Other urls found in this thread:

So it's finally coming to PS4?

>a game mostly about silently hunting monsters repeatedly by your lonesome self
>in hollywood where nobody shuts the fuck up
wow what a wonderful idea. I'm sure this won't be a blunder at all

Eh, dark souls would've made a better movie

>Jap Monster Hunter gets a Hollywood movie
>Slav Monster Hunter gets pic

>Americans making movies for Japanese games

Because it worked very well in the past, right



>video game movies
because that worked out so well in the past, right?


What's it even gonna be about?
The protagonist not getting his rare material drop for his end game gear?

I wonder what e-celeb will voice the cats



Okay, I chuckled

>getting excited over video game movies

when will they ever learn


>but it is coming to PS4, what's with all the replies?
>mfw I get it



fifteen whole minutes dedicated to prep work like making ribs?

you know this is going to be uwe boll type dogshit thatll be straight to netflix

If they can't get Jean Reno to do the "JE SUIS MONTE" story arc it's shit





bakc to reddit, faggot


>wont make a new DMC because it's too risky
>however they will make a movie about a series with barely any story

I really hope Capcom goes down soon



>Another thread derailedbecause underage faggots have to chain reply to some slightly funny remark

I see one of these at least every other day now.
They have no impact now


so is this how you run a good joke into the ground


When was the last time Americans have made a good fantasy movie? This is literally going to fail.


Dayum! That burn was as savage as WiiU's 2016 releases!!

>When was the last time Americans have made a good fantasy movie?

When was the last time Americans made a good movie period


who you dad after i got done with him

Rectal ragnarok


Put me in the /r/Sup Forums screencap



>Rathalos and friends will be the only monsters in the movie


There is absolutely no way to translate Monster Hunter to the big screen without fucking it up horribly; you cannot capture the essence of Monster Hunter in a movie, especially one produced by Hollywood.

It will either take itself too seriously and play up the ferocity of the monsters, leading to a generic as fuck movie, or it will pander to children and exist only to sell merchandise and the games.



That worked so well for Warcraft.
It had a good director and decent actors but ended up shit.

Oh snap


put me in the screencap or your mom will die in her sleep

I dont fucking get it

weak comeback

Well, given how you see a little bit of blood, it will be serious beyond belief.

Hmm, well played

Sup Forums here.... I can actually hear Hollywood scraping the bottom of the barrel.

Oh great, it's going to be a cheaper jason statham lookalike fighting generic looking dinosaurs that just share the same name of the monsters from the game.

Gilbert Gottfried will voice the wise cracking, cynical Felyne sidekick.

Sup Forums never learns.

that's a screenshot of Monster Hunter Online


someone explain this to me

This is true tho. Even though this is a fact people will just call you a sonygger or some shit.

Fuck you that's was good

Posting an epic bread. Also, hello everyone out there who is reading this from a screencap.






C-combo breaker?


11/10 Pro

alright user, you've earned this one.

>tfw no mhgenerations on vita

And on 360.
And on WiiU.
And on Vita.
And on PS3.
And on PC.

At least it's free to download.

>only 39 seconds between each post

I'm aware that's MHO. What I mean is that since you see a little bit of blood in the games, you will get a serious movie.


It's a three part trilogy.
>Monster Hunter: The Gathering of Rathalos Clan
>Monster Hunter: The Search for the Sacred Gem
>Monster Hunter: Oh Come On, This Is The Fifth Fucking Hunt In A Row, Just Drop The Fucking Ruby Already You Scaly Cunt.


Wow I can't wait man.

>2 hour long movie
>It consists of the main character picking some flowers and killing one monster repeatedly so he can finally, in the end, make some new boots

It's gonna be so good, just like the games.

>Filthy Frank
Make like a tree and go kill yourself, you fucking troglodyte.

Would be easier to make a movie of the manga that did whatever it wanted to the lore.


Should've just gone for CG instead

I really hope they never make a dark souls movie.

Old news.

>Paul W.S. Anderson is the writer and producer of Resident Evil Retributions, which will hit North American theaters on September 14th. During a recent interview, Anderson revealed that if given the option of choosing among any video game to convert to film form, he’d love to make a movie based on Capcom’s Monster Hunter series.

>“Recently, I’ve been loving Monster Hunter! A film conversion is currently in planning.”

Read "Having my wife kill zombies is boring, let's have her kill monsters instead"

you have pleased General Zod.





HA so it looks like its coming to ps4



The intro cinematics for MH are always amazing, imagine a feature length one of those, oooooft, too bad it'll be some generic shite