and indians complain

indians were far too late in the sciences for their fantasies to ever be relevant

a damned shame too, since the dance of shiva predate quantum universality by some centuries

Believe it or not i've always been scared of the SMT series and it's off shoots because of the difficulity but i love the Etrian Odyssey series and that's made by Atlus. Would you say it's easier or harder than that?

morrowind is actually it

Greek, Christian, and European are all familar for western audiecnes, since its part of our culture and that people of European desent make a large part of the market
sure there's games made about Japanese and Chinese stuff, but those games are originally made for Eastern audiences, but you will get those kind of games in the west since Westerns have had a fascination with the East since the 70s with all the martial art movies and how there's actually a good amount of Asians in the West who did expose their culture to Americans at a time
India is a shitty country, there's much less Indians in America than say Chinses, and Indians never really spread their culture to the West that much beyond Yoga studios
for Chinese and Japanese, you had movies, lots of different types of foods, and martial art studios

Shit skin street shitter detected. Fuck off fag

probably less hard but the earlier SMTs have a nasty tendency for almost instant game overs

honestly if you can make it through an EO game you can make it through an SMT game, easy

also like EO, first few levels are probably the hardest in the game, then things ease off when you get more hp and abilities and options.

Farcry 4

Its hard. But with emulation you can cheat if you want. Takes the fun out of it really.

Best thing I would reccomend is just give yourself infinite macca and that is it if you have to cheat. This way you can take out most of the tedious grinding for money and still have the difficulty intact

Not that user but I'd say most SMT games are easier than Etrian Odyssey.

Just use Buddhism. It's an offshoot of Hinduism and the practitioners don't give a shit about this kind of stuff.

Felt good siding with Pagan.
Just wish it let you start killing the Golden path from the start.

Will game have make you shit in the street?


DDS is easier, and probably one of the better SMT games in its own right. Not bad for a starting place.

Are Buddhists the most chill religious people?
I've never had issues with them and they are down to celebrate most holidays I know of.

> chill
Is that code for "apathetic/don't give a fuck about anything"?


This Hindu """"leader""""'s complained about this sort of thing a lot before.


Because, just like Native American and Polynesian mythology, Asia is too fucking crazy for anyone but the Japanese to try.

Touching the stars of memories that fall like arrows through the river of colors drenched in the sorrow of warriors who lost their lives for an evil king becoming demons hunting their own souls but never being able to find it in the glass dome of an inverse sky just to catch the peach that holds the seeds of rain clouds to nourish the dry bones that hold the land together?

It literally sounds like something Kojima would ramble about.

meditation does that to you

Most Buddhist sects believe that the outside does not affect the individual unless the individual allows the outside in. You only give them power by making it part of yourself and that allows others to dictate your path, muddying it and making it more difficult to achieve enlightenment.

Plus Buddhism is a philosophy as well as a religion.

Buddhists are the opposite of apathetic. It's all about understanding and comprehension.

here's a quote from Kodo Sawaki, a revered Buddhist leader
"The asshole doesn’t need to be ashamed of being the asshole. The feet don’t have any reason to go on strike just because they’re only feet. The head isn’t the most important of all, and the navel doesn’t need to imagine he’s the father of all things. It’s strange though that people look at the prime minister as an especially important person. The nose can’t replace the eyes, and the mouth can’t replace the ears. Everything has its own identity, which is unsurpassable in the whole universe. "

Hi Zen.

OP here, not even Indian i just spent hours reading up different religion today after getting linked to the wiki page. Didn't know it would trigger people. Anyways looks like DDS is my go to, did a youtube search and it looks good. thanks for the recommendation dudes. I just think games need more fantasy inspiration that's all.

If you have time to kill en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indian_religions

if I ever was to be religious it'd probably be buddhist, I can get behind this shit. unfortunately I like getting attached to wordly desires and possessions.

not meant as a fedora tip

Why are you even in this thread?






epic posts

shut the FUCK up, Rajesh

can't wait until Pakistan takes over your shithole of a "country"

>not even Indian

nice try Poonderjeet

nobody wants a game set in India because India is literally crawling with feces, corpses, and flies and maggots

The beauty of Buddhism is that it can just be a life philosophy. More than anything else it teaches moderation. You can have your 4k TV, your nice home, your 68 Mustang, and that really baller PC. Just don't covet it and enjoy it for what it is without allowing it to corrupt your morals and ideals.

Enjoy mate. Best SMT game for me apart from Nocturne.
You should also try that one as well after.

You get to fight the Nocturne protag in DDS as a secret boss

Hello Richard Gere

Technically you only fight a data replica of the neutral route demifiend.

I don't even think an Islamic shithole would want PooCorpse River Country.