What's the strangest game you've played, Sup Forums?
What's the strangest game you've played, Sup Forums?
LSD dream simulator i guess
Rapelay probably. It was quite strange
the fuck is that??
explain user?
rapleay isn't strange though, it's got very obvious motivation
you have google you fucking faggot
Moirai, only because the person before me gave serious answers instead of joke ones so I got the full effect of the twist.
I should replay it sometime
fuck you I won't do wha u tell me
Basic point and click but an interesting aesthetic
Sims 2 on DS.
As depressing as it was weird
Can't wait for the remake. Also whenever I get a few days off I'm planning on beating the game with Haruspex in one sitting.
This game is pretty good. I was never able to beat it after getting the 2nd or 3rd gun though. Kept running into the same places.
Hopefully I'll come through someday
As a child I didn't know English very well, if at all, and I had no idea how to play this game. I guess the arrows at the bottom of the screen didn't function, and I remember for this rotten game was the hallway with Sam just crossing while saying "I am Sam" and "Sam I am". Watching this video, I remember the random shit that happens in that part, including the dancing fur and the cymbals deforming his head.
Weird shit.
In chulip you play as the average kissless Sup Forumsirgin so in order to gather the courage to kiss the girl of your dream, you go around town, solving puzzles in order to kiss it's various resident which in turn make you less of a beta
Ncie, sounds cool
Life is Strange
stop tripfagging pls
if you wanna have an identity, go to facebook, reddit, gaia, literally any other forum on the internet
Zeno Clash probably.
goblet grotto.
Space Funeral.
It loved it.
the cataminds
Being triggered is claiming PTSD, user
this is an anonymous website, names and identities don't belong here unless it's specifically important to the discussion
>gas mask
>exposed bones
>bags over head
>masked guy that looks like a charred corpse
this is my fetish
flower, sun and rain
Crypt worlds probably
Envirobear or Katamari Damacy
You might have a case of autism
he's right though