So who was right?

So who was right?

Assuming neither read the instructions Jon did nothing wrong. It's a competition and ego had just as much time to figure it out.

Bit of a dick move in a friendly game, but totally legit.

Arin was right, but he's still a whiny little cunt.

>fail tron era game grumps
Fuck. Off. You should be thankful they haven't taken those videos down. Go there and circle jerk in the comments if you must bring up the dark ages.

Fucking kill yourself

>he thinks DanGrumps is better than JonGrumps

You faggots would be singin' a different tune if they were playing Mario Party.

>we didn't live in the best end were Jon and Dan are the Grumps and Arin goes back to making his shitty videos

>post yfw he actually didn't say Goof Hawk

why are all the game grumps members so retarded when it comes to game controls? they spend half the episodes exclaiming they don't know how to do something. first thing i do when starting a game is press all the buttons to see what they do, or at least take the 5 seconds to look in the options menu/booklet.

>it's okay when arino does it

It absolutely is.

Both of them. It was fair of him not to explain it since he figured it out himself, he didn't go into it already knowing how to play. But he also should have explained it because they're supposed to be friends, and it would have more quickly leveled the playing field to bring the opposition up to his level, so they could actually compete instead of one predictably crushing the other because one figured it out first.

Jon was in the right because if it was Arin that figured it out first he wouldn't have said anything either.

>Sequelitis guy didn't press all the buttons

Jon was right. It was a competition and both went in with the same exact information. If Arin wasn't a complete retard and actually pressed more than one button he might have figured out what to do. But no, instead he threw a colossal tantrum and demanded Jon to tell him how to play. Jon probably would have told him if he acted like a normal human being and didn't instantly chimp out. Jon was right to laugh at how mad Arin was getting at literally fucking nothing.

>first thing i do when starting a game is press all the buttons to see what they do, or at least take the 5 seconds to look in the options menu/booklet.

Let's players are fucking retarded most of the time but it's difficult to do even simple things like mapping button functions out while you're also trying to be entertaining.

Imagine trying to learn like 4 notes of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star while you're trying to have an entertaining, engaging conversation.

And if DSP is an indication of anything actually taking a moment to silently learn the controls will get you less views and comments than playing like a blind, deaf retard

I don't like it, but Arin.

Jon should have just told Arin how to land. Also Arin is dumb for not trying other things or controller peaking. Jon would have won anyway, he was so far ahead.

I'm glad Jon didn't tell him what to do. It created a funny moment.

Jon said he fucked around with the game while they fixed the capture. Arin was a dipshit during this but he had a point.

Dan doesn't even care about games and never did, at least ego played some games before gamegrumps

Dan doesn't care about modern games, but he certainly is not a stranger to them. I was surprised he was a big Golden Ax fan, good taste.

And he is generally better at games than Arin

arin has never been in the real world
he's never had to compete for anything in his life
his reaction was that of a naive spoiled child having his first taste of reality

I pity him

His main source of income is recording being bad at games, being bad comedian and being bad rapper. There is nothing to pity

having a wife that doesn't love him and just settled for him because he was the easiest option

Wife with FAS.
Ugly twin.

>first boner was Moira Quirk and her hot British accent

That's the only answer to this debate.

he's earned his living, if people didn't enjoy game grumps and his old flash animations they wouldn't watch them.

Dan only seems better because he plays them before recording while Arin does the lets play equivalent of shitposting. Arin gives no fucks since he gets paid to be shit at games and Dan only seems like he cares since his gaming knowledge is limited to the NES era and gets easily impressed at basic improvements made since then.

I'm just trying to explain his behaviour on that day
the guy hasn't experienced any sort of true competitive rivalry so that's why his response to Jon withholding information to win was so immature.

Jon was.

>just settled for him because he was the easiest option

Is she also in it for "his" money if that's the case?

Jon was right, and Arin was a fucking child.

Anyone that thinks otherwise are fucking autistic assburgy children who had no friends.

The theme song made do the running man every time it came on for a full year. What is it about new jack swing that does that?