What games can i date shy girls?
What games can i date shy girls?
Other urls found in this thread:
Mass Effect 2
Liara isn't in ME2
That's a cute image
>inb4 /r9k/ subhuman train arrives at this station and claims this girl is a whore or that something like this never happens
final fantasy 7
Imagination version is better
> casual hint thing
I realized I'm a fucking sperg and I would never pick this up if this ever happened to me.
Real life
>casual hinting
Thanks user, I was having a good day and now you ruined it by making me self-aware of my density once more.
Well user let me put it this way, at least you haven't had absolutely gorgeous women hitting on you pretty blatantly to only realize they were doing that years later.
Anyone notice the tears?
It's easy user, just pretend that none ever hints you, worked fine for me
Oh shit it does imply that she doesnt have boyfriend
>Befriend this girl in a summer camp when I was 15 years old.
>Sitting in the toilet at 20.
>Suddenly it hits me.
I hate myself so much sometimes. Hell I wonder how the fuck couldn't I realize back then, she literally was just one step away from just jumping my dick and I was just all like "haha u so funny I kill u last".
>only just realised that when I was 15 a girl on my high school totally wanted to fuck me
This must be the most common thing in the world, I've heard a million stories of this happening to people
>tfw you will never meet the shy awkward girl of your dreams only for your mutual social retardation to make a relationship impossible
Really makes you think, like a shower
Reminder that she is asking chad thundercock out, not you. She wants the alpa male seed inside her womb. Not so cute now, is it?
jokes on her, i am chad thundercock
Ronnie is that guy that's so pathethic it's funny, until you realize you've done the same shit at some point. The worst part is, it's happened with several girls. None of them too bad looking either. What really eats away at me is the though that I could have had a good love life if I simply wasn't so ridiculously dense.
>Grown ass man near Wizardhood
>Still dense as fuck
>Have learned to mingle and socialize, thanks alcohol
>At a normie party with normie friends, try to chat up a great looking girl
>Succeed, basically monopolize her all afternoon
>End up getting too drunk and she leaves
>Realize next morning she almost literally told me to fuck her to my face and I didn't catch it
I will die alone.
She is japanese. These things actually happen in japan.
Mainly because there is a lot of social pressure going on in classrooms. Still cute as fuck.
t. English teacher
Of course
>20 y/o now
>befriended several girls in 16-18
I am sure neither of them actually wanted to be my though, probably because girls in early middle school killed all my capacity for love or relationship
when did peep become cow
Missing hints isnt really a big deal once you know how easy it is to ask a girl out
>tfw pretty sure no girl was ever interested in me
In what games can I date shy girls as a shy girl?
>tfw you were never sure
Like a wound that will never heal
Fuck you
I had two girls pining for me for an entire semester of high school and I didn't even notice, then was told about it, and messed it all up because it was the first time girls expressed any interest in me.
The next year, I got an introvert whom I never revealed my powerlevel to, because I didnt want to mess things up, but then we were just awkward, never revealing much personality to each other, and never did anything and she broke up with me over text while I went off to college.
Then the girl I asked out this summer turned out to be a lesbian. I hope she'll be a good wingman, though, as we're still friends
>Desperately want to be in a relationship just so I can have someone I can be open with
>The closer I get to a girl, the more I realize I dislike them
There's my contribution of a blog post to these VIDEO GAMES
>be 16, now 20
>went to church
>girl there kept bring really nice to you but you kept denying because who would like a huge autistic sperg
>mom thought she was being honest but you were still sceptical >you'll never know if she did like you and you were a huge cunt or if she was using you for popularity
Just tie the noose already.
My dick cant contain the cuteness
Shy girls make my heart flutter.
I want to protect the girls on the right
Is there a collection of these?
Are you me? Some girls are plain mean and retarded
>100% like girls
>like all kinds of girls
>like chubby ones, black ones, asian ones, hispanic ones, white ones, several kinds, fit ones, animu ones
>absolutely no desire to enter a relationship with anybody
>never try
whats my problem anons
Quick, post your favorite animu girl of this particular archetype.
