why did both fail on PC?
Majority of console users are moving to 4K and VR
800 burgerbucks peripheral on top of 500 burgerbucks grafix card.
cuz most pcfats are underage kids with moms laptop
>Majority of console users are moving to 4K and VR
[Citation needed]
1, people are cheap and don't want to spend extra for 4k when it's still hard to hit 4k and 60fps.
2. VR is the worst fucking meme ever and if you fell for that you deserve the -800$
ask carmack
And then Rage happened.
>console players
>younger, want good graphics and immersive experience
>pc players
>just want good gameplay
because it's more accessible on consoles.
way more people have PS4s than a PC that can run VR
When was the last time Carmack worked on anything involving vidya?
ask sony.
>upscaling from 1080 counts as 4k these days
Guess I'm playing diablo 1&2 in 1080p then.
>Every PS4 is the same
That is literally not true anymore.
Who else is ready for the future of optimizing for the top spec and having all the other versions runs like Shadow of Mordor?
ain't gonna happen, basic business
"We see that you're not enjoying that game? Why's that?"
"It runs like garbage at 1600x900"
"Well then we have the product for you!"
There's this little thing called investors. Companies have obligations towards them, and cutting out 98%+ of your potential market is not one. Not even crytek is that stupid anymore.
>Not even crytek is that stupid anymore
Probably because they were forced to fire the ones involved in said stupid decision or go bankrupt
They're not cutting the 40 million PS4 owners out, they're purposefully making those consoles run the new games like shit so you'll want to upgrade.
>Not even crytek is that stupid anymore
Is that why their Crytek engine is a giant piece of shit and runs horribly, just like PS4 games will?
Rage/Doom3 BFG
>Majority of console users are moving to 4K and VR
no, they are not
thread over
>Doom3 BFG
Ah yes, the "remaster" that managed to be worse than modded Doom 3. Good job
VR is for retards
4k is ridiculously expensive and it's impossible to hit 4k 60fps with max settings with modern games
I downsample from 4k or use good antialiasing all the time, but its not my native resolution since im using a 50 inch tv
2k is more practical, you can hardly see the difference between that and 4k, really its just a meme, the new consoles are more about competing with PC and VR when that eventually takes off, which i guess might happen sooner thanks to these new consoles, actually
4K isn't really that special on a small monitor, it really is more of a big screen experience even though it would be better on smaller screens.
VR has bad support right now because all the games are just proof of concept tech demo tier. Sony and Microsoft putting down big money allows for better development for the low quality VR titles. on the bright side Microsoft VR games will end up on the PC so all is well.
Because consol tards have no choice.
Shity fps and forced hardware is they get.
Source? Of course you don't have one, because one doesn't exist.
ran nice on the consoles, but please stay mad.