>you can't see the difference between 60 and 144 fps anyway
You can't see the difference between 60 and 144 fps anyway
the human eye cant see more than 24fps... that's why all movies are shot in 24fps.
It depends on the game lad, try out some shooters.
You can't refute that.
Imagine her giving you a blowjob.
It's true. 60fps is a meme. Autists (PC master race) like it though because bigger numbers make them feel good.
ITT : autism
There's a very good reason why the absolute minimum on the Oculus Rift and Vive is 90fps, and not 60. Higher would be even better.
Shitpost thread though, why am I even responding.
you can see the difference, sure, but 144fps monitors are still a huge money grabbing scheme for idiots.
>Moving the mouse around the desktop on a 144hz monitor for the first time
Its so smooooth....
Bet her skull looks cool.
On a 144hz monitor I noticed my aim in games has been better.
I made half a team in overwatch go winston.
Going from a 144hz monitor to a 60 hz monitor
It's true pfam, I tested a 144hz monitor in a computer shop and fuck me everything felt so fucking smooth on the desktop alone.
OP here, I only posted the last image.
The truth is hard I know, 60 fps is simply so inferiour it is unbelievable.
Pros refuse to use anything below 120hz, it is not a fucking meme.
>in vidya
okay son...
you can
but it's very subtle and not like the gap between 24-60
If you play video games for a living, it's your profession.
This is literally the only instance in which I notice a difference between 30 and 60. It's nowhere near that noticeable when you're playing a video game.
he's just a player/consumer as me and you, the fact that he gets money for winning tournaments doesn't make him a professional gamer, he's just good at a certain competitive game.
sure thing buddy
Here's that (You) you ordered.
If you can't tell the difference between 30 and 60, you literally have an eye problem. Should probably go to an optometrist, my man
90% of the population can't because they have 60Hz monitors.
Checkmate OP.
Maybe I do have a slight eye problem. It doesn't excuse your autism though.
It's autistic to call someone retarded for defending 30 FPS?
wow i remember 8th grade too dood
Here (You) go.
Play something at 144fps for a while.
60 fps feels like 30.
144fps is such a pleasure, I can't imagine anyone with actual experience with it wanting to go back to 60.
>I don't buy into any of this 4K / HDR bullshit. My current monitor looks just fine.
>buys a 144Hz snake oil monitor
You have a severe problem with your brain.
There is no way in hell a healthy human being could not easily see the astronomical difference between 30 and 60.
It is FAR more pronounced in games than in video, as the feedback from control input is also affected.
>144hz meme
At least my monitor has perfect color rendition and level of black unlike your shitass chink LED screen
Not having autism is a severe problem?
OK so you guys know when people have shit taste in food because they never tasted actually good food? Same shit. Consolefag need to prove they have tried higher fps to say there is no difference, or your comment is worthless.
>has never experienced 4k, HDR or 144hz
>I-I'm n-not a poorfag, it's all j-just a trick, s-snek oil... R-right?
Why is 144 the magic number anyway? Why not 120? Or 160? Who decided on 144?
Having unsuspected brain damage so disastrously severe you cannot process trivial information, yeah. That's a big issue, you should see a doctor. Today.
>not playing everything at at least 200 FPS
fucking plebians, how do you not get motion sickness from anything beneath 180.
Prize money is only a fraction of the majority of pro players' salary.
Who says there's no difference? The fact is if you make a huge deal out of it like normal people are supposed to care is dumb. We're not trying to hurt your feelings. You just need to accept that you have autism.
please be banned. please be banned. please be banned. please be banned. please be banned. please be banned. please be banned. please be banned. please be banned. please be banned.
Nice strawman. One (You) has been transferred to your account.
The human eye can't see more than 900 pixels either according to sony's PR
But upscaling those 900p to 4k will make thrm prettier
>being this assblasted
rest in 30fps
No clue. 120 I understand since it's a multiple of 60 and 24, but 144? Not to mention the difference between 120 and 144 is tough to see.
Alright. One more (You). Don't spend it all in one place.
144 is divisible by 24.
It's just a number.
Somewhere between 150 - 240 is about where you stop noticing a difference, apparently. Although you can process 1000 images per second, according to the science.
So 144 is the closest you get to 150 without going over, whilst still being a factor of 24.
Not sure why that matters
>who cares if I just paid $1000 for a graphics card, I have to see all the pixels! if it isn't an exact arbitrary number of pixels I literally get motion sickness!
this is why PC gaming is stupid
Don't make fun of my bad sight.
Wait is any of these autist here who say 144fps and 60fps dont have any difference actually use a 144hz monitor to see for themshelves?
If they dont, they are really autist to expect real differences on 60HZ monitor
That's just away to explain how the eyes sees. It makes sense to say that since if you move your hand across the computer screen fast you can only see blur of the hand. Same thing you would probably see with motion on 24 fps.
That doesn't means we can't see difference between 24, 30, 50, 60, 120, 144 hz/fps.
Out eyes can still interpreter motion display at different intervals as smoother and / or less.
But if the motion is fast, it's only perceived as smooth on our sight, we're not actually able to get all the details in between these rates. But if the motion is slow we can see much more detail thanks to higher refresh rate.
PC gamers are comforted by bigger numbers. They see 60fps and they go OOOOOH AAAAAAH 1080p OOOOOH now we have 4K
we are on Sup Forums
there is not even single pcfag in this thread
i guarantee you that
How about you go play on 144p mbile and see if that work for you ?
If not then shut up autist,4k is always better than 1080 as well as 144fps is better than 60
Every poll suggests 75%+ of Sup Forums are masterrace.
Actual cucksolers are rare, cucksole posts are usually bait.
Is it worth the money though?
Do you see the irony in your post when all Sony have shouted about over the past 2 weeks is 4K, which their system can't even achieve? I agree that the "master race" memers go on about numbers too much, but don't be dumb.
>shut up
Are you gonna make me?
Yeah but consoles are trying harder than ever to be like PCs.
>download free Crew
>locked to 60fps max
>144hz monitor
>have to deal with that shit
>mfw dedicated racing game with lower framerate than a race in GTA
Framerates below 60 literally give me cancer.
>Human eye is designed to be better at registering motion with peripheral and better at registering shapes with central, therefor higher clarity is more important for images in front of you while higher framerate is more important to the side of you.
All these faggots talking about 60+ FPS not even playing on VR.
Kill yourselfveses.