ITT objectively 10/10 games


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my negro!

I know this is nowadays a controversial title, but fuck it, I loved it, and so did just about everyone else!


Why the fuck that game never goes under 10 bucks on sale?

portal 1 and mario kart DS for sure

Portal 1 is the only one I consider this an accurate description.

'cause it's a existential rumination simulator adults with incidental gameplay, and most games that are for adults go for 'adult prices' (see RTS's, software programs etc.)


No such thing as a legitimate 10/10 game. Some assfuck is going to come in here and piss on all our choices.

I can list some games that had a profound impact on vidya and deserve adoration and enshrinement in history for their contributions
>Donkey Kong
>Super Mario 3
>FF 6/FF7
>Half Life
>Civ 2
>Deus EX



git gud


it's easily worth the full price, IMO.
For the ~30 bucks I got it and DLC, I got way more than I expected.


dont think portal 1 or talos principle are 10/10 worthy, but

talos principle >>>>> portal

It miisses the point of the first game, no time limit, dungeons to fill up content, shabby world design. Piklopedia is what saves it.

The first Pikmin is the best one. You can prefer the second one but at least accept it's far from being hte best one or a 10/10 game at all.


It's good, but not 10/10.

Here are my problems with the game:

- overexplaining of the plot and puzzles, the game treats you like a complete idiot

- boring fighting system that boils down to "mash A to win", you can get creative with combo attacks, but none of them work better than a fast style + A mashing

- those philosophies of the "closed fist" and "open palm" that are supposed to be "not as simple as good vs evil", except that they clearly are in every choice you make

10/10 doesn't exist. No games are perfect.

Pick an already 10/10 game and improve it in every possible way.

Fairy Fencer F


Tetris is a perfect game

The best part about the game is finding all of the placing you can get out of the map

11/10 is perfection. 10/10 is close to perfection.
But you are right, no game is 11/10.

Yes, people who hate on OoT are just try hard pretentious contrarians, that is a fact









Fuck No

There's nothing controversial about OoT being a 10/10 at all. Sure peoples tastes have changed over the years or the younger crowd is the vocal point of this board and called it shit -- it isn't. It's a solid game and deserves its praise, and Majoras Mask was an amazing follow up to OoT.

Both 10/10s as far as 3D TLoZ games go.

>only normie games allowed
>muh nintendo
>OoT doesn't have flaws! Screw ego raptor!


Fallout 3, modern warfare 2 and bamham asylum are all 8/10 top tier.

ok so I managed to get on the high part of the wall and I found a terminal and a star. Not sure if this is the intended way to get them but I'll take em anyway.

Only a fool wouldn't judge a game keeping in consideration the year it was released in.
One can say "this game doesn't hold up well, it aged like milk" but that doesn't mean the same game, the year it was released, wasa 10/10 or even revolutionary.

Ease up bud, all he said was "no" to your game. Perhaps you should post an objectively 10/10 game like the thread asks.

La Mulana
Talos Principle
Ghost Trick
The World Ends With You
Chrono Trigger DS
Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance
Homeworld Remastered
Invisible, Inc.
Tetris DS
Persona 4: Golden
Spyro the Dragon
Metroid Fusion
Jet Set Radio Future
Ratchet & Clank 3
Devil May Cry 3: Special Edition
Disgaea 4: A Promise Revisited
Heroes of Might & Magic III
Gothic 2
Monster Hunter 4: Ultimate
Wonderful 101
Ace Combat 0: The Belkan War
SimCity 4000
Dark Souls
Ys 8: The Lacrimosa of Dana
Ninja Gaiden (xbox)
Shadow of the Colossus
XCOM: Enemy Unknown
Thief 2

My fucking brother. I spent more time getting out of bounds than I did solving the puzzles. I did manage to solve one or two puzzles with alternative methods.

>muh greatest game evar

But what if the game was shit back when it released as well, like OOT was?

no zelda game is good

>Ys 8: The Lacrimosa of Dana
is it really that good?


egoraptor isn't the epitome of a video game reviewer.

>le smug anime face

>Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance
>Homeworld Remastered
>Invisible, Inc.
You need to stay objective, user.

It is quite literally the best game Falcom have ever developed and has redeemed the idea of party-based Ys games for me.

>unironically posting egoraptor


They're all literally 10/10 though.

Well, it took a while for HR to get there thanks to the launch bugs - but yeah.

>posting shit games and claiming they're 10/10

Well, it was a Bioware game, did you expect them to do anything other than black and white?

I can't think of a better puzzle game.

omg so deep be a proud and beautiful and strong woman against the misogyny in philosophy


Witness is quite good too.

Lol name a better game, I need to improve my mood

Super Mario Bros. 3

>deflecting so fucking hard
>n-name a better game then!


>posting shit opinions and claiming it's true

I have few shots going out of bounds, not nearly as many as I'd like though.

It's complete different, but yeah, it's really good too

>throwing away valid points because "lol youtube"

Ocarina of time is not a masterpiece. It doesn't matter who points out the flaws, they do exist. Stop being blinded by nostalgia.



Lol why should I care what anyone thinks about any game? It was a completely honest post. I really wanted you to name your steaming shitty game and have a laugh

This one was particularly fun, you could explore for miles once you climbed up on the castle.

>a game needs to be perfect to be a masterpiece
>oh no it has a couple of flaws
>not a masterpiece
>thinking perfect games exist




>couple of flaws

The game fucking sucks big time. Poor puzzles, rehashed story, repetitive slow combat where 90% of the time you just wait for the enemy to lower their shield. Its a train wreck. And navi.

Hate the shovelware direction the franchise took as much as you want, but this game was really, really good.

Actually it's the opposite, a mastepiece will never be perfect because it's too complex and innovative.

>content exclusive to shitty outdated console and mobile versions
Pretty great, but no way 10/10.


Come on, the PC version isn't lacking in content.

>pic unrelated





Majority of people who frequently play action adventure games, past or present, can agree that Ocarina of Time is a 10/10 and would be considered a masterpiece in the 3D Legend of Zelda series.

Great music, incredible vision on the transition from 2D to 3D, game play mechanics is basic, but yet addictive and enjoyable. Design and atmosphere is something that a lot of action adventure games at the time -- and even now -- have a difficult time creating the concept and establishing it. And of course, the original soundtrack that ranges from a celtic to baroque that gives every area in the game a charming ethnic feel.

What didn't you like about the game?


I can bearly contain my excitement.





Underrated post. Spelunky is a fucking gamedesign masterpiece.

Lol just bought it for 6.78 euro on G2A

I tried to buy it but it said something about the payment failing, the page vanished but the money's gone from my credit card

Have you used G2A shield?

and aged like milk

no, i made a ticket and they said they're gonna refund in only up to 28 business days.

G2A is so nice

Zone of the Enders the Second runner.
The only flaw is it's too short.

i got it for 5 euros on sale lol


i liked the ending of that game (beat i this week) and now im playing the dLc which i got for cheep from the weekend sale
funny how the last puzzles, even the 3rd ending puzzles werent all that difficult to overcome

Dude shut up, no once cares about your opinions

>Metroid Fusion
List invalidated

Literally 10/10