Mai Natsume trailer for Blazblue Centralfiction is up:

Mai Natsume trailer for Blazblue Centralfiction is up:

Her DLC will be released on October 27 and cost 800 yen.

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I love Mai. Look how cute she looks when she does a post-victory thumbs up.

>I speak for everyone


And what? No reason to post pointless thread for a character only liked for fap material from a game hardly anyone plays

Just because you aren't interested doesn't mean others won't be. Besides, Sup Forums threads aren't a limited resource.

Well then
We'll see how many people respond especially at like 5 in the morning

Her spear is giving me serious Gae-Blog vibes with the ricocheting thrown moveset. Maybe they will throw in a super projectile that never misses as an easter egg?

Who is her VA? She sounds familiar.

Why is american v/ is full of shitty weebs?

Nvm, I found her already.
Saori Hayami. She sounds familiar because I just finished Myriad Colors Phantom World and she voices Reina Izumi

Although I'm still maining Es. Mai is looking like a solid alternate contender. I was deciding between her and Mu-12.

Saori Hayami. She's pretty popular; she ranked 3rd place in a recent voice actress popularity poll they took in Japan.

>the worst character from a terrible show
i fucking hate mahouka

Technically they are
Ever thread made kills off a thread on page 10.

Doesn't the game come out in October? They're having release DLC now?

The game comes out on October 6th in Japan. The DLC will be released 3 weeks later.


>diss someone for posting a waifu
>makes me a weeb
uh huh

>mfw all the anons who wish to turn into grils
>mfw they all latch onto this char in the extreme
>mfw I get off on the idea of turning men into biological girls and domesticating them into housewives/sex toys
>mfw they slowly learn how much better their lives are as a woman, just like Mai did, and come to love it and dont ever want to go back
>mfw its going to be a really long season in erp/flist thanks to this game

Just look at her, she's the happiest she's ever been now. Just like you could be. Imagine it, you could even experience being a mother.

you sick fucks never go to sleep do you?


real tired of you fucking degenerate weeb faggots


I have 1 friend who's already gonzo over these fantasies and this character.

You guys should see it, ever since 2008 ERP turned into the land of subs. Everyone wants to be handled by someone else and everyone wants to be a girl. There has never been a better time to be a perverse internet addicted Dom.

A kid in a candy store, except the candy is twink dicks.

>implying people like this char for any reason other than the mtf fantasy

Come on man.

enough with the pics man
she scares me

They don't know how to cope in a world thats getting tougher!

I wonder how it'll all pan out 10 years down the line sometimes.

Doms are extinct and subs rule the world treating the few left untainted like gasoline gold in Mad Max.

Why does she scare you? Mai is great.

So, any translation of the vid,yet? Does she g8, BUREIMONO like the Phantom world girl,too?

I feel that way already. I was switch and it got that domes were so rare it was ridic. I said "fuck it I'll just get scenes as a dom" and kept making dommy chars, dommy settings.

The demand became so high it forged me into a perma dom. I've done harsh dom, enslaving dom, pet domming, daddy domming, gentle domming, wealth domming, I've made older men, younger fiesty shotas, blackmailers, monsterguys, monsters, tentacles. I've fucking seen it all now.

The funny thing is you can start to tell who is a twink and who is a real girl even without asking. The real women generally love to be manhandled more and aren't as good of an RP'er. The twinks/men are more perfect subs and traditional submissives as female chars who often bank fully into the fantasy. Its funny because I don't give a shit who someone is outside of scenes, and girls are so used to being spoonfed in life that they're kind of shit RP'ers.

It's instinctive, like how easily she can kick my ass
And the eyes in that pic seem to want contact which is also not desirable for me

Her animations look great, don't know how they managed to make her so cute despite the outfit. The part where she bows before and after a battle makes my heart explode.

this is actually beginning to interest me greatly

I agree, Mai is really cute. It's nice how her attitude reflects how kind and polite she is.

In the demo where she was facing Ragna, Mai actually told him to please take care of her before the fight, which is a standard Japanese expression of politeness.

Just imagine if you could be changed too and have a body like this!


