What is objectively the worst video game ever made?

What is objectively the worst video game ever made?

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your favorite video game

The Uncharted games.

Limbo of the Lost.
The ending song's sheer awfulness redeems the whole thing.

Whatever I write, you disgusting Valvedrones will call it bait, so I'm not gonna bother explaining why

the OP asked what is objectively the worst, not what is the worst in terms of your gutter trash opinion

The objective worst video game ever made is ET for the Atari. It's literally not even a question - even Sonic 2006, the modern contender for 'worst video game ever made', was never fucking LANDFILLED.

Nothing is objectively bad or good you fucking idiot


Hong Kong 97

Go look up a game called Xenimus

Rise of the Robots

Big Rigs?


Objectively, ET and Superman 64.
Subjectively, and I'm glad you asked, (You)r favorite videogame.

Preemptively calling out what is obvious about your post only works if people were intending to make fun of it.
But nobody is elated by it, the only repsonse you will elicit is disgust and pity.

> Objectively

A lot (but not all) of film adaption games.

>Objective aesthetic qualities don't exist! For people like me who love the taste of fresh hot human shit, eating literal shit is a delicious treat!

>hurr durr something can't be objectively bad
What the fuck?

>clunky, unpolished and buggy gameplay is bad gameplay
>blurry textures, low poly models and ugly art direction are bad graphics
>janky animations that do not look life-like are bad animations
>simplistic and predictive writing with plot holes is bad storytelling
>someone scratching a white board with their nails while singing off tune is bad music

>someone scratching a white board with their nails while singing off tune is bad music
No, that's just art

Hello Sup Forums.
