Used to play Soldier of Fortune II MP TEST exclusively even though the game has been out for 15 years

>Used to play Soldier of Fortune II MP TEST exclusively even though the game has been out for 15 years
>Play with wallhacks but no aimbot
>Would always get rage babies and would have a mod spectate me while I play
>Would then act like I can't see through walls and get "caught by surprise" when someone turns the corner and shotguns me
>Mod says "Nah, he's not cheating"
>Continue this for years to come

What games have you cheated and got away with?

whats the point of playing games if you cheat, especially mp games

To irritate people and to feel better about myself

I hacked in maplestory to have a bot grind for me a very long time ago. I was never banned or even reported, but I felt bad about it afterwards.

>Playing War Rock
>There's this glitch where you change the name of a couple map files
>You'll spawn under the map and have vision of people above you
>Keep sniping people from beyond the map
>Always the best player
I never got caught for that, but I did use an actual trainer to give me like infinite ammo and health and shit, but obviouslyI got caught with that.

my aim is so good it already feels like im cheating and everyone hackcuses me already anyway, so i get to piss people off while not feeling like a pleb because it's legit.


i feel guilty but it was more of a troll attempt because i couldn't git gud.

now i play overwatch and that shit is so braindead i dont have to hack to be good.

this is exactly why i stopped playing multiplayer PC games. if any of you PCcucks ever wondered why consoles have more players this is the reason.

Don't feel bad about pre big bang botting. That grind was painful.

This, best feeling.

Same here, I was even accused of cheating on a local LAN tournament. Even when there was people watching my monitor.

They claimed both anti-flash toggle and aimbot toggle in cs 1.6.

I laughed all the way to first price.

>cousin hacks in MW2 (wallhacks / aimbot / ammo)
>gets banned repeatedly because he would nuke maps in fucking minutes
>finally gets perma banned
>cries bitch tears about it
>literally fucking cries on vent about it
>tears and everything
>none of us are sympathetic, in fact, we insult him for hacking like a cheapshit
>tries emailing Activision but they constantly deny his request to be unbanned
>we laugh about it and continue playing
>asks us to buy him a new copy on a new account
>endlessly tell him to fuck off

Still hacks today I think. I remember him having an insane shitfit on Normiebook when his PSN account got banned because he was hacking in GTAV and a bunch of other games.

Best part were all his friends replying that he deserves it and needs to stop hacking like a bitch. One apparently wouldn't play with him anymore because he got banned for being grouped with him.

I really can't understand people like this.

this is assburgers without all the memeing

It's funny because that's exactly what some cheaters do.

I can witness them do something incredibly blatant like spinbotting, locking onto heads through walls, prefiring multiple spots multiple times with no way of knowing a person is there, etc. I'll call them out on it and someone in the server will spec him for a second and then say "he's clearly not hacking you retard".

Why does someone think they can spec an accused person for a minute or two and conclude that that person isn't cheating? It's infuriating.

>inb4 someone brings up an instance in which someone was accused of cheating and probably weren't
I know those instances exist, but I'm not talking about those.

Not shitting, my entire year level in school played that shit every time we were in the computer labs, which was quite often in grade 6.

Well, the boys did at least, I don't think the girls had any interested in being a beast in Double Helix.

i cheat because my dad whipped me with a belt while shoving vegetables up my ass :[

wrong. behavior, personality, and intelligence are largely heritable traits.

you cheat because you inherited dysfunctional genes, dysfunctional genes which happened to cause your father to be abusive toward you.

(this applies to the children of single mothers btw)

I've never cheated in any MP games, but I've been banned for cheating a bunch of times. Wallhack and/or aimbot usually.

So it's like the exact reverse. Don't cheat, but get banned for cheating anyway.

>I don't think the girls had any interested in being a beast in Double Helix.
I torrented it when it came out and played the shit out of the first one and its MP

But then again my Mom ended up being a Quake/TFC addict so it runs in the blood I guess.

I am legitimately jelly of her old PC game collection she won't let me touch, lots of Apple 2/old IBM games and the hardware to go with it. I'm glad I grew up with a mom with patrician taste in vidya.

>What games have you cheated and got away with?
None, I'm not a fucking baby. If I met you on that SF2 server and had a suspicion you walled I'd go out of my way to buttfuck you for my own pleasure.

Lucky you have a parent who embraces your own passion/hobby

My parents aren't too bad, but they blindly fall to media propaganda about gaming in general. At least my bro loves games too

>suck so hard you have to cheat
>feel better about myself

especially when the game says in console that someone swapped to spectator mode