Holyshit, this game and it's DLC are overpriced as fuck. I was gonna buy it till I saw the fucking 40 dollar DLC pass

Holyshit, this game and it's DLC are overpriced as fuck. I was gonna buy it till I saw the fucking 40 dollar DLC pass.

Has it been cracked, Sup Forums? I want to see if it's worth the money.

It was for 3 days, then that was patched. CPY has cracked ROTTR, Inside and DOOM in that order, and will likely to JC3 next.

Also no, it's shit. JC2 got away with its flaws because it was the only modern sandbox game that didn't run like shit on PC. A lot of sandbox games have been released in the past 6 years, and JC3 does nothing to stand out from them. Also, it runs like shit.

Just play Just Cause 2, it's literally better than 3

>better map
>more side missions to dick around with
>more varied areas
>unique areas like the airport, literally everything in JC3 is the same few buildings
>vehicles more fun to drive
>doesn't rely on "lol you can attach a rocket to a goat xDD" memes

But JC2 got really boring. The missions are all samey and the world has nothing but shitty upgrade crates and dosh to find.

Most of it is barren, lifeless forest and beaches. Maybe Far Cry 3 spoiled me, but it just seems like blowing up bases is the only thing you can do.

Plus JC3 has shit like a jetpack and the wingsuit.

Yeah, and JC3 has even less interesting shit than 2. I haven't even finished 3s main story, that's how boring it is.

JC2 had barren lifeless cities, beaches, forests, deserts and snowy mountains

JC3 only has barren lifeless fields and a couple of rocks

>>doesn't rely on "lol you can attach a rocket to a goat xDD" memes
But JC2 was literally advertised with grappling an enemy to a petroleum gas cylinder, shooting it and making it fly.

What other games let you do that kind of shit at the time? None. JC2 was trying to advertise the grappling hook features you could do.

JC3 wasn't even advertised as a game with structure, it it was more like "oh hey buy this game so you can make some youtube videos of you attaching rocket to goats XDD so random XD and then your done"

user, for perspective, I've put close to 2000 hours into JC2 despite the barren and lifeless world, the samey missions and all that shit.

I've barely put in 50 hours into JC3 despite having all the DLCs so that means I have the jetpack, the mech and the gun that calls down a fucking ion beam to destroy literally everything. I've installed mods equivalent to the Black Market mod for JC2 and other mods that increases the amount of soldiers and equipment sent after your ass. I can even call down enemy and friendly mechs to have robot showdows wherever I want.

JC3 is just not as mechanically sound as JC2. Despite the lifeless world, JC2 was a blast to actually play because the controls were slick and very accommodating, the driving was floaty but not resistant to you, the environments were varied (snow, tropical jungles, desert, cities and swamps) and it was B-movie without being cringey.

JC3 is not as polished graphically, technically or mechanically. Its UI is intrusive. Its writing is cringey whenever they try for comedy, but decent any other times. The driving is the absolute worst I've ever played in a proper game. The environment is not as varied.

If JC2 can run well on Win10, I would play that instead.

But they're still barren, lifeless scenery.

It just sounds like JC3 has more systems to play with. All you fucking do in JC2 is blow up bases, which was fun at first, but it got stale. Weapon upgrades are handled stupidly and there's no real reason to explore.

Dude everyone is telling you JC3 is fucking shit, if you don't want to listen stop defending it and buy it if you love it so much

I'm frustrated, my bad. I was hoping that JC3 let you interact with the world more. I heard it had shit like animals and got excited.

It does if you mean the jetpack and mechs. But you'll discover that the environment is nowhere near as nice to look at or be in, the camera, movement and gunplay mechanics are much less responsive or satisfying, the C4 while infinite is less fun and not as responsive or easy to use as in JC2 (you can't throw them unless you're in your parachute gliding over enemies), most of the fun stuff are hidden behind the upgrade system so you're forced to play the mini-games to unlock them, which themselves have to be unlocked by liberating settlements and bases. Also there's no sprint, Rico is Italian now and the amount of weaponry is disappointing. I was also disappointed that I can't choose between dual wielding my guns and using them one handed, as well as not being able to choose two different guns for my sidearms. Modding has also slowed down a lot now, a bunch of the authors have stopped updating their mods for newer versions of the game.

