There are people on Sup Forums born in the late 80s who think they're wise oldfags who know gamings golden age better...

>there are people on Sup Forums born in the late 80s who think they're wise oldfags who know gamings golden age better than anyone else

No kiddos, 1985 is the best time to be born

Too old for Pokemon and retarded flip book anime, but young enough for good Sonic, Tmnt, pogs, Biker mice from Mars, and Power rangers. Considered both a tail end Gen Xer and an early millennial by definitions. Young adulthood free of social media.

Oregon Trail Generation - The best of two worlds

Other urls found in this thread:

You're in your thirties and still browsing this board?

Sorry friendo, but are you trying to bait 28 year olds? Sup Forums is literally the most underaged board besides Sup Forums. Why do you think there are console wars and endless shitposting?

>mfw born in 1985

Another benefit - was raised with ability to play outside, no cellphones and not 'entitled' to shit.

>v/ is literally the most underaged board besides Sup Forums. Why do you think there are console wars and endless shitposting?
And who do you think does the most shitposting?

And BBS boards. I bet half of Sup Forums has never heard of them. From what I heard it was like having internet before there was internet.

2016 is the best year to be born so far dumbass.

you're just going to die before immortality is discovered.

I was born in 85 and playing Pokémon at 11 years old. How is 11 too old for Pokémon?

did you mistype 90s, it's bizarre to be splitting hairs over a couple years at your age

Except I remember all of those and I was born in 1987

glad to see my fellow 85s know whats up, although i'm of the pretty strict opinion that practically anyone born after 1990 is a piece of shit

mid 90s are basically untreatable cancer, anything beyond that is utterly hopeless

>implying anyone here was born before '93

>being this new

>Too old for Pokemon
Sucks to be you. I was in high school when Pokemon first came out and tons of people played even people I didn't think played video games. You could always always find somebody to trade or battle with, it was super fun.

High schoolers

>The best of two worlds

I was born in 1983 and I still played the original Pokémon.
It had the reputation of being a kid's game, but it was actually a classic RPG.

>no one does anything

you got me, ray

That would be racist

Born in '76. Imagine I was playin' Wolfenstein while your mum picked you up at Kindergarten.

see those guys on the back?
they have guns and human rights on their side. however the real people fear for themselves and for their family.

Welcome to Sweden.

I was born in 96 and i played oregon trail on these

i'd call you sad but i'm 31 and will probably still be browsing image boards when i reach your age, probable wizard-kun

That happened in Atlantic City.

>In sweden the tapes are confiscated by the police and destroyed

safest and most inclusive city in europe must stay that way :)

Is there anything more obnoxious than adults still clinging to and playing Amiga/c64? They think they're better than everyone that's walked on this earth because they lived in the cool time when c64/amiga was a thing and it's much better than everything today.


if it was in sweden his whole family would have been raped and apologized for inconveniencing the rapefugees afterwards, probably invite them to dinner and offer up their youngest for marriage

>that first 3 seconds is till engraved into your brain tissue

that was a rough week

>Public education is the best for your children
>working in sweden

we dont care that you were a poorfag

1985 here. I can say I'm satisfied with my childhood and young adulthood.

I still played Pokemon though, I was 12 or 13 when I played it, had other friends of my same age that also played it.

Well you are a fag bitch boy 1975 was the best you retarded child

>Too old for Pokemon and retarded flip book anime

You do know not only did our generation have Voltron and Robotech, but it was also the generation that got Akira in theaters TWICE and we had games like Popful Mail and Lunar as hot shit on the Sega-CD, right? And don't get me started on how Phantasm Soldier Valis actually WAS a big thing if you had a Turbografx-16.

Don't sell me some cock and bull about how we didn't have anime surrounding us back then on TV or Vidya.

>Biker mice from Mars, and Power rangers.
Kill yourself tasteless youngfag. Also Pokemon isn't about age, it's about stupidity. I'm 32 and most people I know who like that shit are older than me.

Shouldn't you be in a nursing home grandpa?

i was born in 97 and I'll be laughing once you're dead and I'm still alive for when they discover how to live forever

kill yourself gramps


1987 here, I feel awful about turning 30 next year and being addicted to this cambodian photobucket

At least I'm engaged

>implying she wasnt talking shit

Not like you are any less stupid.

>still posting this out of context

The kids were told to act how the opposite gender does, so the boys acted like faggy girls and the mudslime acted like a muslim woman.

that's never going to happen user

things are only going to get worse as time goes on

t. 1997

Whatever helps you sleep at night dumb pokeshit.

>there are people younger than me that browse this board
Wow I am so angry argh

>he thinks 12 years makes any difference

Also, you could die any moment. So far, oldfags have an advantage over you: they have experienced more of life than you have so far.

>1991 babby
>just woke up in the dead of night
>think of how much I hate this generation of gaming and wish it would just crash

1988 bros assemble. Not too old for Pokemon but not too young for everything else that the OP listed. We are like the 1985 model but better.

I'm 1993 but from a post soviet country so I got to experience all those things because everything lagged behind 10 years.

>he was born before 1995
>he still posts on Sup Forums

1988 here, but I kind of envy 85fags. They actually got to experience the 90s fully conscious, and even might have some memories from the 80s.

you're here forever, etc.

