Sup Forums killed an entire developing team

Sup Forums killed an entire developing team.

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They killed themselves. Also how can reviewers kill people?

What's Sean's height and shoe size?

good riddance

Sup Forums killer a shitty indie dev team


>Sup Forums is relevant

>his beard gets longer as he tells more lies

If only that was true. We were the only ones to see through that bullshit from the instant it was announced. Other sites came to their senses and the only reason it was ever touted by video game journalists is because sony paid the advertising bill and strong armed a bit.

Also they had no dedicated PR guy so the acting PR guy dug a really big hole that they couldn't fill.

someone give him the PUNISHED treatment

Denial is the most predictable of all human responses. But, rest assured, this will be the sixth time we have destroyed it, and we have become exceedingly efficient at it.

You can't kill what's dead inside.

>Todd, I'm already a liar.

>Sup Forumse did it bros xD
Sup Forums didn't do shit, just like with TOR, Evolve and every other flopped game.

Sup Forums didn't have to do anything. Their own hubris lead to their downfall.

He's kinda qt..

also someone post THAT webm

>make millions lying your ass off
even after all shit they have 30 mill to share between 12 people.

He doesn't even have shoes to wear during interviews

Sony has to take their cut first

you chose your own destiny

>tortanic 2.0 we did it bros xD

Fuck off, Sup Forums didnt do shit, even normies could tell the game was a pile of shit

No, they did it themselves by lying and developing a bad game.

>sharing profits with employees
Hahaha yeah right.

Even after that.
I made the math they still have lots of money left

That's not how a business works user


>and then the elements abandoned him and he fucked off to be a hippy because he cheated in a mak'gora
not the best paralel

>you now realize his beard grow with every lie

how does kikestarter work on the dev's end anyway? they get paid to make the game then when the game releases who gets all the profit? it's 100% profit since they don't have to pay their investors back

oh golly
that's funny

who's the guy next to todd? i'm not familiar with gearbox

Kickstarter hits funding goal -> All the money goes to dev

Dev spends money but fails to deliver -> Kickstarter sternly asks dev to consider finishing

randy "colonial marines killed your hopes and dreams" pitchford

You have to pay ~30% or more of your profit to be allowed on Steam/publish your game on PS4/XB1. Salaries/rent/utilities/health insurance/computer hardware/devkits are also not free. You're also going to get taxed 20-50% depending on what level of socialist democracy you live in. Good luck having much 'profit' after reality steps in

this needs to go viral

yeah I'm sure they're bankrupted from earning only fifty millions bucks or so

>reddit jumps on this guy
>Sup Forums claiming they did it
>Pigface did it actually

you are all this retarded

This from a guy who has been on Sup Forums since 2007 and has 6000+ reddit karma in both slots

not really but true, I hope they cant never make a game, a product or even money enough to live

This is actually true 4chin did jack shit

>all sales are final
Thanks sony.
Never again


It's the same way that 'Sup Forums sunk the tortanic'. People here just saw the train wreck coming and sat by and watched. It would be great if we were credited with the train wreck because it's a way to stay relevant, but it's better this way because relevance and popularity is what brought us the modern shitposter.

Meanwhile Sup Forums killed the front running candidate for the US Presidency. Step up your game Sup Forums.

Lots of people already know "Critical Miss" from the Escapist Magazine.



>I made the math
>I have inside knowledge of all the costs, marketing, sony etc..etc...

kys faggot. You made fuck all, you have no idea how the industry operates or how much they made.

Has he done any public statement since the "whoah amazing... simply incredible" when approached by people on day 1 not seeing each other?

I wonder whether he's sad that people call his game a shit minecraft ripoff or smug that he sold a shit minecraft ripoff to masses.

6'8, size 14, 18"

fuck OFF newfag

All 3 did it

fuck IN oldstraight

Does NMS have defenders anywhere?

I need some laughs


ban this

Doesn't deserve it


That's a cute Todd.

Sony doesn't take shit from PC sales you know. And even after their cut from the ps4 sales they still made bank. This game wasn't a failure no matter how badly you guys want it to be, they got away with it.

>sean murray
>sean furray


Dude that are Todd Howards stats

>You're also going to get taxed 20-50% depending on what level of socialist democracy you live in.
That's why you incorporate in the Caymans.

Why do people not clean their toilets?

