[snaps photo]

[snaps photo]
Haha, caught you wearing striped girl panties, user.

Unless you beat the last game you played on its hardest difficulty, I'm posting this on Sup Forums!

Go ahead.
I'll have you know that I am a proud crossdresser and am not ashamed of my perverse hobby.

one thread is enough user, go back to /jp/ please

Hey you're taking my picture. You wan't my name?

I wasn't though. And I was planning on beating Resistance 3 on Superhuman anyway. Dumb crowposter.

Joke's on you, the last game I played DOESN'T HAVE difficulty settings.

I only have black lace, though.

post this on /fit/ instead
they love MAN ASS

I want to fuck Aya.

I was going to beat it but I didn't feel so well so I took some rest instead.

oh jesus no

I'll beat it!

Dumb 2hu poster

>nu males sky: pirated edition
well shit that was easy

jokes on you, I'm playing TW3 for the second time and I already beat it on death march! Hah!

Cirno or RIOT

>DaS ng+6

what if it's an mmo aya
then what

Beat the hardest quest solo, obviously.

>Rocket League


>he didn't 1cc lunatic the last 2hu he played
what's your excuse

and if you didn't even play any, you got some serious explaining to do

You want me to send you the whole collection?

I could take a picture of my ass and put it next to a picture of the moon and nobody would be able to tell the difference.

isn't it missing the point?

Are you saying your ass is big, white or has really bad acne?

I was playing double spoiler. I unlocked extra, so there's that.

>Seven Kingdoms
Welp, could try, AI is retarded anyway.

How about que te parta la madre a vergazos pinche elfa #haillh

DMC 3, fuck

Hah, no you didn't
I don't fit into the stripped panties I bought yet

On topic tho, the last game I played was Killing Floor, so I'm fucking screwed

Oh God, these fuckers go apeshit if you build a mine on resource on highest difficulty.

all star aerials
go fag

Castlevania sotn
I guess a Richter play through would be hard mode...
What would be the hardest mode?

I already beat witcher 3 on death march

also, I go commando.


>implying I wear underwear

Get on my level you fucking casuals

>being sudaca

fuck off to /cm/ or any other gay website.

Post your butt.

i don't have one

I'm already on Sup Forums retard
now kys yourselfe