Go ahead and purchase it to see for yourself but I just wanted to let you know of some of the problems I had and was disappointed by in JC3. I'm still playing it from time to time but nowhere near as excitedly as I did JC2 over the years.

If you want, I can tell you of some of the things I do have fun with in JC3 though.

The final boss of JC3 was a massive letdown. I was expecting something more from a game with balls to the walls explosions and shit.

Also to add, JC3 was made by a different team. The team that made JC2 worked on Mad Max while a new team made this.

Why does Mad Max sometimes run like shit, then?

It's something like 15 bucks on Instant Gaming.

Depends on the specs and settings user. Mad Max can push 1440p60fps at all times on max settings on an i5 and 970. But if you have some troubles, just ask user. Maybe we can help.

It's nothing serious, mostly a bit of dipping when I take a ramp. My other PC used to run great with it until it'd just suddenly enter a hardcore lagspike that usually crashed it.

That PC is dead, though, so doesn't matter much.

Lag spikes ending with a crash sounds like a memory leak. As for the frame rate drops, I can't find anything on the ramp problems for PC, only consoles but I do remember ramps having a bunch of particle effects and motion blur. You can try turning down those settings and seeing if the problem still happens.

>wanted JC3
>has denuvo and by extension no mod support

nope. dead series.

It does have mod support to the same extent that JC2 had mod support. Changes to attributes, new textures, enhanced wanted shit and all that.

I don't understand the JC devs. mods and pirating literally saved their last game and improved it to the point that they added mp mod.
What happened?

>But you'll discover that the environment is nowhere near as nice to look at or be in, the camera, movement and gunplay mechanics are much less responsive or satisfying,
I disagree with you on the movement. Even though JC3's world is trash, the extra mobility provided by the Wingsuit is incredibly satisfying and I prefer JC3's movement for that reason.

Wingsuit is great and I agree with you, but I was talking about the on foot movement actually.

>car handling in 3
Just no

use CreamApi to play with dlcs on legit steam copy. Just like me.


download dlcs from that topic, you can ask people to send you dlc links, and then config cream api adding ids of dlcs

; SteamApps version taken from original steam_api.dll/steam_api64.dll.
steamapps = v7
; Check if user is subscribed to the app.
subscribed = true
; Steam user language, default is "english".
language = english
; Enable/disable automatic DLC unlock. Default option is "false".
; Keep in mind that this option is highly experimental and won't
; work if game wants to call each DLC by index
unlockall = false

; DLC handling.
; Format: =
; e.g. : 0 = 1231
; 1 = 1232
; 2 = 1233

0 = 401850
2 = 388294
3 = 388293
4 = 388292
5 = 388291
6 = 388290
7 = 348880
8 = 400551
9 = 442050
1 = 442050
11 = 442051
12 = 442052

; Names for DLC put above.
; Use this only if needed.
; e.g. : 0 = DLC Name 0
; 1 = DLC Name 1
; 2 = DLC Name 2

0 = Just Cause 3・DLC: Air, Land & Sea Expansion Pass
2 = Just Cause 3 - Capstone Bloodhound RPG
3 = Just Cause 3 - Final Argument Sniper Rifle
4 = Just Cause 3 - Rocket Launcher Sports Car
5 = Just Cause 3 - Mini-Gun Racing Boat
6 = Just Cause 3 - Combat Buggy
7 = Just Cause 3 - Firestarter Customization Skins
8 = Just Cause 3 DLC: Sky Fortress Pack
9 = Just Cause・3 DLC: Mech Land Assault Pack
1 = Just Cause・3 DLC: Kousav・Rifle
11 = Just Cause・3 DLC: Bavarium Sea Heist Pack
12 = Just CauseTM 3 DLC: Reaper Missile Mech"

that's my config you could use it

agree, all fun content is locked behind dlcs, and even if you buy them you still need to farm liberating boring villages 100 times just to unlock shit

I borrowed the game and bought season pass

Haven't yet got to the dlc but from what I've heard it's pretty shit

i forget, optimization is still dogshit after year since release, i5 2500k oced to 4.3ghz is bottlenecking and drops fps like crazy for not fucking reason besides fucked up optimization. They released last shitty dlc (which i pirated with creamapi) and i got bored after 2 missions, now dev team moved on other project and no longer works on JC3. Ty fucking squared penises enix, every single new game from them has shitty cpu optimization, first jc3 then rottr and deus ex md
