This is your Final Fantasy for tonight.
This is your Final Fantasy for tonight
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I have a disability fetish because of Katawa Shoujo.
eagerly waiting for the fanart of this pairing now
Iris a cute
Could someone make this a "what was he reading?" template?
Adult Luna x Gentiana x shota Noctis when?
They sure like to recycle their footage a lot for these trailers.
Her lips are moving like someone making fun of a japanese language. Like someone mouthing "Gojira is upon us, run for you lives" at x2 speed.
>White in movie
>Asian in game
Body double confirmed
Its worrying
Remember MGSV
/ss/ when?
hopefully the ugly white body double was killed shortly after the movie ended
Almost like they used a white actor for her facial mocap.
dick status: muh
I think it looks good. I also think the trailer is too spoiler-y.
I'm just glad she looks like her early render, the recent one leaked had the hair exaggerated with how it framed her face but it looks great in-game.
Reports from people at TGS
Eng Luna is superior than Jap Luna. Jap Luna sounds too soft to portray that strong character that they talking about while Eng Luna totally gets it.
I'm glad you get to beat the crap out of Luna's brother for being a retard
i've already decided to use English voices since I want to hear the banter, and I'm liking the people involved so far.
I just hope that Aranea and Gentiana have appropriate sultry voices.
Of the four main cast only one is decent in English though.
>runs smooth as butter
Why would this matter in a game with,
1) Shitty mobile game graphics
2) Terrible turn based JRPG combat
Are Final Fantasy shills actually all collectively fucking retarded? You people prove that it doesn't matter what dogshit Square Enix churns out you'll buy it like rabid fanboys. Jesus fucking christ you "people" are embarrassing.
just curious who do you think is the decent one?
i'm not sold on some of Ignis's lines but fuck outside of the character that guy is just smooth as hell.
Ben Moore also at TGS said it's good
This is your Final Fantasy for tonight.
I really hope that his secret plan after getting the ring was to kill Glauca and attack the empire.
Otherwise he's just a complete moron.
Why is he in a wheelchair?
>Villains who did nothing wrong
I didn't like ENG Gladio desu.
He is a complete moron.
His plan was most likely to kill both Lucis and Niflheim.
What did he have to say about the epic downgrade?
Speaking of Glauca, Drautos appeared in the latest voice cast trailer
Reckon he'll be a boss in the game?
Marilith fucked him up and put him in a coma on the brink of death.
What is this, Final Fantasy Tactic Advance?
Ignis, the other's sound too forced. I will give that sometimes the guy who does noctis is on point but only sometimes. At least from what I've heard.
It was upgraded.
I don't care if he wanted to destroy Lucis as a stepping stone to destroy Niflheim, as long as it really wasn't just blaming Regis and Lucis and absolving Glauca and Niflheim.
I'm fairly certain he will be. He is still breathing in the last shot he's in in kingsglaive and his armour regenerates. He only got stabbed in the right shoulder.
the scene was from KG though but I'm hoping he's still in the game somehow.
Especially seeing this face, it could be him?
I thought it was obvious he was just saying that as part of his con so no one suspected him of turning turn coat on Niflheim.
Drautos is in the opening CGI of the game.
And I'm almost certain that was him in the 2013 trailer because his face popped up in between Regis, Clarus and Iedolas.
Ben liked it? Nice, I can afford to put some hype on this game after all then. Two more months.
Someone posts Ravus webm.
Seems like Ardyn revealed himself during Titan, and they meet Ravus in a Niflheim army base.
I think the leak saying Luna died in the middle of the game seems false now, cause sounds like Ardyn need both Oracle and the King to achieve his dream and Luna's VA said near the end there's a lot of action scenes and it was fun. Means that most likely Luna joined the final fight too.
it's funny because it's true
Thank you Ben, the money will be in your account shortly.
Where are the orcs, this is Warcraft right
Tactics is the only FF game I care about. The rest are utter shit.
But this one has so much waifu and husbando game, I don't think I'll be able to pass it up.
Who the fuck is Ben Moore?
>ffxv's waifu and husbando game too strong
i agree, it's crazy. i only liked like, two characters from FFXIII and in this one i pretty much want to fuck everyone.
I'm glad FF /ss/ is back
Nomura and Ferrari's designs are the only good thing about this game. Anything Tabata related is trash.
Gentiana is hot and Luna is cute, i ship them now, fuck Cocktis, he can stay with Prompto.
Yea right. Hope is as gay as a picnic basket, you can see him skipping into adulthood a mile away. Whoever made that image must be blind.
I hope I'm not the only one who didn't figure out he was Glauca until the reveal
Oh well I hope all the other girls fuck shota Noctis.
>That waist.
>That ass.
>That everything.
>yfw you dont give a damn about modern ff storylines.
>you just want comfy , austistic minigamer
>fishing, driving the car, collection, bbq cooking picnic shit. , ingredient gathering.
>doesn't care about quality
>buying XV
Makes sense.
I just want a technical action game in an rpg with lots of content. Hoping for turn based shit is unrealistic at this point.
>that waterfall in the background
MGS3 has better looking waterfalls than this.
I thought this game was supposed to be better looking than Polish Monster Hunter 3?
>final fantasy
whats your ff example ?
ff6 had a lot of stuff in the snes to do.
ffv had a lot too.
Im only one who excited for that outfit and ALSO OPEN TOES?
whats ezio doing there
i remember in middle school someone we were putting our names up on the board for something and some black kid wrote his name "ezio auditore de firenze" and just acted normal about it
I want to ruin his shota boipucci.
I like Luna, all versions of her. She's a top tier waifu for having a weeb, western and in between version. I even like the meme face of her everyone keeps posting from the movie.
Luna a cute. CUTE!
I feel like I'm looking at the polarizing Melee and Sm4sh communities, both sides are fucking retarded but it's hilarious to see what they say against each other.
thats better than going to school now and seeing a black guy with a fox tail.
Rather see a thug gangster than that.
Gentiana also has open toed, my foot fetish loving friend. rejoice
what the fuck did you say niga
>tfw in polytech and there are 2 individuals that wear fedora+trench coat+fingerless gloves
i said your smash game is weak and your card decks are weak youll never make the magic top 8.
Open toed boyz
>shiva used to be this little flat chester
>now shes an ara ara
is this what i get for stopping at ffx?
Id liked to see an ff world with a take on art deco.
>shiva flat chest
since when, friend?
>that wedding dress in the BG
Easy upgrade. Antikun on suicide watch.
post yfw she never gets a chance to wear it
I fucking hate the way they nod their heads when they speak, this triggered me so much in XIII.
fuck i never played this game so i never seen this version of Shiva
It will happen, she wears marriage ring in Leviathan scene.
do people that subconsciously when talking? videogame trick to show the world is alive? why does it bug you user?
She looks like she has a black eye lol
Wonder if this is after Ardyn bitch slaps her.
What is it about Luna that makes my asshole clench?
I just want her to shit in my mouth so badly.
you think ignis is the one who doesn't sound forced?