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entitled butthurt children thread where?


Sorry, sorry. I'm sorry sorry

Was this on TF2 or general?
I would love to see more faggots who lost their 1k value hats

based valve

What happened? I don't play hats fortress.

>hacked for months on end and got away with it
>still have my main account with 1-2k steam-fun-money hats

Did LMAOBOX ever make a comeback? I stopped playing for a long time.

just cuck my shit up real quick familia

What happened

>steam fun money
>not gabebux

I used to see LMAOBox retards ever so often, now they mostly just stay quiet about it when they do hack

TF2, DoTA2, and CSGO

Why do people think this is a good idea? Some guy got banned with 20,000 if I recall on the TF2 banwave or something like that.

Wait, isn't VAC supposed to ban cheaters on a constant basis? Why the sudden spike? Did they update it to recognize new cheats or something?

They don't care or they think just because the cheats are advertised as undetectable that it means anything

I still can't comprehend why people feel the need to cheat.
Some of them are even as butthurt to say that they don't need cheats to play good.

It's delayed often times so they can catch hackers with a huge net of time length. If someone gets banned they report it to the hack forums, in turn no one uses it until its undetected again. So delayed bans catch as many hackers as possible.

Valve has a delayed timer on VAC bans. Sometimes they wait for weeks or months on end and ban everyone in a single banwave.

Cheats devices are constantly being tinkered with so the VAC guys gotta keep updating it as well. A spike just means a previously undetected engine was busted open

Source: my ass. I just think that's what happens

>Source: my ass.
It shows
there is some truth in it, but it's not the primary reason

I'll give you some insight then my friend. Hacker reasons range from pissed off at the game, trollers who don't care if they get banned and just want to have fun, closet hackers who want to be good but use cheats to achieve this goal, coders who make cheats for fun/living, and people who are truly good at the game but want to be even better. There are some other reasons but these are the main ones. There are plenty of reasons for people arguing on why they cheat, but none of them are a good moral reason. The only thing I could think of is that I ran into a guy with parkinsons online, older dude. He used a slight aim enhancement to help him because he could never kill anyone without it. He didn't use super aimbot or anything but just had like a 10-20% increase in help to kill someone, and even then he pretty much was below average.

That's probably the only time I could justify someone hacking, I sort of felt bad for him.

These ban waves are always comedy gold

the Overwatch ones were hilarious with kids threatening to hack Blizzard

Cheats are updated constantly to "avoid" detection. So instead of banning everyone who is instantly flagged as a cheater they do it in waves so the cheat makers don't know what triggereed the detection.

Someone post the screenshots

I don't think you understand

He clearly stated that he did it on purpose because he wanted to get banned :^)
I wonder if he attempted suicide

He should have just stuck with slower paced games or bought a console

All of those, except for your last example, are cases of git gud.


The recent threads are pretty good.


Lol. For some reason I imagined it as two tacticians competing on a battlefield.
"Pathetic fool! You stepped right into my trap and didn't even notice it."


Well apparently he played all the way back in the 90s and was pretty good at Doom and Quake. Not like pro or anything but just bummed because he always loved pc gaming. Feels weird to justify a cheater like that but I guess that's just the empathy in me. Also part of it was that he wasn't super good even with the hacks so it's not like he was a demi-god raping everyone on the other team.


steamcommunity.com/discussions/forum/9/357288572128556864/ one of the guys from the video who stupidly used a public phone number

Every single person here has shit grammar ranging from lack of punctuation to just outright looking like they typed it from a phone.

These are trolls right?

People don't actually type like this do they?

I have had in depth IRC discussions with 8 year olds who have better spelling and grammar than this man.

>you see ivan

My favourite part about vac ban waves is all the excuses that are made.

why on earth would you tie a public number to your account? the most basic cellphones cost like 10 bucks

This is a goldmine of butthurt

>That's how I found Zero. After we finished talking, he reminded me to send him the $25 I promised him. I did not at any point say anything that could possibly even suggest that I would pay him for any reason. I asked him if he meant that was something I promised him or something that I should just do. “Both,” he said. “I also advise you not to use this information against me. That wouldn't be wise.”

why are you having conversations with 8 year olds on the internet?

With a name like that I'd say he deserves something more severe than a VAC ban.

Little brother of a friend.

Knowing how Valve works, there must be some highly motivated warrior somewhere in their offices that has made it their life goal to punish cheaters.

Like some guy put on his resume, "I want to wreck cheaters with a biblical level of wrath" and they hired him to do just that. Just like some person was probably hired to figure out how to make Low Priority in DotA the most "educational" experience for people sent there.

Shit, they just might be the same person.

>Maker dinner
>VAC ban


>I was making dinner then ate it

Fucking cousins always getting everyone VAC banned

Is everyone who gets banned 5 years old?

Those who got caught then posted on Steam forum about it probably are.

I like to imagine they are middle eastern convenience store owners, sitting out in some shithole in the middle of the desert, and running everything through google translate before posting.

Good, fuck all those scumbags.

If an adult announced in public that they got VAC banned I'm pretty sure everyone who plays video games within earshot would flinch like someone admitted they just made bail on pedophilia charges.

they are probably just brazilian kids

I fear for our future.

once in MW2 i was playing MP and i managed to sneak past the whole enemy team to get the flag only to have a fag with WH kill me, so i downloaded a wh too because it pissed me off a lot

This almost reads like a well-crafted parody.

