>rampant afk scripting (top players caught doing it too)
>rng crates with csgo key system
>no one wants to play the game properly anymore at least competitively all they care about is skins/items
>all people talk about in chat is crates or items
>influx of cs go skin kiddies who are terrible and toxic as fuck.

RIP Rocket League another great game ruined by greed.

How do we fix it?

You can't the cancer has begun, i give it a year before its CSGO, there is no going back now.

>Play competitive game
>70% chance some guy leaves or stands afk
God fucking damnit what is wrong with people, these matches take like 5 fucking minutes.
I'm not even taking the rage quitters or shitters leaving after they're 2-0 behind into that.

>rampant afk scripting

I thought removing the ability to buy/sell them would remove the appeal for that kinda crowd

ahhh, the joys of being a supreme massturd race. Enjoy it, you've paid hard for the privilege, after all.

git gud

Fuck off, this game was NEVER good. Tryhard wannabe digital athletics bullshit.

Every single game that was made with the intention of being a competitive esport is fucking trash. All the quality ones developed their competitiveness organically.

>supreme massturd race

What are you on about? Rocket League isn't PC exclusive and it even controls lot better with a gamepad.

Hey but rumble is cool

at least you don't have to pay to play online

If only you could play the game with friends, or something.

>play it on the PS4
>even got it for "free"
>just hop in, play and have fun

This is honestly why PC will never be the """Master Race""".

The community, specially on Steam, is so shit and cancerous that it's just not worth it for any Online games.

Cheating is also always rampant and always leaves you with a bitter taste in your mouth from time to time.


What is afk scripting and how does it work?


>play every day quite a few hours
>never seen that happening

sounds a bit like yer full a shit OP

i just played 10 games in a row 8 had afkers in.

what region do you play in?

never seen that happen in comp european servers

No-one is arguing against consoles being better for casual gaming and casual gamers.

2 games were in doubles and 6 games were in solo standard, its pathetic

>solo standard
Find some partners and play (non-solo) standard.

This, I get afkers sometimes but not often, and I'm only challenger

What rank are you in op?

>played 40 hours since the update
>happened once where a guy forfeit straight away in 1v1

Sure thing, buddy. afk scripting and sking chasing it's the very definition of hardcore, I'm more of a casual player myself

> Rocket League isn't PC exclusive

That behavior of the community in the OP is, though.

any the PS4 community is any better?

>say gg ez as soon as my team is in front
>tell them to leave the game after every goal
>sometimes they actually do
>sometimes they'll fuck the game just to bash me about or type away responses
>post-game salt is always premium

Massively enjoying this "toxic" gimmick

You do know rocket league uses the same server for pc and ps4 nerds right

Rocket League was always shit though.

Be careful with your insults user, they're actually banning people now. Only for 24 hours but still.

you may actually get banned for this now

I was about to ask what the fuck you were talking about but then I realised


I played it for 2 hours today and never had any problem. I'm only Challenger Elite so I don't know what you're on about. Maybe don't play unranked?

Who cares about the crates. Its all about the gameplay, which is really fun

>that one guy in this thread trying to make this a pc vs console war thread

wew lad

Well AFKers are just going to go down the rankings since they'll always lose, so this is a prospect problem.

What? Are there any reports of that with quotes what they were saying?

isn't the game cross-plataform though?

Should probably go check then after how long I was at it yesterday.

So I just got the game for the first time yesterday. I've heard nothing but praise for it, but what really stuck out to me immediately is the monetization. I need to buy keys to unlock the loot crates that drop? Guess I should just toss them then. Seems really fucking weird to an oldfag. Haven't played CS since source so I don't know how they work in that game.

Haven't notice anymore afkers than usual
Prospect elite btw.
I play solo standard too and only once have I seen this.

The reasoning is that a percentage will go to the RCLS money prize. To me, this makes it more justifiable to support, but I get that the system is still kinda fucked.

>Who cares about the crates. Its all about the gameplay, which is really fun

Apparently everyone that is not you or me

Nice 0/10 bait

>Mfw I was losing 5-0, they said "gg ez" and my team won 5-6 and we all said "gg ez"

There is truly no better feeling.

I like a good "Fuck you" from them to top it off.

Fuck it all. I love this game. I love the free updates

i've never even seen anyone talking about items in chat even after the match ends

i've never seen anyone idling in comp

wtf are you people on about???

Nobody used to bite a mere "gg easy" before, but now people get upset as fuck. I'm happy the game got more popular, the post-game is way more fun now. And it's needed since there's like three trillion goddamn screens before you can queue up for a game again holy shit what are those retards thinking

People aren't chatting in the console versions.
Neither are they scripting.
So you were saying?

>update happens
>third worlders on voice comms begging for free items not even paying attention to the game

keeps happening and it so fucking annoying.

chatting in the PC version is basically to talk shit, never seen anyone talking about trade items.

you sound a bit like a frustrated console player who needs something to bitch about.

You sound a bit like you're moving goalposts in order to win this argument.
The point is that the problems in the OP are present solely in the pc version and not in the console ones.

about 60% of the skins and shit on PC don't exist on PS4, afaik
the game is sans cancer

>i've never even seen anyone talking about items in chat even after the match ends

Should see a guy I know, 350 odd hours and good at the game but he'll happily just sit on 4v4 for the day badgering everyone for crate 1s.

>mfw I'm sitting on 5 of the bastards and he has no idea

So there is absolutely no way to obtain keys in game without spending real money? A little disappointing if so.

In reference to the thread's topic, yesterday was my first time playing and over the course of six or so hours I did encounter a lot of afk teammates. Maybe one every four games or so. On ps4.

Wouldn't the skins have to be on both for cross platform to work without seeing a whole lot of default car with default skin?

you sound like a whiny bitch user