>sakamoto and his tiny ghetto team will spend the rest of their careers working on mobile shit
feels good
I remembuh
Did samus get BLACKED in the ending?
You're the only good thing about this game so yeah.
He just shouldn't be around Samus at all. Sakamoto is great when it comes to WarioWare or Rhythm Heaven.
Witness me.
Someone had to comfort her when Adam died
He filled the emptyness in her heart.
Among other places
Man, hopes were so high for this game, how did it go so wrong?
When they decided it
>Didn't need a soundtrack
>Didn't need a nunchuck
>Let you replenish your missiles whenever you wanted at no cost
>Moved around a 3D environment on a D-Pad
>Locked you in place in first person
>Gated you with no backtracking allowed until post-game
>Didn't let you 100% the game until post-game
>Didn't let you skip the cutscenes the first playthrough
>Made you play spot the pixel to continue
>Made you endure clunky walking segments where you couldn't engage with anything and just clanked along until you met the objective
>Introduced sensemove, overshot and lethal blow so you could wreck anything that wasn't a boss
>Gave you half the amount of areas that Fusion had
>Instantly showed you where a powerup was as soon as you cleared the room of enemies
>Locked power bombs behind the post-game
>Every single fucking thing about the story, dialogue, cutscenes and characters holy fucking shit jesus christ
Well that's what I call Metroid other M in one post.
people thought that things would be back on track by now
metroid will never recover from other m and deep down you all knew this back in 2010
this is pasta worthy
AM2R could've helped. Fucking corporate bloodsuckers at Nintendo.
It did help show that there's still a lot of interest in traditional metroid.
Unfortunately Nintendo more than likely does not give a fuck and higherups don't even know about it.
There are as many classic Metroid clones as there are Earthbound inspired games, I'm sure you can find some to keep you satiated
the closest nintendo ever came to acknowledging these metroid copycats is when sakamoto briefly talked about shadow complex
he didn't seem to think very highly of it
Hopefully it's because we're getting a Metroid 2 remake.
Retro have been working on a game since Tropical Dong and Nintendo wanted them to go back to Metroid. Retro wanted to remake Metroid 2 ever since the first Prime came out, even going as far as to actually draw up a proposal to Nintendo
Hopefully it means that AM2R had to die because Retro are releasing their Metroid 2 remake. If Nintendo were bros they'd actually have the Original Metroid 2 ROM in game, the cancelled Game Boy Color version as well as AM2R after all the fan response. It'd go a long way to mending fences.
Why is Sup Forums so obsessed with black cock?
I can't help it, this place did this to me.
I also a closet furry now