Nier Automata


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>eyes arent even aligned

Poor emil, imprisoned in that shit.

Thats a ball, that also has eyes





Replying to the guy from the previous thread, I'd say it's pretty much guaranteed every character will have his/her own moves and abilities. It's how it generally works when Platinum does multiple playable characters and they have even made an effort in differentiating 2B's Pod and 9S's Pod in promotional material. Hopefully they will also have different personalities.

What's still a bit unclear is how they will work. I remember Platinum mentioning they would be pretty independent, shooting on its own, but you could also give them orders. I hope you can also have more direct control over them like with Weiss.

> mole


We've seen 9S sort of fight against the opera singer, and he uses his sword more rigidly and psychically. As in, it'll float, jerk in to attack and etc.

Whereas 2B seems much more hands-on. This might stem from 9S not strictly being a combat model.

Sure, honestly I just meant we haven't SEEN anything different from them, would be damn boring if they all had the same thing

I honestly I thought they just don't have much finished animations and moves for this.
9S behaves exactly like your team did in Nier, ie pretty fucking retarded jumping around doing random shit.

I just rewatched it nd it seems like he never even holds the weapons unlike 2B, just kind of telegraphs them and they move.

Pretty cool, I really hope we get to actively play him too for most of the game.

Yeah, I figured it might be a case of him not having smart battle AI since he didn't do much of anything, but I do hope that kind of stays his style, where he uses his weapons telepathically instead of physically. It'd be a smart and easy way to differentiate how 9S plays from 2B

So, I'm reading through that Grimoire Google doc in preparation for Automata.
>Replicants are ordered by Androids to gather the sickness-causing "maso". The gathered "maso" is then sent to the other world in a ceremony conducted by the Celebrant Android.
How the fuck were they able to do that?


That seems to be pretty on-purpose, his hands glow with that magic-pod effect when he does them and with pic related it definitely does seem like a fitting fighting style considering he is pretty small physically.

I think they had literally only one attack animation done - and he spams it into the robutt at point blank range so its not really visible

I've seen him do maybe a 2 or 3 point combo against the opera singer but most of the time it was just one swing. I'll have to look again.

Well, his very design pretty much says frailty so it's to be expected he's not that prepared for close combat.

Do you have the video where 9S fights the Opera Singer? Searching for it on Youtube is a mess with all the redundant videos of the same 2B footage.

Also I noticed he does some bayonetta tier cartwheel flips which I haven't seen 2B do. He does normal slide dodges though

Actually pretty hard to keep track of him in all that, all I'm seeing is that "stab" move that pushes him back a bit.

Also fucking love his dodge movement even though it looked extremely ineffective.
Love me some flexible boys.

I saw that he does a triple slash right before the bullet dodge segment, so there's that.

Damn jewtube autoplay
there it is anyway

I think if this game is developed as well as it could possibly be by all parties involved, that this could very well end up being the best game ever made.

>his real concept art is not show

Right, I think thats 3 attacks drawing a triangle, just mostly the same body movement.
Seems like base attacks of any player controlled character.

I really hope the greatsword is optional. It's cool and everything but that shit just takes up WAY too much screen space.

do i need to watch the drakenguard 3 movie on youtube before i play automata?
I've heared the plots are linked somehow

If theres one thing you can take for granted user, is that the game will have probably all the same weapons the other games had and then some.

Probably with an ending locked to them too because fuck you.

>Yoshida didn't draw a boy-emil for us

Now I'm bummed out

The tattoo on the guy's arm and chest is of One and Brother One's sigil/illustration whatever


>yfw no prologue chapter assaulting Jerusalem and taking down Red Eye

Thanks. The AI does seem a bit fucked, but he definitely fights and dodges in a very different way, interesting. God, the boss design is so fucking good.

I hope they use the same weapon swapping system from Drakengard 3, I loved that stuff.

What Drakengard 3 movie? They aren't directly connected but you should play it anyway.

>No thicc Emil

Fuck you, now I need this.

Does his serial number hint at that he's a more advanced and powerful model or something?
I don't remember 2B being shown to able to shoot such energy blasts with her helper.

shit you're right, that face that's been around since Drakengard 1.

They are different types, their number probably denote series so "age", and apparently S stands for support type for 9S.

They are indeed different type of androids.

all the cutscenes and important dialogue in one big video
im 20 minutes in, it's not bad but jesus fuck 5 hours

Wait, so there's no grimoire? What the fuck, how do robots cast magic?

2B is a combat model while 9S is an investigation model

Can't say for their Pods though.

It was always fun to me to think about that part as they throwing the trash back to Drakengard.

You now realize now that Weiss was literally a tool created by humans, just like these androids.

