I..uhhh.....what was I supposed to be doing this week?
I..uhhh.....what was I supposed to be doing this week?
Other urls found in this thread:
Has he been infected?
Dunno but something or another will be ready within 6 months.
Oh...umm...I dunno, let me check
I will tell them you are a spy, and they will kill you.
This plague- The writing is intensifying to the point where we may not be able to control it
Why uh
Why should we worry about keeping it together
I've received reports of armed attacks on shipments. There's not enough vaccine to go around, and the underclasses are starting to get desperate.
might as well start using coke
Go home Bob, you're drunk.
A doctor's appointment or something, not sure
Yeah but
They're all dying
Of course they feel bad
What was that about solar entities and combustion again ?
Hmm. I hope you're not underestimating the problem. The others may not go as quietly as you think -- intelligence indicates they're behind the problems in Paris.
Did I ask for this?
Do you have a single fact to back that up?
Oh the old dudes
Yeah who cares, we got this
We have other problems.
You're going to a retirement home this week, grandpa.
We've got a problem. Miller wants to see a report on the break-in.
U... Uh not the UN
Those other guys at the statue of liberty where we have that base of dudes and robots and stuff
Wait that's us right?
Formed by executive order after the terrorist strike on the Statue. I have someone in place though. I'm more concerned about Savage -- he's relocated to Vandenberg.
Yeah they're just a front, it's cool
The augmentation project?
WHAT break-in?
Yeah we've got things in the works nobody even knows about
This shit be LIT
Except for the first dude
The secondary unit should be online soon. He's currently undergoing preparations and should be operational within six months. My people will continue to report on his progress. If necessary, the primary will be terminated.
Yo senpai
We got this
We got this by the ass.
The one your San Francisco research facility is supposed to have any day now.
Archery practice
>31 replies
>12 posters
You gotta problem with that, cuckold?
impressive, i never could do shit with this crossbow
What? What exactly did you tell him? Never mind. I'll take care of it. In fact, it may even help me clean up a related incident. What have you heard from our man inside ARC?
Not much. He has to be careful transmitting. Rucker may be on to him.
Then it's time for him to use the Orchid. Tell him.
Killing Rucker... Are you sure it's a good idea? I mean, it'll certainly make things easier during Phase 2, but--
I'm merely... concerned that the rest of the Council might not like your call. They seem-- less cohesive these days.
Rucker's death may upset some of them. But at this juncture, Brown is the only person we pay attention to. Once Rucker is dead, I'm positive he's gonna make his move. DO IT.
Bob looks so evil up close
Im really happy with how "young bob" looks.
Man, this entire exchange is the definition of autism. Is ol' Bobby Page "our guy"?
Oh yes.
Your appointment to FEMA should be finalized within the week. I've already discussed the matter with the Senator.
How secure are your communications, Bob? Janus seems to have eyes everywhere these days.
Something's not right...where are the triangles on his clothes?
Illuminati confirmed.
I get this is a comedic oversimplification, but Page's intent goes beyond "Oh, yeah, dying people feel bad."
Shit son, don't have to go all autismo on him
Having bern a person who has never played Deus Ex till recently, I have to say that the music in this game is fucking god tier.
We're in a Deus Ex thread and you're whining about attention-to-detail being autistic? Take a long walk off a short pier and don't forget to level up swimming, faggot.
Guys help.
I can't deal with the fact that I will literally NEVER be as cool as JC Denton