Hey Sup Forums bet you wish you bought that season pass now

Hey Sup Forums bet you wish you bought that season pass now.

Is it going to be a skybox with nothing interesting in it?

Man, imagine being able to play a better rendition of this right now.

I like how they put space ships on there but there is no space combat

>Still no space battles
>Still no Galactic Conquest
>Still no campaign

Nah, its shit.

>a massive skybox without a ground plane
>choice of on rails aircraft or stationary turret
>spectators can be stormtroopers on the death star and either watch it explode from the inside or watch the on rails x-wings fail.

Hwoly fuck I'm going to be 20 copies right now.


That's why i didn't brought season pass.
Waiting for Battlefront 2 Clone Wars.

Still holding out for Yoda.

Got it for free and still feel like I got ripped off

his flaccid, worn-out, cum-dripping boi pucci

My Ass.

>clone wars
It's going to be battlefront 2 episode 7
Plus the "I rebel" dlc with one (one) map from rogue one

Campaign in previous Battlefront was literally offline bot matches retard

Then im waiting for Battlefield 3 obviously.

why is the EA logo part of the entire battlefront logo

People who bought this game should be sterilized

It had an interesting EU story and there is literally nothing wrong with bot matches. No bot matches is the sole reason I haven't bought this

Literately (you).

Are you afraid of other people or what? Bad internet connection?

Why the shit is a fucking transport shuttle taking part in the battle.

That's like a news chopper joining a bunch of military jets to fight a bunch of other military jets.

New Battlefront has bot matches dingus

The worst thing about the game is that it's really hard to come back. Pretty much the first Y-wing attack in Walker assault is going to determine how the rest of the match goes. Ironically, the smaller modes play better.

Eating shit is disgusting, user

My actual ass?
It's hyperbole based on how underwhelming the base game was.

How long have you actually even been on Sup Forums
Are you an actual marketer/shill?
Because you clearly don't understand the sarcasm here...

Then don't eat it you sick fuck, and take you preferences to /ck/, we discuss video games in here.

I refuse to put in time to become good at shitty games
Not the kind I want

Calling people kids on the Interwebs huh Terry? Youre gonna regret that when I'm done with you!

I'd be fine if they just brought back the servers for it

>Not the kind I want

What other kind is there, you literally can play on multiplayer maps against bots

>buying anything from EA

see, if this was Sup Forums back in the day, OP would get visibly saged to kingdom fuck and the thread would be over

>mfw fossil games like Tie Fighter have still better or equal gameplay

>we discuss video games here
shit videogames

>Back then
Do you even know what sage does

>all this time
>still no arguments but "I-it's shit"
>like a child holding its hands over its ears

spot the newfag: ez mode

>almost two years and they still scrapping original trilogy
why bother?

The movie was over 32 years later and they were still trying to knock off the original.

>wanting prequel garbage over force awakens

Shut Joker, you died. No one going to hurt me anymore.
You are shit user, you are.

fuck no

star wars is boring at this point
only menchildren that canĀ“t let go of their childhood still care about it

t. Joined in 2008

Its not a matter of opinion

EA guts franchises

You're a dumb piece of shit for supporting it

>Its not a matter of opinion
It is retard. You reason why i never take any Sup Forums opinion in to consideration. Fucking idiot.

the bf4 dlcs are free now by the way

>i never take any Sup Forums opinion in to consideration.
>people still trying to squirm out of a discussion using this stale meme
If that were true you would not be here. There is no other reason to post on Sup Forums.

>only reason post on Sup Forums is shitposting
No. Some people are actually discus video games.

all of them?

yes, also on all platforms. since i own bf4 and bf1 runs only with silky smooth 25 fps on my pc i hope bf1 flops and everyone play bf4 instead