Post your dream squad
Post your dream squad
Mandalore and Wrex
your mom and my penis
HK-47, Dorthy from Va11 Halla, and Gehrman the First hunter from Bloodborne.
What the fuck would our adventures look like?
Bastilla and a clone of Bastilla
Revan, Atton, and me as an edgelord doing the fuck out of the light side
HK-47, Canderous, Bastila, Jolee, Yuthura Ban, Trask Ulgo, T3-M4, Mission, and Zaalbar.
Bastilla and a twi'lek who corrupts her
jolee is my gray nigga and force spammer
bastila my waifu
and i guess mission.
What do you think Sup Forums - what would a banter be like between Jolee and Kreia?
they're both gray so they would probably get along swimmingly.
>I be gray too, woman
>No you're a nigger
Jolee would shut that bitch up because she's just whining about her own dumbass problems
I sense a disturbance in the force. As if two sassy as fuck voices tried to one up each other and were suddenly interrupted by a PC remark. I fear something hilarious has happened.
You are Revan :^)
Revan from kotor 2 was different enough of a character
I want that one
Malak, Nihilus, and Sion.
Malak for his classic villainy.
Sion for his psycho shtick.
Nihilus for the edge.
Best buds. Until Kreia betrays everyone and Jolee saw it coming and acts like a wise, old nigga about it.
>my mfw when PCucks play ancient shit because they don't have anything new
>mfw I play all games, old and new, because I have money
>tfw going through my backlog of games
>still at 2004
I just can't keep up with all these games fampai
Carth, Carth and Carth
I like how you can make him kill his own son
I like how I can fuck him in Mass Effect 3.
I like how he's scorch from republic commando, and morte from Planescape Torment. And how you're reading this in his voice.
>and morte from Planescape Torment
no way
Not the same actor, he just sounds similar.
Why are blasters so worthless in this game?
Black Whirlwind, Wild Flower, and Henpecked Hou.
Canderous and HK-47
>I LIKE howhe'sScorchfromRepbibliccomando AND morte fromplacescapetorment. And Now.... you're readingthisinhisvoice
Now I did.
Because the game is slanted towards jedi.
I tried so many fucking times in my first few playthroughs to not end up a jedi, hoping there was some way around. The game, like ANYTHING Star War, glorifies jedi.
Any SW game with Jedi/Sith in it instantly makes any blaster worthless. The only good one where they worth a damn is Republic Commando.
also nothing grey about constantly disagreeing.
I nerf myself in Battlefront 2 because how op they are and only bad jedi is Yoda.
Dark Forces/Jedi series guns were viable, and sometimes even better than sabers, like that concussion rifle from Academy.
i haven't tried it but apparently blaster jedi is at least viable in kotor. never tried it myself, just don't see a jedi using blasters
Fuck special snowflake Jedi and their shitty games.
And fuck EA,and Disney, because we'lll shitloads more of those games.
I loved carth but i find kaiden to be boring as all fuck.
how come?
Because the game wants to shoehorn you into killing him even though Ashely is shit too.
Only patricians save Kaiden to fuck his boipussy in ME3.
They made a mass effect 3?
It was just a bad dream
I found out about that citadel DLC like a year ago,
how did mass effect become that?
Indoctrination fan theory is actually better than the shit they wrote.
You mean ME3 or the dlc?
For ME3, one of the possible endings leaked, and allegedly they had to change it on the spot to men vs machine.
As far as the DLC goes, it was basically a bigass fanservice, not that it was bad.
mass effect 3 was a botch job and pretty shit. But that citadel DLC man, jesus fucking christ.
they turned a sci-fi rpg into a sitcom
My only real problem with the original ending was that you basically destroy the universe with different color palette. The EC more or less solved that.
ME3 single player gameplay vise was bearable at least and they somewhat improved on ME2. Hell, the story was even engaging up to Tuchanka. After that, it was I'm better than you Spepherd haha I'm THE space ninja
I even agree with you on the DLC, but personally I enjoyed it.
>Console Cuck thinking he has anything worthwhile that I don't have on PC
>they turned a sci-fi rpg into a sitcom
Please tell me somebody made that video edit and turned part of the dlc into a seinfeld episode. Complete with slap bass. Cause if they haven't, I will.
>responding to bait
Lighten up for one second.
I just do me, the wookie, and candarous.