Best Zeldas

You heard me. These two are the best Zelda designs. The only possible competitors are alt Zelda forms (Ninja, Pirate, Ghost Knight), all of which have a corresponding actual "Zelda" who is clearly inferior to these two. I have high hopes for BotW Zelda.

You may now begin your tribute.

This matters a lot to you somehow.

literally the most significant thing ever

I unironically think CD-I Zelda was alright

What is your least favorite Zelda design?

Probably 4SA


you know OP I thought I liked you because you have good taste in favorites but 4SA is your least favorite? fucking disgusting

Delete this

Melee Zelda is the prettiest and will always be.

>Melee Zelda
It's just OoT Zelda

look at this and pick a worse one


I don"t see it

all of them except for ALttP and TP

>ALttP Zelda
>Chooses inferior pink version

You were so close, OP.

Why does Zelda look so amazing on the Wii U, and Link looks like a fucking gremlin?

Sorry but the nightgown isn't as pretty. She's rocking gold everywhere and a cape man, why can't you dig it?

Besides it seems to be what's actually being depicted in the game.

On second glance I'll agree original, and I guess Zelda 2's aswell, are worse. That's it though.

I want TP Zelda to step on my dick guys.

ninja zelda is best zelda

that's completely natural. What do her gloves feel like?

post 6 panel zelda edits

AlttP looks pimp as fuck. Is she going to send cold blooded looking TP to kill rival gangs?

I'm sure she's i to fear play with that sword too.

>takes off disguise
>immediatly caught by magic
Well I guess it worked

This is without a doubt the best Zelda.
This is also the only time Zelda has been shown as a strong character herself, instead of the usually "I'm just an useless princess"

Now and forever.


What the fuck is she wearing?

>I have high hopes for BotW Zelda.

Why exactly? I highly doubt Zelda will look like a traditional princess in the game given the kingdom is in ruins, and that seems to be what you prefer her design to be like.

The best Zelda will be the one where she looks like Link 'cause she is the main character and has to go out on the adventure.

Link's courage turned to ambition and he became the villain, and tricked Ganon who is a female and a drooling retard with enormous retard strength.

>'cause she is the main character and has to go out on the adventure.
I agree bro, that's why will always be the best Zelda.

While I know I'm displaying my hard on for the regal look. I'm sure it possible for me to like an average gal Zelda design. SS Zelda just wasn't the one.

plurals beat singles, fag.

I am sick of the slight variants on this dance gown design that's either a tabard or ... I don't even know what that waist-and down variant of heraldry is called but I'm sick of it.

Just once I'd like to see Zelda overdressed and garish to prove she's richer than Malon.


>only time
>Hyrule Warriors
>Spirit Tracks

>tfw this will never EVER happen