>We were the only ones to see through that bullshit from the instant it was announced

How about you just go fuck yourself? From everything I have ever seen on this board you guys hate on FUCKING EVERYTHING that isnt some japanese shit, probably because you are deeply bitter about life and feel resentment towards anything that could bring joy to someone else.

dont fucking pretend like "you knew it" when you do the same shit the every game every fucking day. Fuck off nigger.

Also, the game was shit I'm not defending it, but this cockmuncher is trying to play the fucking messiah or some shit.

Because it's gross.

Again with this 'nigger' shit. Please take your niggardry to another thread or board.

I guess you do have a point, a broken clock IS right twice a day.

It's a lot less gross than having all that filth build up over time, and it's the easiest thing to clean in your whole house since it never dries up so everything comes off easily. And 95% of shit stains come off with pic related.

Rubber gloves are like 2 bucks for a 10pack nigga, sponges are 50 cents. Stop being a filthy fucker

Wait what

Wait why was the original poster deleted?

Or you can just use a toilet brush.

I think he is a great addition.

I honestly want to see a world where these 3 pooled everything they had into making one game that had everything they all wanted in it.

people guessed it was because he was getting death threats and shit for posting it.

This statement is fucking wrong because everyone hates the japanese shit as well.

fucking rolling on the floor lmao'ing IRL

I can't wait for Cory to return to CM. Every face Niall draws looks so fucking punchable. At least he stopped doing tumblr noses after literally everyone complained about it.

>Sup Forums killed an entire developing team.

Nothing to explain. It's a meme in the "we did it, Sup Forumsros!" le epic maymay series. Newfags actually believe any post on Sup Forums ever influenced any part of development for any game.

Don't you know that every developer fuckup out there is our fault?


Random battlerite beta key for steam in a random thread


>reddit is slowly waking up

Large open world randomly generated god game where you can interact with everything and climb every mountain and feel emotions and acorns.

That i hope everyone here will preorder it because it will be the best game of all time

I know of Sean on the left, but who is that Murray guy on the right ?

>Have incredibly hyped game
>Financially back by Sony
>Tons of publicity
>Sony can't drop a few dollars on a PR guy and lets this autist singlehandedly sink the ship with this nervous rambling lies

Good. Finally an instance where greed in gaming comes back to fuck the people over.

>developing team.

What developing team? Murray and his lackeys? They wrote a mathematic formula, made some generic low-poly models, slapped it in an engine and charged AAA price for it under the promise it would have a full featureset.

Its a business, not a charity, if you can't do what you say you'll do you need to fuck off.

you will NOT badmouth todd

he is my gaming husbando and you are all just jealous haters

I don't get how people like you are so stupid and short-sided.

>Hurr they already made their profits

And they lost a shit ton of future NMS profits from people who won't buy due to the bad reviews. AND the main point here is if they ever try to make another game it will struggle due to their name alone being on it and the bad reputation it brings.

It's not now that they're in trouble, it's whenever they decide to do something in the future.


giving death threats to the guy who bothered to logically compile a huge mound of evidence and back it up with quotes so no one could say other wise?

Or because hello games was getting the death threats?

What did you expected? Sup Forums is full of manchildren that have no clue on what's a career

He's a big guy

>I made the math
redditChan plz never change
2k soon

Good, let these numale faggots go get real work instead of shitting sub par products into an already dying industry.

Mirror's Edge 2 failed to generate hype even though EA pretended it did well. They haven't even been able to sell investors on a third game.

I'm glad the new DX bombed so badly that the sales are worse than Human Revolution. Hopefully there will be layoffs at Eidos starting with the snowflakes that don't do any technical work.

I can't wait to see the new Mafia 3 get absolutely shit on. Even the paid Youtube hype LPers can barely fake enthusiasm for it and most consumers don't want to play as a dindu if they want a game about the mafia.

Battlefield 1 is going to fall far short of their sales goal for the same reason. Hardline tried the "patriotic 'muricans r stupid n racis!" shit and it bombed. Battlefield 4 tried pushing the stronk womyn meme and it bombed.

I'm enjoying every minute of watching SJW trash get shit on in the mainstream media and now the ones who have forced their way into one of my hobbies.

Pitchford and Howard aren't even close to the same league as Molineux and Murray are in.

you, i like you