Or just shitty kids in South America where Internet cafes are popular.

I've been in a couple cafes in Brazil just to see who the fuck I was playing DotA with. Shitty kids man with parents who don't give a fuck.

>Xx xX

Here they come.

>he changed his freaking name


clearly the most rational reaction

>Both Prophet and Slayer said that they get paid “enough,” but not enough to quit their day jobs. “More than minimum wage,” they said. Customer support, technical support, and other people like Zero who help run the site get paid as well, but less. Zero didn't want to say how much he makes, but admitted that he has a day job and that free cheats attracted him to the position.
>Zero said that if it wasn't for hacking, games wouldn't be fun. He said cheating is a rush, similar to the one he got when he used to deface websites. “In life, you're always going to have rebels,” he said. “It's like coming up to someone and asking, 'Why do you rape or kill?' But in this case it's cheating.”

idrc, why would i be at a disadvantage

how the fuck do you cheat on a moba, why

Jesus Christ

How do you even hack in Dota 2? Map hack?

>cheating in a MOBA

what? do they have something that removes the fog of war or something?

My headcanon is better. Pissed off towel heads are always funny.

My thoughts exactly. Clearly justifiable to cheat, then.

Things that check like hero skill levels based on their ranges (you can see their skill range and guess the skill level) or skill timers that countdown when they see something used or something that spectates the actual fog of war for visible spell effects (bug) and pings the m

or you could just leave the server, take a break for 10 minutes and come back

instead you chose to be a part of the problem


>It was a gift from my grandfather

what are they banning people for?

People really need to do something about their cousins.

Serious question

Why do I see VAC banned accounts that are ten years old with a fuck ton of new games on it

Why the hell wouldn't you just accept your losses 10 fucking years ago

or autohex/silence, or you can choose your automatic stun/silence target, or if you play Rubick you can choose what spell you want to steal so you dont steal wrong one etc.


>using anything other than specifically coded custom cheats made for you and a handful of other people

public cheats get you auto-banned and nearly every major cheat gets cracked within a few months

I found you.

Amazing, literally everyone replying to is wrong.

VAC is automated and DOES ban constantly. But it doesn't catch everything.

Sometimes Valve figures out how to catch the tools they've been missing, and then updates VAC. VAC then instabans all the people it couldn't catch previously, which is a larger number than your average weekly ban rate. Hence a spike.


The only thing you lose is the ability to play on VAC protected servers. And you obviously lose the ability to move your games to another account.

Instead of abandoning their stuff and having two accounts which make it inconvenient to flipflop between your game libraries, they probably just keep it. Who knows, maybe 10 years ago they thought they would come back and play their old-ass games.

>use xFire in cs years ago
>get vac banned
fuck valve desu senpai

>things that never happened

More importantly you lose the ability to trade items, though I don't know if this is account wide or specific to the game in which you were banned in.

Games on Steam aren't all that expensive, assuming you buy most of them during sales, but cosmetic items like TF2 hats and rare CSGO skins can inflate your inventory into the thousands.

I don't play Dota2, but in LoL there were/are cheats for lasthitting minions, hitting skillshots or dodging skillshots
Previously there also were dragon/baron/buff timers until it got incorporated in the game

xfire was a really big pile of shit when it first came out with overlays, and steam+(vac) were absolute garbage back then so its entirely possible.

why even use xfire for steam? that's just dumb

>Valve is not happy with cheating

only when there are replays for kills or atleast (but preferably both) ways to spectate other players in tf2. it already zooms in where the fuck they are so don't give me that shit about a hiding place, i want to see who is cheating or not

>All this cheater butthurt.
Good. Cheaters are the scum of the earth.

>want to play game
>need phone number
>dont have phone
>guess Ill just grab a public phonenumber, what could go wrong

>muh cousin

But that is unwise either way, because the purpose is not to punishe the maximum possible but to keep the servers cheater free for the most time.

letting people cheat for months by giving them the signal that there is no punishment only increases the number of cheaters.
There are even lots of people who make secondary accounts just to cheat, and they don´t care if the get banned after a few weeks, they enjoyed the cheating up until that point and then simply make another acount.

Banning immediately sends the signal that cheating doesn´t pay, immediately, and also makes it bothersome to continuallly make new accounts to cheat on.

Cute imagination, my dude.

All I wanna do is have fun!

Ban waves make more sense in terms of making money

>buy CSGO
>buy a bunch of cosmetic items
>use cheats and avoid getting banned
>continue to spend money on the game
>get banned
>buy another account since the game is absurdly cheap during sales / on G2A
>use some other cheat, thinking it's better
>get banned again

As much as ESEA fucked up by installing a bitcoin miner onto the client PC, the idea behind it is far superior to Valve, though obviously open to some serious abuse. I'd more than happily give Valve access to my HDD if it meant I'd never have to see a single cheater in their games again.

>playing world at war
>reporting every hacker i can every match
>guy ingame boohooing about his friend who was banned for hacking
>i say i don't like cheaters and think he deserved it
>whole game guy was trying to get me to support his friend
>end of the match he tries to add me and i decline
these people are roaches, i am glad things are finally being done to make these games less shit

>>buy another account since the game is absurdly cheap during sales / on G2A
doesnt VAC stick to your PC? Or was that overwatch

>I run a cheat engine but I'M NOT CHEATING
For what purpose, then?