It's ok, there are people like that. I remember this one time I was making out with this girl at and we were alone in her room. She kept saying we shouldn't be doing this because she was my ex's friend, but kept kissing me anyway. She dropped the fucking hints hard, nibbling my ear, sucking on my fingers, shit like that. We ended up doing nothing that night. Partly because a part of me was still hoping my ex would take me back.
>be me back in high school
>cute girl who likes vidya and chinese cartoons drops her spaghetti and asks me out
>wasn't really sure what the appeal of this whole romance thing was about, sort of shoot her down while dropping my own spaghetti and stay friends to this day
>she's a lesbian now, albeit not the tumblr kind
wake me up
Fuck off normalfag
I'll take the right and convince her to start wearing her glasses again.
You don't want the work associated with actually having a relationship.
3dpd, 2d for life
v in Sup Forums stands for feels
I will protect the girl on the right from sluts, chads and all evil of the world
You have fear of relationships and commitment.
Well shoot, i dont know.
Shy girls with glasses. Bonus points if she is the caring type
>reading this thread
>remember about that 16 girl that kept bothering me when I was 8
>she told me to kiss her
>asked me if wanted to feel her boobs
>she told me if she could look in my pants
>declined it all because girl were "icky"
>suddenly realize now that she probably wanted my shota dick
she is she's just nothing like me1 liara
It was a trick question though user, Shiori is #1 in my heart no matter what the rest of you say.
She was going to be a lesbian eventually anyway
Good taste
>You could have had that hot /ss/ relationship
>Now you're far too old for /ss/
Damn it.
WoW lol
You probably would've put her in juvie, user.
don't forget gaijins
I guess I'll take that as a compliment
A-are you me
TOEFL right?
I went to a school where Koreans had TOEFL.
Man, those classes were fun as shit.
You can't protect yourself, user.
decisions, decisions. We don't know how the girls work so you will never know how it all could turn out
>Grandpa's told me a few times he was taught what he needed to know by a hot older woman as a kid
This should be not only legal but actively encouraged
>tfw didn't miss any chances because nobody ever liked me
>girls hit on me in "subtle" ways
>recognize it
>don't give a shit and go on with my day
Feels good not having STD's, financial burdens and being able to do what I want when I want with no drama.
>She was going to be a lesbian eventually
More like his rejection made her a lesbian.
But user, I am Chad, because I don't waste my time pitying myself and instead put in some hardwork into myself.
Bitches love hard work.
I know there's more. Post them.
the fuck yall doing
Your heart wouldnt be able to take it
The rest aren't translated.
>never had a chance with any girl
>grown up to be autistic Sup Forums-tard
moms gonna freak
>be at work at my fast food job because I just got my first job a couple months ago
>stocking bottom cabinet with supplies
>girl leans near me to grab something she needed
>she says "You smell good"
>turn around and say "Huh?"
>she thinks I didn't hear what she said and she says "Nothing, nothing at all"
>posts 1 minute 17 seconds apart
Was she cute?
I remember one where they're outside in the snow that was translated
Also link to artist's pixiv or twitter
I knew what would be in this kind of thread
I clicked it anyway
I learn nothing from my mistakes
>3D wom are NOT important
What did they mean by this?
>/thread on your own post
Good morning senpai. Do you happen to have a source for that picture?
Relationships are overrated. Humans weren't meant to be with one person for a life time which is why our instincts fight it so hard unlike animals who mate with one thing for life. Drama is just a manifestation of that natural instinct and our brain chemistry telling us the ride is over and it's time to move on. You can count the number of people who found their soul mates on one hand, most people don't even know a happily married couple.
>reality vs fantasy
>tfw you realize that no matter what we do we're still bound to our own instincts
>no matter how much we progress we always go right back to the same basic structure of the animal kingdom
Do you think beta wolves have their own wolf version of /r9k/?
I'm glad that I have another reasons to hate myself, so I don't have to worry about wasted relationship opportunities from school.
I hate anime posters so fucking much.
I don't know about the right type but my sperg aura keeps me away from leeches on the left
Feels good
>can cook
>likes to spoil you
best gril coming right through; any girl that can cook and enjoys it is a winner, albeit completely fictional since such a thing no longer exists in today's society.