>his first console was a 6th gen one or some flash game on newgrounds

Poor you.

you're not as shit as brazil, but you have a lot to make up for. lead the future.

>Believing there is a magic land you can go to after you reach an arbitrary age.
>Too young to realize he's here forever.
>Thinking being over 21 is old or mature.

i'm not saying you should leave Sup Forums, im saying you should leave this kiddie infested shithole of a board

for your own benefit

honestly if you haven't played these games as a fully conscious adult (25+) your opinion on them is completely worthless whether it was "during its time" or not

/gd/ here. The kerning in that image is horrendous.
You should should kill yourself as soon as possible.

fuck you op, i was born in 1985, and pokemon was the shit, and sonic was aids.


Sorry I didn't realise this website was restricted to teens and twenty somethings.

Unlike you, most people don't spend the entire day on here.

old farts leave my board REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEe

1985fag here. I can actually enjoy new shit and old shit and shit in between instead of nostalgiafagging like some senile old fuck 24/7.

This is my 3x3.


1984 here.

OP is a faggot.

86. Loved the first final fantasy, had no clue about any of the others until 2 (4) came out.

It's been a wild, sad ride since the ps2.

Lived through the best fucking gaming era

Too bad 6th gen was more fun for me.

Outside of select few titles I dont care too much about some games before nes and even then N64/ps1 is when my favorites come into play.

I do like the ninja gaiden trilogy on nes though.

Naw man. 95 is best year. Now you muct giv de succ to me


was born in 1984... and goddam i miss the 80/90 especially the 90s probably the best and most reasonable time i ever experienced no comparision to the fucked up insanity of today with all the race baiting, sjw, anti white crap.
I miss the 90s...

That pic
>d... do i fit in yet Sup Forums?

How boring.

>video games in 2016


>No kiddos, 1985 is the best time to be born

OP we shouldn't even be fighting to be honest here. Even us anons born in the late 80's are getting too old for the young scum all over this board. You do realize that there are tons of anons on this board born in the late 90's right? There are actual fags that regularly post on Sup Forums whose primary experience with gaming has been in gamings most shameful money grubbing jew days. Which is console gen 7 to now. You know what I'm talking about. Business practices like DLC, day one patches, season passes amongst other things being passed off as a great and totally normal thing. This bullshit would have never been allowed even in the early 2000's. Shame how shit this industry got.

I say any user born from any decade up to the early 90's at most at least got to experience gaming during it's best days. Any faggot born late 90's to now has been corrupted by the huge kike machine that is modern gaming.

2006 was good year.


1997 here I liked games mostly in the 5th to 6th generation. I dont like how 7th ended however and how 8 is basically remasters, though even now new games are coming out.

90s was full of politically correct shit, but it was kind of just a joke.
in the past several years, shit got real.

>my years are the best years


>People are going to be born 2016
man this year has been fucking awful in so many ways, I swear this is the worst year of all time and it's not even over yet

I was born in 1971.

Right here brethren, 88 best year.

>all the anticipated games turning out to be shit

end me

how is it possible that someone wants to be old lol. i'm on the older side here but always envy the kids.

How many black children will be named harambe

Dead man walking. Do feel like a ghost of Christmas past yet?

>All these 85bros

>How many black children will be named harambe


>twin peaks and 85 bro


That's a 90s show dick head.

It's mostly tongue-in-cheek, don't take it seriously.

Although OP got one of his points spot fucking on

>Young adulthood free of social media.

This is golden, really.

Internet is great, but social media kind of ruined it.
I'm glad I was a young adult in the early 2000s with Kazaa, WinMX, Soulseek and other p2p's peaks, emule, later Megaupload, etc.
Then everything really went to shit really fast.

Your date of birth means duck all.

You don't fucking get it young fag. This isn't just my opinion. This isn't just me being a nostalgia fag.

Did I make even one mention of game quality besides the part where I mentioned day one patches? No I did not. The primary issue with gaming today is how much shit the average consumer is willing to eat from this cancerous industry.

However if you wanted me to I could easily find tons of reasons why so many modern games are complete shit compared to older games. The problem with you young pieces of shit is you guys tend to compare old to new from a technical/graphical standpoint. In short, you are doing it wrong when you do shit like that. You youngfags continue to miss the point about what made previous gens so much better.

>45 is literally in the grave
I don't appreciate this meme.

how can you be in your 30s and still enjoy video games?

I got bored of video games when I was 17

You can be old and have shit taste.
You can be young and have good taste.

Experience & maturity usually give you better taste but it's no guarantee, so threads like these are pretty pointless (and off topic).

What is wrong with you

Your talking to a guy that played nothing but sonic and crash in my early years. Don't become a stereotype. Calm your jam. Gaming is poop these days.

>1985 patrician master calling in

Holy shit the only sane topic in years.

Doesn't matter when you project a youngfag mindset on Sup Forums. If you know gaming is poop these days why did you even feel the need to prove anything to me? You aren't going to convince me of anything here since my primary concern with modern gaming is more to do with the industry as a whole.

I was born in 1985 and played pokemongs but really didn't care for it past gen 1 I guess