No dub.
No buy.

Curious, friend?

Maybe a vessel like that would be more capable of love than mine

MTF is a fun one with the right partner. One who doesn't jump right into it and rather lets it build up, play on various emotions as they cope with the change until you would organically play a bit more interested. While cliche in it I love having a excited friend take advantage of it. Like one of Shindols doujins.

Something about a close friend abusing you and taking advantage of your weakened state is next level hot.

I'm still angry about this but I'll buy it used so jew system works doesn't get my money.

Wait, the dub is gone? I actually dropped this shit back in CSE because of having to hear the english voices online, thank fuck it's gone.

Imagine too, the different ways it can play out.

Maybe he didn't meant to do it at first, but little by little he grew more attracted and can't help it. Or maybe someone planned from the start to make you feel more and more womanly, banking on the idea you'd eventually buy into it. Or maybe the change itself is slow, and what wasn't a relationship between the two just "kind of happens" as it goes on. Bonus if others nearby notice the change or that it happened, but don't feel to offended because "hey it turned out well for them both, I think". Or maybe there's people getting jealous! Maybe there's competition as a groups friend turns into such a perfect girl~

Imagine it from "her" perspective too, noticing all of the different attention. That is, afterwall, what happened to Mai Natsume. Who gained more attention and friends than ever before, thats why Mai has decided to remain a woman, she's HAPPIER.

Which ones are up your alley?

Fuck off then weeb.

Why would I? The dub is gone, so I'm actually getting this now. I was sort of feeling tempted anyway, so this is a nice turn of events for me.

>Being happy that Arc are jewing you out of a large (optional) feature and still charging you full price for the game because they can't be bothered

I bet you buy their week-one character DLCs, too.

You should've bought a japanese PS4 along with a copy of the game while you were at it.
>m-muh story
>implying it isn't KH-tier shit already

They dropped it because it was "messing with the time of release", at least for us here in the west. I never really minded and while I can enjoy the game with or without an English cast it was nice to see so many VAs continue on, all but Hazama near the end. From what I heard they considered simply adding it in later on, as they did other voicepacks for announces but maybe it's just far too expensive to do at that point.

>jewing me out
They're literally removing the one thing that annoyed me about the game, why shouldn't I be happy?

I don't care about the story. What I don't like is having to listen to shitty english VAs when playing online.

>weebshits fucking about ruining another thread because of their shitty squirrel voices they can't even understand in the first place

>messing with the time of release
>still releases months later in the West anyway

It's literally just because they don't want to spend money on hiring VAs. It would've been acceptable if they didn't include a dub in the very first game, because honestly Blazblue is a weeb as shit series and most people play with Japanese voices anyway. But only doing it on the fourth and final game feels like they're taking it away from us out of laziness. It was largely a pretty good dub cast, too. Jamieson Price and DC Douglas can't be cheap.

The dubfags were the ones who began to complain in the first place. If they keep bringing p the dub in a thread about a game that has no dub, then they're the ones shitting up the thread with off-topic shit.

That's my fucking point. If yoy don't want to listen to the dub and git gud at the same time, then you should've bought a japanese PS4 and a copy of the game.

But I want an english UI, maybe you should stop being mad about other people getting what they want.

>not just turning the dub off in the option

even among weebs you're a special kind of shortbus riding retard.

Changing the voices on my console doesn't change the voices that other people use in online matches. If I enter a lobby and people use english voices, then I end up having to listen to it. Now that they've removed it, I don't have to deal with it anymore.

You should probably stop being bitter about your shitty dub getting removed and enjoy something else. Otherwise, you're just complaining for the sake of complaining with no chance of it changing, and that's just shitposting.

Dub was superior.

Mai has Kajun colors. Kajun confirmed for new character.

It's fine if you keep being delusional like that, it won't bother me now anyway. Whatever quality it might've had in your mind, it's gone now.

>"You should probably stop being bitter about your shitty dub getting removed and enjoy something else. Otherwise, you're just complaining for the sake of complaining with no chance of it changing, and that's just shitposting."
This is a special kind of hipocrisy

How come? I'm glad about them making this game more appealing for those who don't want to hear the dub while playing ever again. That's about as far away as complaining as it goes, I'd thank Mori myself if I could.