"Magic" in Nier is literally just a fuel resource

where are you reading it?

Best and cutest intoner.

not looking forward to how badly square is going to ruin this with dlc and drm.

They used the Maso created from Angelus' body to make magic.

>only one that didn't have any mental problems, except gullible
>was actually a nice person
>accidentally fused all the orphans she was helping into a monstrosity which broke her mind

Taro got square by their balls m8. Why the fuck do you think he can keep making games? If there's gonna be any jew shit, it's gonna be by his call, not SE's.

Maso came from the giant, not the dragon, and it is used to siphon energy from other worlds = magic in Nier

It's less that and more he's really good friends with higher ups which is why he still makes his games despite them doing pretty mediocre sales wise.

Why did the intoners all have two different angels they could summon? Was it something to do with the way they were summoned that changed them?

Unless you don't have a PS3, I see no reason why you shouldn't play Drakengard 3 and just watch the story.

I can understand people not being able to play the first one for many reasons, but 3 is perfectly playable and a lot of fun apart from the shitty framerate.

It's not crazy to believe they're connected and maybe even use the same or similar technology, so Pods have real people inside.

Wrong but respectable.

Why should drm matter? You ARE going to support Taro, right?

Maso was created by both the Giant and Angelus.

The Giant's created the disease while Angelus' was used to combat it.

Yeah, I know that. I was just joking.

He's really chummy with Saito, who's an EO at SE.

This makes me think though - if all Shadowlords are gone, where is maso coming from now?
I mean that was their purpose, to produce the maso for the gestalts


1. Two (+Cute +Pure +Nice and kind)
2. Four (+Lady in street, freak in sheets +Remove elf +REMOVE ELF)
3. Five (+Titty monster +Lewd but still cute deep down +/ss/ -Too lewd)
4. One (+Twincest -Mean -Almost no personality)
5. Three (+Hot -Absolutely fucking tapped -ABSOLUTELY FUCKING TAPPED -Did everything wrong)
6. Zero (-Foul mouthed -Mean -Kaine lite)

Wait, is my memory this shitty? I don't remember any of this mentioned in Grimoire Nier.

Yeah, officially wrong.

One > Zero > Four > Three > Two > Five

Well I may be mis-remembering details but it was in it.

Gestalts required maso from a stable Gestalt to not relapse, this was Nier in our region but never implied he was the only one.

The whole game is basically because he got tired of doing that and gestalts started to relapse anyway.

Or now that I think about it, the gestalts relapsing "anyway" might have been because of shadowlord Nier being fed up and mad and feeding them like that.

This does seem more familiar, but I don't remember that there were multiple Shadowlords. It's to be expected though if you think about it.
I'm going to have to read it again.

I get that humans (gestalts) died out because they all relapsed without Nier. But why did all replicants die?

The replicants relied on the Gestalt project too, they can't reproduce.

Hell knows what might be lost in translation, but the grimoire definitely makes sure to never single him out as "the" thing. He was "an" original gestalt.
Considering the 13 books (which is btw very curious - there is a book without a pair, so it had to have a different purpose to the others)
The atleast 22 observer androidds , pretty clear there was atleast 6 regions set up.

Replicants birth/death are handled by androids like Devola&Popola.
We killed them.

>Replicants birth/death are handled by androids like Devola&Popola.
>We killed them.

Apparently not hard enough, if Devol and Popol in the new Nier Automata trailer is any indication.

They are a series of androids user, we killed one pair, there were many more
The ones we knew were 21 and 22.

I guess it really worked. The flower won.


Replicants die of Black Scrawl if they are out of synch with Gestalts because the latter is relapsed or dead

Who knows how many of them there are though. It's interesting to see how expressionless and inert they look in Automata compared to Nier. I guess it's because they don't have to pretend being human anymore.

Hm, then how are there still humans in YoRHa/Automata? Thousands of years after Nier end.

Our actions in Nier killed a region - but other regions probably succeeded in merging their gestalts and replicants.

Fuck knows how they dealt with Replicants being sentient though..

>tfw when you are the Emilbot whos only programming is to suffer

Ah, so only Japan died out, and the glorious white race inherited the world? Got it.

Could be another region survived.

Could be that there was a Moon Colony as a backup in case all the Earth regions failed.

Could be direct interference from another branch ensuring no chaotic end.

Yeah, apparently a silver haired white race.

I bet it was trying to headbutt them to death.

It only wanted a hug!

Obviously the hug.
>tfw robot capable only of being hugged.

Daily reminder that this man did nothing wrong, and Kaine ruined everything.

How did Kainé ruin anything bar Nier's ass?

I believe Adam and Eve might've found Angelus' corpse.

