Metal Gear, huh?

Metal Gear, huh?

Other urls found in this thread:

Huh, huh?

Metal Gear launches nukes?

No... it can't be...




Feminine penis?!

Really wish this game was remade or that they'd port over Twin Snakes to something else.

You're a fucking faggot, dude.

it doesn't need to be remade

there's absolutely no way people would be satisfied with the remake, it would just ruin something that's fine the way it is

You should get yourself a shotgun with a toe trigger.

>Not just playing the gamecube version
Nigga wat

not him but it could use some MGS2 graphics, if they left everything else as it is


I meant more like updated graphics. Like said.

I played it using the Wii, but I'm not a fan of the GC controller. I would like TS on another platform that I could digitally download it on.

You can't play it with a wii classic controller?

Fuck off.

I hate how you only get to play Solid Snake in really dated games. Old Snake was okay in MGS4, but I want a young Solid Snake game with tight controls and gameplay closer to MGSV. All the games with the most fun gameplay are with Big Boss/Venom.

Finished the ps1 version a couple of days ago, should I play integral/twin snakes or just move on to 2?

Already played mg1/2

You're an idiot.

Move onto MGS2: Substance or HD Edition.

kojima cares more for big boss and so should you

Move onto 2.

Mercenaries huh?



Big Boss a shit.



Even Big Boss admits that Solid Snake could be better than him.
Fuck Kojima, user.

wait a minute

that's not big boss

Second floor basement...

>could be better than him
>could be better
>could be

He is though?

Wow, rude

Who's this guy?

Yeah he is, they're both big boss together. He is him and him is he.

Male nurse.

big snake

He clearly said
>Maybe you wouldn't have made the same mistakes that I did

Yeah but solid crushes an armed big boss with nothing but a spray can and lighter, thus, he is better

I don't have a sardonic looking naked snake saved but I wish I did

just like one of my Japanese animes

What would you want to see in MGS movie?
Or what should be cut?

was he a jab at the manchildren playing Kojima's games? Or just a ''this retard grew up and you can too!''

But he admitted that he faked his death.

Have mine

Yeah, it's sad. Kojima doesn't care about Solid Snake anymore, but he could do so much more stories with him. MG barely has any story, MG2 is better in that regard, but only in MGS1 we really learn a lot about him. Seeing him as that legendary hero from a different perspective in MGS2 is nice in my opinion, but not enough. Then comes MGS4 with a Snake that coughs more than he talks.

But oh boy I can't wait for another Big Bossu game, in which Kojima fails to show us again why he becomes a villain, somehow, at some point.

I want to see Philanthropy part 2.
Official movie will be shit.

Young Clint Eastwood as Snake

Lee Van Cleef as Revolver Ocelot

You want people to dig Lee Van Cleef's corpse so it can be in a movie? Weird taste.

Just CG him in


Does anyone think that Mother Base felt a little empty?

There should have been a barracks, or a mess hall or hanger/garage area where the helicopters and tanks are parked. Make it feel a little more like a military base.

>Young Clint Eastwood as Snake
Just use his son.


All you anons complaining about what you wish mgsv should have been like should just grow up and stop repeating the same shit every mgs thread.

I honestly think Kojima was a hack and he didn't knew how to end his fucking shit.
Kojima tards think this is b8 though.

but if we don't whine about it, people will think we were satisfied with the game

Repeating the same shit, huh?


big boss and ocelot had a secret handshake and you will never convince me otherwise

>Goes nuclear
That made me kek

more like a secret cockshake

I'd also add that Big Boss haven't seen any darn movie.

>probably wants to go home and think about the boss
Always gets a laugh out of me.

They work for the mercenary, the hornetta man.


Hey, wasn't the metal gear survive tgs gameplay demo last night? Anybody got a link to the video?

stopped reading at beat liquid

No, it's the 17th, this Saturday.

There was a thread that said that but everyone said it was on friday or sat, i dont remember cause i was drunk, still kinda drunk.

Also all the metal gear games (that i played) are fun fuck everyone who says otherwise.

Oh, alright then, dunno why I thought it was earlier.

>i hate when people disagree with me and the worst part is they don't stop disagreeing with me
I won't suddenly start liking TPP just because of how long it's been. Time doesn't change the fact that the game came out and it was shit. Don't tell someone to grow up if you don't even have the maturity to handle a dissenting opinion.

Punished "Venom" "Vanished" "Phantom Menace" Snake-kun

>Pliskin shows up to help Raiden in MGS2
>just fucking disappears in the middle of the game for no reason and is never heard from again

Pliskin game when, lads?

What if Pliskin was Solid snake?

Solid Snake died two years ago.

Replaying this game now it seems fucking stupid how he just throws out random military mottos then Peter Stillman is the only one who picks up on it.

How many more years till we can emulate mgs4?

> who dares wins

sounds like bait for the stupid spastics to rush in and waste the enemy's ammo, at which point the more intelligent and patience just waltz right in and catch the enemy reloading or sneak past unnoticed

go watch the cutscenes to twin snakes though just so you know...

why is MGS1 the actual best video game of all time?

holy shit what the fuck people actually enjoyed the Gamecube MGS?

Not saying I liked it better than the original but what kinda angry butthole is a metal gear fan and didnt at the very least have a little fun?

user, the world is filled with countless retards, didn't you know this?

>but what kinda angry butthole is a metal gear fan and didnt at the very least have a little fun

Well Reddit'd m'good friend

His son looks like a fag. Look at the way he holds a cigar in his mouth.

now that you mention it, that idea might work

i saw one of the movie's he's been in but it was shite

has he been in any good ones? the guy looks real similar to his dad

Peace Walker a best

Big Medic

>tfw just finished emulating it
It wasn't bad, the original is better of course. I did get a good chuckle from the cutscenes though and i liked how the guards could call in attack teams like in newer ones.

Large Sarge

>Time doesn't change the fact that the game came out and it was shit.

I'm Shame&ShankYa, also called, SIX-SHOOTUH... PUSSYCAT.

I never really cared for Ocelot to be honest, guys

They let you play as Pliskin in one of the Snake Tales for some reason. It must be because they knew Pliskin had his fair share of fans.


Young Ocelot is when I fell in love with him


>Nobody will ever tell you that You are pretty good