>shitty dub

nigga BB has one of the only good fighting game dubs out there, you're just a self hating weeb faggot, kys

If you want to tell yourself that then that's fine with me. You can enjoy it in a nostalgic way, nobody can stop you from doing that. Doesn't matter now though for those who plan on actually playing this game.

Stop all this sub vs dub shitflinging. It's utterly pointless and annoying to read.


> Not fighting in that one dream ballroom dress

What a waste

No dub, no buy.

Mai did look good in it, but she'd look rather silly fighting in that.

Would overlap too much with one of the other newcomers. Same reason why they took away her swords.

It'd still look better than the current slutty outfit.

>Saori Hayami
The one VA that swings between wow she sounds incredible and holy shit mute this garbage.

Could be worse.

Could be Aoko's voice in Melty Blood

Her current outfit does look like it allows for greater mobility and agility.

I wouldn't call that a ballroom dress like the one she wore before, but meh.

Also, I was bummed they took away Mai's Sword and Parry Knife, was hoping for a Linne-esque character in BB.

What's the reason for the slutpockets then? I know they're on other japanese outfits, but with those the top goes down far enough to cover up the slutpockets.

It amuses me that they gave Es a long dress, but as if to compensate they gave her a slut tattoo right above her pussy.

This tattoo is in all her art and been confirmed to be canonical.

Bururaji poll results:

>Which BlazBlue character would you want to become for one day?
>1. Ragna (11%)
>2. Mai (10 %)
>3. Taokaka (7%)

Looks like 10% of the Blazblue fanbase would like to try being Mai.

Es is fighting wearing something not much different.

ES stands for Embryo Storage. Where do you think the Embryo is stored user?

I think it's different then this

Mai's combo video:

So... she's Sin Kiske with titties?

Jesus Christ this game has the most generic designs ever


What's that even supposed to mean?

outside of essentially having sin's beak driver followup she doesn't look similar at all. she's more similar to yukina from DFC and even that's not that close. judging from the dengeki stream last night she has a lot of momentum shifting moves and most of her normals and specials slide her forward abit. she's going to have a nice neutral game. I really like what I see so far.

>tfw Tao main since CT
>tfw Tao got nerfed to oblivion

I guess I'll try Mai or Es. I don't get why they over nerf characters, especially like in Makoto's case.

Any more of Mai in that dress?

They like bullying popular female characters. I'm not entirely sure why but now it's happening to Bullet. She's been regressing hard and CF is the weakest she's been. Tsubaki and Makoto have steadily gotten a lot better though and Rachel has returned to grace. So yeah Tao and Bullet are the targets now and maybe soon it'll shift to like Litchi and the murakumos or something.

Actually, with big boobs like that doing sports without a sports bra is very annoying, distracting and painful.
Jumping boobs are NOT good for mobility or agility.
It's a video game design. Real life logic can't be used to judge it. It's aesthetics only.

>CF is the weakest she's been
That's a complete lie, the buffs that she got in CF far overweigh the nerfs. Also, Bullet was never super popular in anything besides US netplay. In polls she never s

>They like bullying popular female characters
Noel is the only popular female character who's put in the shitter, Taokaka hasn't been all that popular for quite some time. Both Rachel and Tsubaki, who are actually popular character, are alot stronger in CF.

Every buzzword shat out on this board translates to = "thing I don't like".

No, that's the only panel she appears in that.

>the buffs
6B launch is qol
command grab is nice
not losing heat when drive is blocked is nice, but at a cost

other than that what buffs outweigh what she lost in the transition to CF from EX? she lost pretty much her most important pressure option, she lost average damage, she lost consistent okizeme due to needing to rely on a weaker ender to gain heat.

I'm not seeing it and judging from footage and playing her over this past demo netplay test she lost a lot and in general feels really lame now.

That's a damn shame

The general damage of the cast was lowered beyond a few characters, and she plays much better at a range now which helps her with common high to top-tier matchups. The changes given makes her much more tolerable compared to CPE.