That could explain the red eyes they have, their weird gloves (maybe the red claws are actually dragon scales?) and possibly the connection witht cult of the angels

It's implied that Gestalts and Replicants successfully reunited in other parts of the world.

Nier was an exceptional case, due to his personal objectives. Shadowlord Nier only wished to save his daughter, when he realized that wasn't possible he said "fuck it" and refused to listen to Devola and Popola, causing humans to go extinct in that part of the world.

>Could understand shadows the whole fucking time
>Knew exactly what was going on
>Didn't breathe a fucking word of it to Nier and let him fuck up the entire world

Not how it happened, After Kainé merged with Tyrann she started understanding them and almost went insane from it, Tyrann blocked out the voices for her from then on.

Plus - do you actually think saying it would've stopped Nier?

That's not a very kind thing to do.
It's not like he gained anything by denying the Gestalt Project, he just fucked countless other people.

>Knew exactly what was going on

But she didn't. She knew Shades are sentient and most that she came across were assholes (Tyrann) or lying assholes (Hook). Shades for Kaine were what goblins are to bog-standard fantasy hero.

>we might see Angelus and Caim again in some way or the other

Wait a minute, Shadowlord Nier never denied the Gestalt project, hell he was the one trying to push it through.

It is Replicant Nier's ignorance that killed the region.
So by extension I'd blame Popola and Devola, for being such terrible terrible manipulators.

Why are their hair so shit god damnit.

It could be coming from anywhere really. Angelus' corpse got stolen (allegedly by the United States) before Japan completely fell and hasn't been accounted for to my knowledge. That's one source of maso still in the world.

Maso was also spread across the entire planet due to the Japanese government's last ditch attempt to purge Legion using nuclear weapons. so it's possible some may still be lingering somewhere that the cleanup effort missed.

There's also the matter of Accords, who can freely travel between dimensions. That's another source of contamination.

because 3d

Pops and Devs did nothing wrong, they just didn't expect Nier to go full retard once he found out there was a way to save Yonah but not specifically "his" Yonah.

>we didn't get any Devopopadopoilis doujins with the original Nier
>They are back for Automata which gathers a pretty big marketing following

My dick's prayers have been anwsered

Cute. Why does it blink though? To clean the lenses or because there's a human subconscious controlling it?

I can understand him, but he still fucked up along the way.

What about Kalil or even the wolf. She messed up but she didn't give a fuck.

But that's wrong.

So what's the bet on "No, you are the aliens" twist? Seems to simple for Taro.

Also how do you think they will link it to previous games? Other than Emil.

No, Shadowlord Nier was actually taking is sweet ass time in continuing the Gestal project, because all he cared about was Yonah and the cure to her disease. He refused to listen to Devola and Popola.

Then Replicant Nier comes, giving zero shit about the world himself, and condemning humanity to being erased from the face of Earth by cruel aliens.

NieR is the stories of two fathers believing they are doing the right thing and refusing to listen to reason only to save their daughters.

>manipulate the guy to gather a ton of power
>tell him "pls go home your daughter dies and your life is a sham"

They completely failed in their task.
All they needed is the verses gathered and Weiss.
I can see why you'd use him for the verses, but he should've been cut off at that point.
Dev/Pop is retarded - its a clone of the shadowlord, your boss who has been watching over you for a thousand years because he'll do ANYTHING for his daughter.

Why would you assume any differently for the clone? Why would you think he'll just go home?



She doesn't know 10% of what the player does as she only hears them getting mad or pleading for life. And even then, she already has experiences with talking Shades due to Hook, who was a sadistic asshole and tried to lure her into a trap to kill her. She has no reason to trust any other Shade any more than she believed Hook.

>those hot mandroids
I hope more fan art spawns from this game. D3 barely got anything.

I played neir but that was a while ago and I've kind've forgetten everything about it. What I remember is: Some people are replicants, including you, your daughter and kaine. Replicants are soulless bodies that somehow have a sort of soul but I don't think it's their soul?

Humans are wiped out because they get turned in salt or sand or something or become part of the legion.

Emil fuses with his sister and becomes skeleton man with magic powers.

So I have to ask, how is automata connected to replicant?(Do we know yet?)

How many actual humans exist(somehow survived)

Is kaine dead?

Is nier dead?

Is emil dead?

Will they be in automata?

Who are the new people, and are they robots made from robot parts or something else?

Because they could turn off his fucking Grimoire and absolutely body him with superior Android magic, but for some inexplicable reason Weiss decided to side with Nier and not lose his abilities.

Storywise, there's no fucking way Nier and his band of merry fuckwits should have been able to lay a finger on Shadowlord it's a huge plot hole.