Name a game where I can finish what was started.
Name a game where I can finish what was started
Halo 2
Deus Ex
JC finishes what Paul started
>ITT its 2009
Already, i know the drummer of Protomen usually goes on Sup Forums, show yourself and tell us is Act 3 ever coming out?
I'm not him
Music video web release Friday though
He said mid 2017.
>Implying it'll be finished
Honestly at this point I think it's gonna be bad, it's been dragged on for so long and there's been so little communication.
Plus Gambler sucks.
Act I a best
Act II jumped the shark but has strong hits and motifs
Act III will be a colossal disappointment.
They're just a cover band at this point
>Character is female, so she sucks
Leave it to Sup Forums
No she's just a mediocre singer.
Honestly Raul's the only good one of the lot which is why they utilize voice filters so much.
No one in the band is a good singer.
They wouldn't be a rock band if they had any actual vocal talent.
Nice bait, can't tell if you're too pleb for Sup Forums, or if you go to Sup Forums and actually bought into the ironic shitposting
I'm not shittalking rock music but the genre is known to have singers with extremely poor vocal technique that completely ruin their voices by the time they hit 30.
This fight's not yours, you can not win
Thanks for reminding me I need to check out Blackstar
You're the one who's baiting.
Bowie did a lot of stuff
Buttrock maybe, but are you really gonna tell me these niggas can't sing. Even dudes with weird ass vocals like Dylan have solid voices. Lennon, Malkmus, Brock, Strummer & Jones, Mangum, Byrne, Butler, Wilson, White, Coyne, Albarn, Iggy, Demarco, Cullen Hart, MERCURY, Koenig, etc. Yeah I know real wide sub-genre range there, but the point is there's a lot of variety in vocal styles that still work out to something cool and worthwhile.
Do it fast nigga, Do it now
69-80 is all rock and experimentations within rock, barring Young Americans. Yes, even Low is rock.
What else would you call Rebel Rebel?
>They're just a cover band at this point
Woah man, they're not quite that bad